How to Have a Successful Business w/ Celi Arias

I once heard that entrepreneurship is the most spiritual journey you can go on.

I loved the line so much I decided to hire that brilliant woman as my business & mindset coach. Today—I’m going to introduce you to her!

I know some really incredible people—business mentors, peers, clients, etc. And one of my favorite things to do is introduce you to them! Today I’ve got a very special guest—my business & mindset coach, Celi Arias. If you’ve been in my world for the last year, you know I talk about Celi often! With good reason. 

Celi has helped me do a number of things—finally look at my data, set (and achieve) business goals, create a business vision, pair down my offer suite, set better prices for my offers. But! Celi was really just my guide along the way. I did the work!

What most business coaches aren’t telling you… 

is that you get to do this business thing YOUR way. You get to create the business vision of your dreams! You get to determine the type of business you have and how much money you want to make each year. But that’s what Celi’s coaching is founded on—you and your wants/needs.

In this episode, Celi and I discuss what makes her and her business coaching program (G.A.B. Accelerator) so vastly different from other coaches and coaching programs you’ll see on the internet.

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • How to know if you need business coaching or mindset coaching

  • The biggest advantage of combining business & mindset coaching

  • What to do if you don’t feel passionate about your business

  • What Brittany’s experience working with Celi has been like

  • If it’s ever too late to fix your business foundations

  • How to create a business vision unique to you

  • How the comparison trap on social media can derail your business

  • Why Celi started the G.A.B. Accelerator

  • The pieces that every single business needs

Meet Celi:

Celi Arias takes her 25+ years of expertise in growing, scaling, and selling 7+figure businesses across various industries to help her clients map out a doable, effective, step-by-step plan for real-world business growth using her proven Grown Ass Business™ framework.

Links & Mentioned Resources:

Take the Quiz

G.A.B. Accelerator (open 3x’s per year)

Generate leads organically w/ Celi (YouTube video)

Vivid Vision (book)

Connect w/ Celi:




Connect w/ Brittany:






This episode of The Basic B podcast is brought to you in partnership w/ Leah Bryant Co.! Help me reach more service providers like you by following the show & leaving a rating or review on Apple & Spotify!

The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Basic B podcast follows

Brittany Herzberg (00:02.742)

Welcome back to The Basic Bee Podcast. I'm so excited to have you here and thank you whether you're tuning in on YouTube, on Apple, Spotify or one of the other, I don't know, dozen or so podcast platforms. I'm really excited to have you here. And I'm stoked to have my business and mindset coach here with us today, Sully. We're gonna be talking about how to have a grown ass business. But before we get to it, quick intro so you know a little bit more about Sully.

We just found out this morning that we're both nine in numerology, like nine life path, if you know anything about that. In case you've been living under a rock and you haven't been watching my stories or been in my world for the last year, you might not know that Sully is my business coach and mindset coach. She is pretty incredible. She has taken her 25 plus years of expertise in growing, scaling, and selling seven figure businesses across various industries to help her clients map out a doable.

effective step-by-step plan for real world business growth using her grown-ass business framework. And she was supposed to be a preacher, but now she helps regulate your business's nervous system. It's fascinating. So hi, Sally. I'll stop talking about you and talk to you now.

Celi (01:13.592)

Hi, thank you. That was a good, thank you. That was a good intro. I was like, yeah, and I love your intros, which is a major compliment, because I am totally that person who skips over the intros.

Brittany Herzberg (01:19.166)

I love this. You love my intros. I'm very here for this.

Brittany Herzberg (01:27.742)

I am too. So thank you. I so appreciate that. Before I get into all of the questions that I have in mind to ask you, I'm going to ask you the one question I ask all my guests, which is, and there's no wrong answer. It's a trippy one. So which do you believe is the most important for sales? SEO, storytelling, or social proof?

Celi (01:31.836)

I'm sorry.

Celi (01:51.848)

for sales themselves, the actual sale, I'm gonna say storytelling.

Brittany Herzberg (01:53.599)


Brittany Herzberg (01:57.29)

I like it. Why? Why do you say that?

Celi (02:01.264)

SEO might attract the people to you and attract the right people to you, but the reason people buy ultimately is because on some level, in their emotional scale and in the way they're wired, on some level they connected with you. And I think stories are the easiest way for people to connect with you.

