What is an Introvert Doing on Instagram?
I’ve had this conversation a thousand times with myself.
No, B, we aren’t going to be on social media. We don’t need it and it’s just for self-absorbed people anyway.
And yet, there I was - phone in hand - clicking to open that app.
Everything inside me cringed.
But what was I supposed to do?
This is how I was going to be able to reach those potential students!
This had to work after all the Pro/Con lists I’d made!
Photographic evidence of the introvert entrepreneur.
I’ll fast forward the unnecessary drama and get you up to speed.
Joining Instagram will go down as one of the - possibly THE - best moves I ever made for my business.
Yes - me - an introverted Taurus who’s an enneagram Type 1 (the perfectionist) has grown to love this social media platform!
Here are the fast facts that explain why:
The connections - I can’t believe how many friends from afar I have now! I was worried about creeps and weirdos, honestly. But I wasn’t prepared to find so many kind and giving people I have so much in common with!
(The secret? DMs - or direct messages - are where it’s at! Talk to people, say something genuine, and you’ll be surprised what comes back to you.)
It’s fun! The Stories feature is my favorite - well, that and Reels. And guess what? They’re all about video! And guess what I can’t stand? Attention! Truly. I turn red at the drop of a hat, overanalyze how I look and what I’ve said. But even I have grown to love this engaging part of the app!
(My advice? Go for it! Try it! Just have fun! People are more concerned with how you can help them vs what you look like.)
I finally understand how to use IG - and it’s so simple!
Listen - I spent so much time and paid money to figure out what the best practices were for social media. At the end of the day - it’s simple! Give, share, help, make someone laugh, or just let someone know they’re seen and heard.
(People care more about sincerity and realness on here. People just want to see people. And they want to learn things and have a laugh. Do this by being super intentional about what you share - and then respond to every. single. person.)
I don’t know if this little ditty will sway you over to what I once thought was the “dark side” or not. But I can absolutely guarantee you’re missing out if you’re not showing up on this platform. >>>
I have a FULL and thriving practice, yet I’ve received 10 messages just this month from potential new clients who want to book with me.
And I’ve even fulfilled my original reason for joining the network for my business - I’ve found massage therapists on Instagram who are just starting out and have questions. I’ve been contacted by future MTs who just want to know what they can do now so they can be successful in the future.
Oh - and I’ve responded to friends near and far when they’ve asked what they can do about that annoying neck pain from working at a desk umpteen hours a day!
And that’s just the surface! I even made a trip last year (#rip2019) to Nashville (amazing city!) to meet up with several of my new social friends! It was a blast and it only brought us closer and furthered our friendship.
So this introvert is gonna go spend a fun afternoon over on the ‘gram playing with my cool friends.