Best Self-Massage Tools

“What self-massage tools do you recommend?”

I get this question several times a week and I think it’s about time I write a little more about what I use and why.

So buckle up - and make sure your question gets answered! If you don’t see the response you’re looking for here, just message me or leave a comment!

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18” smooth (I recommend smooth since we get more specific with the lacrosse or tennis balls).

You can buy these at stores like Play it Again for $1, or find ones for self-massage on Amazon.

These bring the floor closer to you + add intensity in some areas.

Great for self-care if you have headaches.

Little green guy with silicone “spikes” for your achy feet!

“Why would I even want to buy these or take this self-massage class?”

An online foam rolling class like this one will give you the information you need to:

1️⃣ safely perform self-massage

2️⃣ guide you through what to do with self-massage tools (and why)

Sure - you could just Google something like “self-massage for sciatica” but signing up for a class with me will give you accountability AND the added bonus of being able to ask any questions you have in the moment!

There are many self-massage techniques!
In my class, we go through ALL the common areas of tension that people struggle with, and you walk away knowing how to use these wonderful tools.

You’ll feel empowered, confident, and ready to tackle your own issues between massage or chiropractic sessions.

Discomfort from headaches, neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain, and postural issues can be treated with these simple self-massage tools and techniques.

Ready to join a class? Classes are held every Tuesday (noon EST) and Sunday (4pm EST). Follow the link to sign up.

Don’t want to wait for a class?

Take a look at this Instagram Live I taught.

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

A Massage Therapist Turns into a Copywriter


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