Brittany Herzberg (02:19.554)


Brittany Herzberg (02:26.934)

For sure. I love it. Mmhmm.

Celi (02:28.328)

And that's why people buy. So if you're not telling, and this is coaching, I'm basically talking to myself right now. I have 500 million stories because I've been in business for so long and there's so many stories I don't tell. And I'll tell a story to a client in a call or in a training and they're like, you should totally tell that story in your content. That was such a good story. And I'm like, yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (02:34.691)


Celi (02:50.908)

So that's also... Don't do as I do, do as I say. Ha ha ha.

Brittany Herzberg (02:56.398)

Oh my gosh, that has come up so much this week. Because of you, I was introduced to threads. I now hang out on threads a ton. And that was one of the threads that came up. It was like, do you not do the thing that you tell other people to do in your business? And I'm like, yeah, not me only having one case study on my website.

Celi (03:12.812)

Yeah, I know. I mean, I really do have amazing stories for days and I don't really, I kind of, my whole strategy is I focus on my clients first and so that I don't always get to actually doing as much content and storytelling in my content as I would like, but my clients come first and that's just, that's my focus, so.

Brittany Herzberg (03:16.512)

You do.

Brittany Herzberg (03:34.798)

I love it. You do have amazing stories. We need to hear more of them. So okay, let's start, let's just like dive into this. Over the last year that I've known you, I've really seen what you do, who you help, how you help shift and evolve. What has that like, can you let us into that journey a little bit? Like what does that look like? What does that even felt like?

Celi (03:38.692)


Celi (04:00.728)

Yeah, I think, well, what I do and who I do it for and how it's evolved, is that the question?

Brittany Herzberg (04:06.79)

Yeah, yeah, just like that journey and really like your messaging especially has transformed.

Celi (04:12.13)

Yeah, would I?

do is really intentional. I was just talking to somebody about it this morning. What I do is, so I am a business strategist through and through. I've been in all types of businesses. I've led businesses. I've been a COO. I've been a founder. I've been a CEO. I've been a business growth coach in different coaching firms. So I'm really a business growth strategist and I add mindset into that.

Brittany Herzberg (04:43.896)


Celi (04:44.2)

But the way that I do it over time, I've gotten really, really clear that mindset is so important and so detrimental to you as a business owner and as a CEO and to you as a human. And mindset doesn't fix a broken business. If you have a broken pricing strategy, if you have a broken business model that has you overworked and burnt out.

Brittany Herzberg (05:05.956)


Celi (05:13.84)

Um, if there are things foundationally in the way you have built the organism of your business, mindset's not going to fix that mindset might make you more resilient for sure. It has made me more resilient and it doesn't actually fix the strategy and the systems that you've put in place and how you've engineered your business model to support you, to support your life, to support.

who you wanna be in the world. It doesn't actually do that. So the way that I coach is what I do is I intentionally build out the, I make sure that you have really, really strong business foundations first. And I build it out with you. So everyone has a custom business strategy and plan built for their business and their vision and who they are.

And what happens on that journey as we build out these key pillars of business and as we really optimize your product market fit and who is your market and how do you speak to them? And what is your positioning statements and how do you really talk to them? And how are you connecting them? And where are you connecting with them? As we optimize your pricing strategy, as we optimize your offer suite, as we optimize your relationship to your finances and cashflow and metrics and numbers and data.

as we optimize your marketing channels and where, like as we do all these key business things and business strategies, what happens when we're doing them is your mindset stuff, which by mindset I mean your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, past experiences, emotions, right? Your stuff comes up to the surface. It's like I'm putting in these, I'm building these building blocks or strengthening these building blocks and through the cracks of those blocks.

your mindset stuff comes up. So what we do is we ensure that you have a really strong business model to stand on that supports you and what you want in life. And as your stuff and your story and your narrative and your history comes up, then we can address it. But if we're only just addressing the mindset stuff, we never really fix those blocks.

Brittany Herzberg (07:24.734)


Celi (07:33.06)

And mindset is actually easier to address when you feel confident about the blocks you're standing on. So when you're like, okay, great, I feel really good about my pricing strategy, and you're right, those are my offers, and I don't need to add another offer. You're right, and I don't need to add a down ticket. And those are my offers, and I have a sales projections plan, and I have a plan of when I need to sell how many for how much, and I feel good about that.

