Brittany Herzberg
CEO of Copy by B.® | SEO & Case Study Copywriter
Copy by B.® provides guidance & services to 6-figure entrepreneurs (and their teams) centered around SEO.
Short Bios
Once upon a time, Brittany Herzberg was an introverted massage therapist just trying not to let her clients hear her tummy rumbling. Now? She’s still introverted, but she's perched behind her MacBook increasing visibility and income for 6-figure entrepreneurs using the most misunderstood organic marketing strategy—SEO! Brittany is known for being loud about the benefits of SEO, giggling, & keeping things basic. (Oh, so basic!)
Additional Options:
As a massage-therapist-turned-SEO-copywriter, I love making you more visible on Google! I increase visibility & income for 6-figure entrepreneurs using one of the most misunderstood organic marketing strategies → SEO. Service providers think they’re coming to me for keyword research, but it's much more—they get back in touch with who they truly are, realign their deepest desires with their business vision, & are held as they navigate these identity shifts.
You get it—visibility is important. And although you have no desire to become the internet's best kept secret, SEO is the last thing you want to think about or do. Massage-therapist-turned-copywriter-and-podcaster, Brittany Herzberg has made it her mission to simplify SEO and make it bring you more website traffic and paying clients—using blogs, podcasts, & case studies. Brittany is known for keeping the mood fun, judgment-free, and... basic. (Oh, so basic.)
Service providers call Brittany Herzberg when they want SEO to bring more traffic to their website. As an SEO & case study copywriter, Brittany uses the power of SEO, case studies, & blogs to get impactful, purpose-driven business owners found online—organically. The fact that she's been a reliable safe-space-provider for 10+ years as a massage therapist only adds to her appeal. Brittany is known for keeping the mood fun, judgment-free, & basic—oh, so basic.
Pronunciation Guide
Brittany Herzberg (HERZ-BERG)
“Brittany” or “B” (yes, like a 🐝)
(after working at Starbucks, I learned it’s easier to have a nickname — so “Bee” it is. #nailedit)
Have you heard?
What I Love to Talk About
Topics I love to talk about:
SEO for podcasts & blogs
How to write copy for bots and humans
Tips to have the best case study interviews
The best way to get good testimonials
My simple storytelling secret (The 🐾 P.E.T. Framework)
Why case studies? (increase visibility, build authority, boost conversions, & SO much more!)
(Pretty much anything related to SEO, case studies, blogging, podcasts, storytelling, social proof, client testimonials, organic marketing, & copywriting!)
Questions I love answering:
What are case studies & why are they better than testimonials?
Do you have a framework you use to write your case studies?
How many case studies should I have?
How can you use case studies for something other than a launch?
What’s the #1 mistake you see with case study interviews?
What are your favorite ways to gather client testimonials?
What do you wish people knew about SEO?
How long should blog posts be?
Who’s already had Brittany speak?
I probably definitely mentioned at least 1 of these:
Copy by B. ® logo create by Marion Tan
Copy by B. ® logo create by Marion Tan
Copy by B. ® logo create by Marion Tan
(more color options available for logos—please email if you’d like to use something different!)