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SEO & Case Study Copywriter

Service providers—it’s time to…

Make SEO drive more (of the right) traffic to your site.


I knew I wanted Brittany to write a case study for my own clients after I read the one she wrote about me—and I cried. She was able to craft a fantastic case study just by me answering a few questions! I was completely blown away.”

Leah Bryant, Podcast Producer

I understand the value of SEO—but I have no interest in understanding it. And thanks to Brittany, I don’t have to!

Dallas Travers, Founder of The Hive

Working with Brittany on this case study gave me a moment to celebrate all that I’ve been able to accomplish!

Ashleigh Chanél, Facebook & Instagram Ads Strategist

With more than 3.5 Billion searches (yes, with a “B”... just like me) happening on Google each day…

And the insight that incorporating social proof like testimonials increases revenue by 62%

It would be SUPER SILLY 📣 to not include SEO & social proof (e.g., case studies) as part of your business marketing strategy.

As a former straight-A student, recovering perfectionist, & lover of learning—I say we take a shot at this extra credit situation!

Because extra credit for business owners = MORE clients & MORE money 💰💰💰

Hold up… Take a deep breath because

This work won’t require YOU to

  • look at keywords

  • know anything about SEO

  • earn a mini masters degree in marketing

…that is all my job. Mine!

This SEO-based copywriting & marketing approach WILL:

  • Bring MORE of those right-fit clients to your digital door (your website)

  • Boost your bottom line (make you more money)

  • Build your authority (people should just know you know what you’re doing, but uh… we need to prove that to them)

  • Light up your soul (’cuz me doing work I ❤️ means you can keep doing work you ❤️)

How do we do this thing? ⤵️

SEO → gets them to your site

You do a great job connecting w/ people on Instagram (#same). But keyword-rich & strategically crafted web copy (hello SEO) has staying power. AND! Allows you to attract the right clients from the start.

Story → hooks & engages

There are so many types of stories. And they all have a beginning, middle, & end. Those components grab peoples’ attention & place them smack in the middle of the action!

Social proof → SELLS!

Client wins, screenshots, & testimonials—oh my! With social proof, your smarts and proven methods are on FULL display. The reader feels the possibilities, trust is built, & money is made!

Ok, so but who the heck are you? ↓

Hi, I’m Brittany (or B)! 🐝

Copywriter by way of massage therapy & the pandemic. (<< we’re not gonna talk about that though…)

Service providers call me ☎️ when they’re tired of being the internet’s best kept secret & they want to start getting found online.

And *whispers* making money while living a life away from Instagram.

All of this is possible—with the power of SEO, story, & social proof.

Brittany is so awesome! The SEO Strategy Sheets for my site were FANTASTIC! My team and I have been able to easily update web pages based on her recommendations.”

Brooke Richie-Babbage, Nonprofit Consultant & Coach

“I want…”

» to know how to do keyword research (or have someone do it for me)

» to put that same focused effort into my site that I did with LinkedIn

» case study copywriting (or a program that shows me what to do)

» an easy-to-implement (read: copy+paste) SEO strategy

» simply said: to get eyes & get conversions

Grab an SEO resource before you go!

(I love giving gifts 🎉)

For when you’re newer to SEO & just want to know what to put & where to put it on the page:

For when you’ve heard of case studies & want to see what they can do for your business:

Testimonials (*ahem* more social proof) in action, friend:

I didn’t know the relief I’d feel after getting my SEO finally done! Brittany made the process so incredibly easy!”

Brenna McGowan, Pre-Launch Strategist & Fractional CMO

“I’m so grateful for Brittany’s direction on where to start optimizing for SEO on my site.

Donna Piper MA, Akashic Records Reader & Relationship Coach

Brittany made everything extremely easy & she was super organized when sending everything over.”

Dr. Scherina, Network Spinal Chiropractor in Orlando, FL

Like being social on social media? Awesome! Come find me on Instagram! Or Threads!