Brittany Herzberg (07:40.977)


Celi (08:02.344)

There's a sense of ease and confidence and belief in the foundation of your business that now allows you to address that sneaky thought and mindset thing that's maybe getting in your way of being more visible, or of getting on a sales call without feeling salesy, or of pitching yourself for a podcast or a community or whatever it is, right? When you feel really solid in the business model, you're freed up.

to now address some of that other stuff that's going to get in your way because we all have our stuff. I have my stuff, you have your stuff. But what happens is when it gets all intermingled, we get confused about what's actually a business strategy and what's actually mindset. So that I've gotten, after doing it this way for the past year, I've gotten really clear that there's something really magical about doing it this way. And...

Brittany Herzberg (08:31.956)


Celi (09:02.824)

there's something really transformative that happens quite quick, quite fast for my clients. And it's so fun to watch. It's so fun. It's so satisfying because when my clients start to go, oh, that's a mindset problem. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to address like, oh, no, I'm just having a business strategy problem. Let me ask you strategically what I should do here. You know, like when they start to know the difference, I'm like,

Brittany Herzberg (09:07.086)


Celi (09:31.6)

So yeah, that's what's involved. I'm much more confident that this approach, there's something really, really real here and something magical because I'm watching my clients transform in front of me and just talk, speak differently about their businesses. And so I'm just like, okay, this is really cool. Did anybody see that? Did anybody else see that? That was really cool. What she just did right in front of anybody, just me. Okay, yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (09:46.908)


Brittany Herzberg (09:52.388)


Brittany Herzberg (09:58.542)

I gotta say, you definitely addressed one of the things that's unique about you, which I haven't seen anyone combine business, coaching and strategy and mindset in the way that you do. That was one thing that really drew me to you, was I was so ready for that. I was so ready for change and so ready for that transformation and things to just shift in a really big way. So when you were talking about that, I was like, oh my gosh, that. I need that. I need that right now.

Celi (10:24.593)


Brittany Herzberg (10:24.718)

And it's been, it really has been powerful and magical to have that happen in my life and in my own business, but also, like you said, to watch everybody else evolve too. That has been so fun. And even as you're like talking about the different examples, I'm like, oh, that's so and so, oh, that's so and so, oh, I've seen that happen on a mindset call. It's just so fun. So I couldn't agree with you more that is such a unique way to help business owners in not only business, but also life.

Celi (10:43.313)


Brittany Herzberg (10:53.762)

But definitely the stuff that, like you said, rises to the surface within your business.

Celi (10:59.533)


Celi (11:03.916)

It's just harder to address things when they're all intermingled. Right? So if we're able to go, oh, okay, I feel really solid now. I feel on really good footing. Oh, look at that, that little belief just came up to the surface. Oh, look at that. Oh, I was warned about this. I knew this would happen. She told me this would happen. Oh, it's happening. Just the ability to do that. Just even watching this last round, this last cohort that went through the accelerator.

Brittany Herzberg (11:08.311)


Brittany Herzberg (11:24.238)

I'm sorry.

Celi (11:34.192)

We don't even really address mindset in the accelerator. We just address the fact that I'm intentionally doing this. I'm intentionally building out your solid business foundations so that you can begin to notice when your mindset is coming up. Just watching those people actually do that and be empowered to do it, it was just such a beautiful thing, right? Because somebody this weekend was like, I realize I've been...

Now that I feel strong in my numbers and feel strong in the business model and what we're doing, she runs a business with her husband. She's like, I realize I was running, I was feeling guilty and I've been running my business from a guilty place because my friend, my old business coach told me I have to feel passionate about my business and I don't feel passionate about my business. I feel passionate about...

my life and my lifestyle and being a mom and having the freedom to be a mom and having the freedom to not be at a nine to five and what my business can do for us. But I've been running on guilt because I was told by somebody that I need to feel passionate in order for it to work and be a successful business. And I was like, wow, that was like, was she, you know, it was like, okay.

And so now I'm giving you permission to not be passionate about your business.

