Blog Topic Idea: Repurpose an Email

Say “blogging” to a business owner & most of us start panicking. “How long does it need to be?” “How do I optimize the images?” “How often should I publish a post?” Thankfully, when it comes to dreaming up an amazing blog topic—you needn’t look further than your inbox. That’s right! Your next blog post might be an email you recently wrote & shared with your subscribers.

What you’re about to read is an email I sent to my list just 2 days ago.

(I’ll write another blog soon about how to actually repurpose an email as a blog post, but for now I just want you to see what it can look like and to know that an easy blog post IS possible for you too!)

Oh, and for comparison—here’s a link to the original email.

Listen to this podcast interview with Breanna Owen & Brittany Herzberg about turning an email into a blog post:

Hey you! And welcome to your weekly roundup email (for the week of Feb 19-23, 2024).

I've been so off my game the last few weeks—life. tech. little fires everywhere.


But I'm not letting that stop me from sharing some really incredible things with you!


This question came through during the How to Blog w/ SEO training:

“What’s the ideal length of an H1 heading for a blog post?”

ID: screenshot of the question Brittany got from a student in her how to blog with SEO email course.

Quick aside…

In my world as an SEO copywriter, the “blog title” is what gets formatted as the H1.

The H1 headline is the BIG, bold text you generally see at the top of a web page or blog post, in this case.

There’s also something called an SEO title. That is the blue hyperlink people see on the Google search results page.

Ok, now here’s my answer…

Aim to have your H1 heading be ~60 characters (some people even like to have their H1 & SEO titles match).


Because... sometimes Google decides to use your H1 heading instead of your SEO title.

So if you either:

  1. keep your H1 around 60 characters OR 

  2. have your H1 & SEO titles be the same ensure—no matter which text Google uses—they're sharing what you want them to share with readers.



It kinda just makes sense for me to share about the training I'm running after sharing that!

We’re on Day 5 of The How to Blog w/ SEO email course.

Day 5 is all about: Simple SEO for Blogs.

I always get the best feedback from students—and there's no shortage of it this time either!

  • "Perfect timing, I need some accountability!"

  • "I'm excited! I have a goal of writing 1 blog 😂"

  • "I’m loving working through the SEO Blog course again… thank you!"

Quick shoutout to K (she sent that last quote) who's inspired some BIG ideas with this course (don't worry—I told her in a 1:1 email too!). 

Here are my thoughts on what I could add to make this course EVEN more amazing:

  • create a vlog where I piece together clips of me actually working through creating a blog

  • video training of exactly how to take an email & repurpose it as a blog

  • video training on how to create content clusters to help map out multiple blog posts

  • video training on how to track the “success” of a blog (KPIs to monitor)

  • invite students back for future rounds of the course (for a tiny fee) so they get accountability and the most up-to-date, best experience possible

...we'll see if I get any of these new resources done while I've got this current group 😅 

Speaking of which... 

There’s one resource I always love promoting alongside the training—Styled Stock Society images & templates.

(I’m known for sending personalized BTS tour videos of the Styled Stock dashboard. If you’d like one, comment below or contact me!)


I've shared about it recently, but dang! I just can't get over how smart my clients are.

Project #1: Repurpose Emails as Blogs

E came to me at the end of 2023 wanting to turn some of her emails into blogs AND get some SEO support for new blogs she wants to write.

(I totally took inspiration from her with this very email-turned-blog post you’re reading right now!)

This week, we wrapped up with her deliverables 🎉 (always a bittersweet moment)

She got:

  • keyword research & SEO strategy for 4 blogs

  • content ideas for future blogs

  • Voxer support & Loom video explainers

Thankfully, I know my time isn't over with E! We're continuing with this email-to-blog SEO-ification support & I cannot contain my excitement.


Project #2: SEO Packet for a Local Business

I booked a new client for an SEO Packet 🎉

This client was actually a massage client years ago (but I won't go into how many otherwise T & I will feel old, hah!)

T helps run a plant nursery in NC. Our "sales call" was kinda hilarious!

We couldn't for the life of us get Zoom to work—so we went old school & got on an old fashioned phone call. ☎️


I was able to walk T & her boss through everything in the SEO Packet & only needed to email them 1 document to visually guide them through that deliverable.

(I am nothing if not flexible 😂)

The good news: they loved the packet (& me)!

The even better news: they booked for June—so there's still space for you if you wanna get in here & snag a spot before then!

T's email gave me all the smiles! ⬇️

ID: screenshot of email from a new client that says "very glad to be able to give you our business!"


I've been in a serious reflection mode recently & this week's "aha moment" was this...

There's only one of me—I cannot (and don't even want to) help everyone. 

But! Everyone can help themselves.


Everyone can get search engines (like Google) to help them!


By following the most BASIC best practices for SEO.

Things that I cover in…

My why is very much tied to empowering you.

I want YOU to at least have a high-level understanding of SEO—keyword research, content creation (blogs), & connection points (links, buttons, backlinks, etc.).

When YOU get that & then your team gets that—it's game-changing.

You're not throwing darts in the dark & guessing.

You're taking confident next steps & working from a strategic plan.

And I reeeeeally want that for you!


In an effort to practice what I preach, I want to share my social proof for the week!

So here's my first installment:

  1. Erin Perkins will be joining me soon on The Basic B Podcast for an episode about SEO + accessibility! She said I asked amazing questions during our last interview and just... *chef's kiss*

  2. I invited a fellow podcast host to join me as a guest for the show & her feedback about my emails giving confetti vibes just made my heart smile!

  3. Lauren C. Nelson & I recently wrapped an SEO Packet for her brand & she shared these words on LinkedIn—I need you to know I teared up. I love my clients!

⬇️⬇️⬇️ The receipts ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Screenshot of Erin Perkins message to podcast host Brittany Herzberg that says "you asked such awesome questions!"
ID: screenshot of an email response that says "even your emails give off confetti vibes!"
Screenshot of Lauren C Nelson's comment on a LinkedIn post about enjoying working with Brittany Herzberg

I'm off to get interviewed for another summit & write a DFY blog for a client.

Have a happy weekend 🥰


Don't miss this week's podcast episodes ⬇️

Each week, The Basic B gives you 2 incredible (often actionable) episodes.


  • a guest interview with one of my clients, mentors, or business friends OR 

  • a solo show where we go deep on something related to SEO, storytelling, or social proof


  • the short-n-sassy series—covering a wide range of topics & giving you an actionable tidbit or big aha moment!

Like what you've been hearing?

→ Follow the show + leave a review (on Apple, YouTube, or Spotify)

Have a question you want me to answer (about SEO, storytelling, or social proof)?

Submit your question & I'll answer it on a future show!

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Importance of Business Contracts w/ Yasmine Salem Hamdan


Quick Win: SEO Title + Meta Descriptions