How Branding Influenced My Email Address..

“How do you choose your business email address?” she asked.

I had to stop and really think. When I was coming up with my email, I just knew I wanted it to be “Hello.”

Why? My brand is fun, approachable, and simple - all things I want reflected in my first contact with potential students and clients.

Have you ever stopped to think about what you want that experience to be for your clients?

If you're scrunching your face up right now and trying to wiggle your head into a convincing nod - know you’re not the only one! (I mean, if you were why would this post even exist?!)

Branding doesn’t stop once you choose colors and fonts for your site.

It winds its way into your social media content, room decoration, and yes - even your business email.


Let’s look at some options..

And so many more...

What you might want to first consider is this:

When someone is emailing me, what is the most common reason?

Do they just want to say hi? Are they writing to book an appointment?
Is this to schedule a call? Do they want to learn more about a service?

My process..

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Once I realized I might be getting messages for a variety of reasons, I wanted to think about how I’d respond. I’m kind of known for greeting everyone with a big smile and “Hi!”

Going back to what I said earlier, I wanted the exchange to start out on a positive note and really reflect me and the energy of my practice.

For me, having someone message “” made me feel like that would attract clients who needed an immediate appointment - and that’s not who I’m looking to attract right now.

Similarly, sending an email to “” just felt like a really long email address. (Try having to fill that name in on a Scantron sheet - thanks mom and dad!)

I needed my email to be a little vague. Multiple people message me for many reasons. I don’t only have clients emailing me. I don’t only have students messaging me.
Oh! And what if one day I need to have someone help me manage said email? Having “” not answered by… Brittany, would be strange.

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Quick recap:

  1. Think about what you want your client to type in the “To” field of their email.

  2. Put yourself in their shoes to imagine why they might be writing you.

  3. Really zoom out and imagine any possibilities for your future business.

  4. Don’t forget your brand! What do you want to impart? How do you want people to feel?

Have questions about email addresses? Comment …or email me!

Brittany HerzbergComment