It can also look like that. Your business can be your business. Some people are super passionate about their businesses. I'm super passionate about what I do and what I teach, and I love it, and I'm overly passionate about it. That doesn't mean all business owners have to be passionate about their business. They can just run a business that's healthy, profitable, and gives them the life they want. No guilt, no shame. But how one thing that one person said to her had been marking the journey, and then she had this moment of like,

Brittany Herzberg (13:14.062)

Mm-hmm. Ha!

Brittany Herzberg (13:27.106)


Celi (13:35.784)

Oh, I realize I'm like feeling guilty because I don't feel passionate about this business. So I've been believing that I've been doing it wrong this whole time because of one thing one person said. I was like, well, isn't that fascinating? Permission to not be passionate. You can just run a healthy, profitable business that supports your family and helps you live your life. Amen. Yay. Glory hallelujah. Like, you know, like, but.

Brittany Herzberg (13:59.81)


Celi (14:03.904)

So that's what was cool is like watching people build out a solid plan and then see their own stuff coming up and being like, Oh, oh my God, I've been feeling guilty about this. And now you're just telling me that I can just do it this way. And I'm like, yep, you can do it that way. So yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (14:19.978)

Yeah. There was one thing as you were talking, it was like, this has been a big thing working with you and just being in your world, being in all the different bubbles and on the calls and everything. And this comes up a lot is like certain coaches, something worked for them. So that's the thing that's going to work for you. And that is something that you very, I would say starkly like stand in opposition to.

Just because something works for me doesn't mean it's going to work for you. Just because something works for so-and-so doesn't mean it's going to work for you. Let's dissect what you want. One of the biggest things of working with you is coming up with a vision. I realized I had never been operating from a vision, and I was like, oh my God, what the hell? I have no clue where I want to drive this bus, but I've been happily driving the bus. So, you know, taking that and figuring out where do I want to go, and then...

Celi (15:00.496)


Celi (15:05.277)


Brittany Herzberg (15:09.682)

like you do, like most coaches do, let's reverse engineer and figure out the steps to get there. But then also let's reverse engineer the steps to get there and address the mindset things and empower you to address the mindset things on your own as they come up. That I would say is the biggest difference of working with you compared to other coaches. Even if other coaches are like, oh, I do business and mindset. Oh, I do this. Oh, I do that. It's like, no, this I have not seen done before. And I've been, I've been around the block and I have friends who have been around the block.

Celi (15:39.128)

Yeah. Well, thank you. I really appreciate that. Thank you. Cause that is what I'm trying to do. So that is my intention and I'm glad that it's felt and recognized and seen. So yeah, thank you so much. I, I do think there's a lot of compartmentalizing in the online business coaching industry and space of like

Brittany Herzberg (15:41.432)


Celi (16:06.92)

just do this one thing the way I do it. Just copy my one system, copy my one way of getting leads, copy my one way of making content, copy my one way of doing more marketing, copy my one way of whatever. And what that's created is a bunch of little compartmentalized people. And then we're taking all these pieces and we're trying to like create a critter, right? Like we're trying to take all these people's pieces and create, we're kind of Frankensteining a business and then kind of going.

Brittany Herzberg (16:27.66)


Celi (16:35.524)

Why is this thing not working? Or why is it like stressful and overwhelming, right? Because nobody's actually looking at it as a whole and making it this whole beautiful organism that all works together and flows. We've just been taking other people's pieces and strategies and tactics and trying to like piece them together and make them work. And I think that the way you get it to work is by first being really clear about what you want.

that critter to do. So I'll give you an example. I was just talking about this on a community call earlier this morning. One of my clients said, I'm noticing this person's doing X, Y, Z. And it seems to be, she seems to be loving it. It seems to be working for her. Should I do X, Y, Z? And my immediate answer isn't yes or no. My immediate answer is,

Well, what's in your vision? And what's your ultimate goal? And what are you, let's go back to your vision and let's get really clear about what you're building in the world, what does your business do, and what is your vision for your business, right? Because you might, that might be the right strategy for you. What she's doing might work for you. I already knew the answer because I know both of them are my clients and I know what both of them, I know everyone's visions. I know I read everyone's visions, I know exactly what everyone's trying to build.

Because my goal, my job is a guide. I'm just trying to make sure that you stay on your path, that you stay going towards your vision. That's my job, is like, let me make sure I'm building out the path towards your vision that you say you want. And so she was like, oh right, I'm trying to do this, and she's trying to do this. Right, so would the same strategy that she's implementing be relevant to you? Oh right, no.

Right? So I could tell you the answer. I'm like, no, don't do that. Do this. Right. But the point is like, we got to, we, I also hope that we are learning to be the CEO of our businesses. We're learning to be the business owner. We're learning to be our own strategist. So in that's what I'm always looking at is, okay, well, what's she's doing that because in her vision, she, her ultimate goals are X, Y, and Z.

Celi (19:01.812)

your vision, your goals are X, Y, and Z, or ABC. So therefore, different strategy, different, we need to implement different things for you. But this is what we're doing all the time, right? This is what, thank you Instagram, thank you TikTok, other people are doing and going, oh, she looks like she's really killing it over there doing more TikTok videos or doing short reels. So maybe I have to start doing five second reels.

Brittany Herzberg (19:12.877)


Brittany Herzberg (19:17.522)


Celi (19:31.064)

This is what we're doing all the time, it's what we're being sold, it's what we're being told to do, it's what marketers and business coaches are selling us. And so that's where the breakdown happens, is that we're seeing stuff and going, oh maybe I should do that. That's what we mean by when we say shiny object syndrome, that's what we mean, right? It's like, no, should you be doing that? Or are you just, does it look like the grass is greener over there because she's having a ball in her reels? Or whatever the thing is, right?

So that's my ultimate goal is that you can start to look at things and go, oh that's amazing that she's doing that. Good for her because it's in line with what she's trying to create. I'm gonna do this over here because my vision is totally different than hers. And I feel really good and really confident about my road and my journey and my steps and the things I'm doing to grow my business. I'm not looking on somebody else's lawn and going hmm maybe I should plant Daffodil's turf.

You know, and that's, I think the thing that social media has not helped us. We're kind of, we're really comparing all the time and we're unsure about where to, what to do, what's the right next thing, where should I focus? What's the right strategy for me? Because I'm constantly being pulled into the directions of what other people are doing, right? So that's.

Brittany Herzberg (20:31.881)


Brittany Herzberg (20:39.82)

No, not at all.

Brittany Herzberg (20:56.306)

Yeah, we're pulled in those directions and we're also looking to coaches to say, yes, do this. No, don't do that. There's I tell you constantly there's frequent conversations that I have with friends where they're like, oh, this coach said this, this coach said that even this morning, I was on Instagram having a conversation in the DMs with someone who wants to write case studies. And she's like, oh, such and such freelance writing coach said, blah, that I should call them this and I'm like, what does that feel like to you even just being in your world?

I don't necessarily call myself a coach, but even being in your world, I'm like, I don't want to say yes or no. I want you to think that through. Is SEO a priority to you? Is findability a priority to you? Do these things matter to you? And I think that we're so unused to being asked those questions. We're so unused to saying, this is the vision I have. This is where I want to go. These are the exits I'm going to take. That it's

Like it's, I guess it's probably a bit easier to just look and see what someone else is doing and go, oh, I like that. Let me try that. Oh, that looks fun. Let me try that. Oh, I don't want to make a decision. Let me just go ask a coach and get a yes or no from them. So, you know.

one could say that the work that we do with you is a little bit more challenging because it actually pulls us to the mat and holds us accountable for things. But guess what? The reward and the payoff is so much greater. And this feeling of pride and empowerment and confidence that you have is it exists where it probably, I would imagine, doesn't really exist with working with other coaches. So that's been really fun to experience by working with you. I'm curious, like,

I know that you have the Gab accelerator. I know that you have it then goes into like Gab Academy and Gab CEO, which we can talk about, but like what was it that happened maybe or what thought sparked in your brain where you were like, I need to create this Gab accelerator.

Celi (22:46.184)

Oh, like why did I turn it into this condensed accelerator? I don't know how to make it there. Oh, yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (22:50.346)

Well, that but also even like the first iteration of it, like what made you go, I need, I'm recognizing blank and this is what they probably need.

Celi (22:59.224)

Yeah, because I used to work solely with one-on-one clients and high six figure earners, really getting into seven figures. And that was my model, that was my business model was one-on-one and you can only take on so many people at a time when you do the kind of work that I do. And, but what I was noticing time and time and time again,

Brittany Herzberg (23:20.77)


Celi (23:26.32)

was I would get this client who's at High Six Figures and they would come to me going, okay, I just need you to systematize. I need you to systematize, clean it up. They would tell me basically, we need this and this and this, and I need you to do this, this and this, right? And I'd be like, okay, cool, cool. But my superpower is actually diagnostics. So that is actually my, I think that's my super, super skill.

So I'd always be like, okay, cool, I hear you, I hear you, but let me just do my, let me do my audit, let me just come in with my little microphone, my little microscope, you know. Like, let me just do my audit, because that's how I ensure that we actually need these big things fixed and this big thing built out. And a lot of times those things that they thought they needed were because they heard it from somebody talking about it online.

Or because we just believe we are at a certain place and we believe we need the next thing and the next thing and the next thing. Whatever the reason, every single time, the big breakthrough was always like, oh, actually it wasn't that big thing you thought it was that we needed to fix or build or repair or whatever. It was always something that I was like, will you have a gap down here in your foundations that you've just kind of been ignoring or you skipped over or you were too busy or you just didn't know?

all are totally fine and relevant. You're not a bad person, you're not a bad business owner. But we just actually need to go fix this one thing down here at the bottom. There was just a little gap. And when we fixed that, suddenly it'd be like, oh my God, my revenue skyrocketed again. But it was never these things up at the top of the pyramid. Right, so like what I always say is like, if you were going to, if I gave you building blocks and you were gonna build a pyramid, how would you do it? When you would say, well, I'm.

Brittany Herzberg (25:09.271)


Celi (25:19.208)

That's a stupid question, Sally. What do you mean? I don't, what do you, I'm like, I give you blocks. I give you blocks. I hand them to you and I say, build me a pyramid. How do you do it? You're like, well, I just build a base at the bottom. And I'm like, yeah, exactly. You build a strong, solid base at the bottom. So whatever crazy shape the pyramid takes, it can hold it. But when we build our businesses, we're actually doing the fun, shiny stuff at the top. And we think.

The answers happen there and we think the growth happens there. And we're being told and sold all this fancy shiny object stuff to do at the top. But every single time I worked with one of these private high achievers, high over workers, high six figures or seven figure businesses. It's always came down to pricing strategy, profitability, really product market fit work, basic sales pipeline, basic marketing. It was always down there at the foundations that when we

tweaked that and fixed that, the business started skyrocketing again. So I had this day where I was like, gosh, wouldn't it be awesome if I could just fix that for everyone in a one and done kind of way? So then when they come to me for like, okay, I want you to do the next thing or build the next thing or fix this bigger problem, it's actually the problem. Wouldn't it be awesome if I could just like,

fix everyone's foundations for them. And I know that you all think that's not what you need. And I know you think your problem is somewhere else, but I bet you my house, and it's a gorgeous house, that you have something foundationally that you've skipped over, haven't built, have ignored, don't think you need, don't think is relevant to you. So that's how I created that program. I actually drew a pyramid on a piece of paper. And I was like, I've built hundreds, I've coached hundreds of people, I've built.

Brittany Herzberg (26:57.134)

I'm sorry.

Celi (27:14.64)

15 seven-figure businesses. I've been a founder. I've been a COO. In my ideal world, I was like, what I would love is for those clients who come to me and say, I need you to fix this funnel or build this new funnel or whatever. What I would love in an ideal world is they actually have these pieces in place. And so I ask myself, what are those pieces? What are those non-negotiables? What are those pieces that everyone needs, no one can skip?

What is it that every business needs? And it's to have a clear vision so that we actually know what bus we're driving and where we're driving the bus. Everyone skips that. We have strong product to market fit, right? So we actually understand our product, who it's for and why they want it and how to speak to it and how to sell it to them, that we have a pricing strategy in place that makes sense and an offer strategy in place that's actually scalable.

Brittany Herzberg (27:54.087)


Celi (28:14.52)

We have to have some basic understanding of numbers. I don't go into all the things I know about numbers and cash flow, but we have to have a relationship with our numbers and we have to have a basic, the one marketing channel that hits it. If you look at every business coach and every successful business owner, they will always say, oh yeah, we built a multi-million dollar business on that one funnel though. All the other stuff you see, but like our real money comes from that one.

funnel or that one marketing channel, that one product. If you really start to pay attention to what they're saying, they're saying the same thing. So I'm like, how about we just make sure we build that? And then like the metrics, how are we measuring all of that so to make sure that we're doing all that? So like, that's what I built. The grown ass business accelerator makes you a grown ass business owner. That's why I call them gabbers. In my dream world, everybody just has these things in place.

Brittany Herzberg (28:44.098)

Mm hmm.

Brittany Herzberg (29:05.427)


Celi (29:12.38)

And when you have these things in place, then you can come back to me and go, all right, my mindset's getting in the way, let's address that. Or all right, I need your next level system, or I need you to help me build this, or I need you to point me to the, I need to become a LinkedIn expert. Point me to the person who's gonna make me. That's my one channel, that's my one thing, that's the one thing I wanna do. Who's, like, right? But you can't do, you can't write a book, you can't start a podcast, you can't start a YouTube, you can't speak on stages, you can't be a LinkedIn expert.

Brittany Herzberg (29:19.233)


Celi (29:41.976)

If you don't have those foundational pieces in place, none of those things are going to bring you leads. And if they bring you leads, you're gonna have trouble converting them. So that's why I built it. And I think I'm probably not that great at selling it because it's like kind of the unsexy work of like building the foundation of the pyramid. That sounds so fun. But it is really fun when I see people kinda go, oh.

Brittany Herzberg (29:50.753)


Brittany Herzberg (30:00.302)


Celi (30:11.936)

Everyone has these moments where they're like, oh, I just have to do that? Oh, are you serious? You mean like if I just do this and I just do that and I could just, oh really? I'm like...

Brittany Herzberg (30:15.226)

Yeah, it's the best.

Brittany Herzberg (30:24.114)

I think that moment for me was when I was doing the projections for the year. Well, actually, you know what? It was probably in Q4 when you were like, let's just, we got on a call and there was a group of us and you were like, okay, let's play in Q4. And I was like, okay, I'm going to aim for this many people, this many sales, this much money. And I hit it fast and I boxed her and I was like, so your thing works. And then I remember I was like, allow me. And I sent some like stupid gifts. That was like, duh.

But realizing that and realizing that it sounds so stupid, but realizing that business can be easy if you have all these foundations in place and I don't have to feel like a chicken running around with my head cut off and I don't have to feel like I'm spinning, which is something that comes up a lot in your world. And I know my next steps and even though I might see a shiny object and look at it, I'm not gonna necessarily reach for all of them. That for me, knowing that it can be easy, knowing that I can have a plan, knowing that I can work the freaking plan and that the plan will actually come to pass.

was like a jaw drop, mic drop moment for me. And it shouldn't be, but it is.

Celi (31:31.256)

Yeah, it is funny how it's like kind of everyone has their jaw drop moment. We're like, wait, what? And like, I know, right? I know it's actually easier than you're making it. Look, the truth is, um, entrepreneurship is hard.

Brittany Herzberg (31:36.402)

Yeah, you're kidding.

Celi (31:47.084)

in by nature. You're going off the tracks. You're doing your own thing. You're going on this uncharted road, right? You're going against the grain. You're going to deal with all of your family and friends going, are you still trying that little business of yours? Right? Like it is hard.

Brittany Herzberg (32:07.904)


Celi (32:11.216)

You don't have suddenly a room of colleagues to hang out at the water cooler with and chat and commiserate with, right? In nature, you are doing something that's different to the regular journey we're taught from preschool that we're supposed to go on, right? Well, it's hard in nature in that way. And it takes a particular type of person to go off the track and do their own thing. And...

Also, if you're trying to build a seven-figure business or a multi-seven-figure business, I'm the first to admit, that's hard. It has its layers of complexity. It gets more complex. The more people you hire, the more complex it gets. Because why? People are complex. Period. Because business in itself, the business is still simple and easy and the structure is still simple. It's just the more people you add to it, the more complex it gets.

Brittany Herzberg (32:58.886)


Celi (33:09.712)

But the truth is, if you're also like, I want a 300K a year business, that doesn't have to be hard. I want a 500K a year business every year. We can do that, dog. That can be easy. Don't make that hard. It doesn't have to be hard. If you really have a solid business model in place and you know what you're doing, that can actually be easy. But I think there's a lot.

The reason we make it hard is because we're trying to do a bunch of things we don't need. We're over our skis a lot. We are always trying to do these things we actually don't need and that are irrelevant to us, but we're being told by all these amazing marketers that we need to do them. So we're trying to do more than we can do and more than we can handle. And we're doing all these things early on that are for seven-figure businesses. So yeah, you're just doing all these things that you're not ready for, you don't have the skills for, you don't have the internal nervous system resiliency for.

So yes, you're making it hard, but a 250K year business, 300K, 500K, that can actually be really easy. Doesn't mean it's not gonna take work and you're not gonna work, and it's not gonna be hard work at times. Nope, didn't say that, but we're making it harder than it needs to be a lot of times.

Brittany Herzberg (34:16.149)

I love hearing that.


Brittany Herzberg (34:27.886)

For sure. Okay, so for anyone listening, if they're like, I need to get in the Gap Accelerator the next round, do you know those dates? Can you tell us?

Celi (34:36.84)

I do, darling, because I have a year plan ahead of me. April, the next group round, I do them as VIP days for people. And that usually is a journey of six weeks, privately. Or the next group rounds are April 10th and I think June, April 10th or something, something June. June 11th. Yeah, April 10th, because I was just asked this morning. And then June 11th or 12th are the next two.

Brittany Herzberg (34:40.299)

I knew that.

Brittany Herzberg (34:46.029)


Brittany Herzberg (34:58.422)

I'll make sure we've got it in the notes.

Brittany Herzberg (35:05.842)

Amazing. I'll make sure we have that link below. And then I'm going to also link your quiz that you have where if I explaining it correctly, you take the quiz and it kind of is like the more high level, simpler version of what we get inside your program, like moving into GAP CEO. I'm going to have to have you back so we can talk more about like how everything is laid out and what the different levels and tiers look like. Plus, by then I will have experienced a little bit more of it. But that quiz.

Celi (35:26.416)

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (35:32.358)

does help point out different gaps, right? Like where you're at and...

Celi (35:36.424)

Yeah, it's kind of my intention with that quiz was just to give people a view into like, you might think you need to do the next marketing thing or do more social media or do more of whatever you saw pop up on your Instagram feed, but actually just take a 12 question quiz and it's going to tell you what are some of your possible gaps and areas that you need a little bit of more your love and attention.

Brittany Herzberg (35:59.794)

Yeah, perfect. So I'll make sure those two things are below. And then, where can people find you? Where are you hanging out online?

Celi (36:07.028)

I hang out at Sally Gros business on the Instagrams, possibly the TikToks someday soon and LinkedIn. But Instagram, I'm starting to do this thing where I'd never have time to write a newsletter. So I'm just starting to make my newsletter video. So you'll see more videos of me on places, but Instagram is probably an easy place to find me.

Brittany Herzberg (36:19.319)


Brittany Herzberg (36:30.602)

I love that. Make sure you get on her newsletter because it's so fun, especially when you really get into something. Reading your emails just makes me so happy because I'm like, yeah. I always have to read them first thing in the morning so then I get pumped up and that goes into my day.

Celi (36:39.185)


Celi (36:43.908)

Oh my God, I love hearing that. Thank you. Yes, I always try to at least tell a story that then you're like, okay, I got this.

Brittany Herzberg (36:51.198)

Yeah, for sure. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for being here. I'm not kidding. I'll have to have you come back on.

Celi (36:57.028)

Yeah, we should talk about what the actual business audit and the level two journey looks like and why it's super cool and fun. So yeah, let's do it. I feel like I talked a lot today. I must be on some kind of, I'm having an inspirational day. So I'm sorry that I talked. I'm sorry.

Brittany Herzberg (37:04.194)

Yeah. We're going to do it. We're doing it. All right.

Brittany Herzberg (37:13.79)

No, don't apologize. Nope, you're not allowed to apologize for that. Nope, nope, nope. I'm just going to talk over you. All right. Thank you for listening and being here and I'll see you next time whenever that is.

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

The 5 Different Types of Case Studies


How to Clearly Communicate What You Do: An Exercise