LinkedIn Frequently Asked Questions w/ Salina Yeung

Optimize your LinkedIn profile for SEO, connections, & conversions—with some simple tweaks.

LinkedIn used to feel like a foreign world to me. That is—until I met Salina Yeung. Salina is an ex-LinkedIn expert & consultant. Her passion for this platform is palpable!

In this episode, I’m asking Salina some FAQs. These are questions submitted by you, questions she gets on the daily, & some questions I not-so-secretly wanted to ask her for myself. What? You can’t blame me! 😂

Warning: This is for sure going to be an episode you come back to! Maybe listen through once just for fun & come back again with a notepad. I promise you it’ll be worth it! Ok—go click play already!

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • What Social Selling is & how to do it in an authentic way

  • Salina gives us 3 actionable ways to build strong LinkedIn relationships

  • The  5 question checklist to run each new Connection Request through

  • How frequently you should be posting new content on LinkedIn

  • What content you can & should consider repurposing on LinkedIn

  • How LinkedIn and YouTube work together

  • Hear some of Salina’s amazing client success stories

  • What LinkedIn Creator Fund is

  • Why LinkedIn Creator Mode went away

  • Which is best: LinkedIn Newsletter, Article, or Post

  • LinkedIn Hashtags best practices

  • What to know about LinkedIn Groups

Don’t forget you can submit a question that will get answered in an upcoming podcast!

Meet: Salina

Salina Yeung, is a LinkedIn Business Strategist & Founder of the[in]academy where she helps Entrepreneurs create Personal Brands—that People Want to Follow—and Converts Connections into paying Customers!

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The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Basic B podcast follows

Brittany Herzberg (00:03.082)

Welcome back to the Basic B podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in, whether you're listening on your favorite podcast player or watching us on YouTube. Thank you. I'm so excited to have you here. And I've got such a cool guest for you today. I've got my friend Selena Young, who is like my LinkedIn guru. I'm going to give you an introduction to her and then we're going to dive into frequently asked questions about LinkedIn with Selena. And I think we're going to be able to pack a lot in. So buckle up, break out your notebook. You're probably going to need to listen to this or watch it twice.

And here we go. So Selena Young is a LinkedIn business strategist and founder of The Inn Academy, where she helps entrepreneurs create personal brands that people want to follow and converts connections into paying customers. Selena and I actually go back a few years. I can't remember who followed who, but I'm never letting go of her because every time she says anything about LinkedIn and I go and like put that into practice on my profile, I have such like...

drastic improvements on my end. So it's just incredible. And without further ado, Hi Selena!

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (01:07.214) Hello Bee! So excited to be on your show!

Brittany Herzberg (01:11.098) Yeah, I'm so happy to have you here. And of course, I want to get into all of these LinkedIn FAQs. But before we do, I'm asking you the question that I ask everyone. It's a loaded one, but there is no wrong answer. So here we are. Which do you believe is the most important for sales, SEO, storytelling or social proof?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (01:29.37) Oh my goodness, all are so important, but I will rank number one social group just for the sake of like right now, the environment and landscape of it. Then second, you like me for it. I will rank actually SEO about storytelling and then storytelling release.

Brittany Herzberg (01:46.914) I like that no one's done a ranking system, so social proof, SEO, and then storytelling. I love that. I agree with you that social proof is like really, it's really clutch right now. It's really key.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (01:52.77) Yes.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (01:59.179) Yes.

So important, especially like the coaching consulting industry is getting really saturated. I felt like social prove is one of the things that will really cut through the noise when they know there's like real result and real clients that you're working with. I have multiple different sales conversation here and there. People will be like, Oh, do you mind talking with your previous clients about their result, about your experience working with? I was like, absolutely go ahead. And it always come back with a big yes after it. So I will always bring out social prove.

about everything when it comes to sales.

Brittany Herzberg (02:32.162) That's a really good point. I've had a lot of people see my name with a testimonial on a sales page or something or hear me talk about a program and then they end up in my DMs like, Brittany, okay, give me like the real download, like what actually happened. Yeah, it's amazing. All right, let us...yeah!

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (02:45.462) And I welcome those as well. Like if I'm working with someone like, B, I hired you previously with the sales page or someone asked me, I would be so happy to share my own experience as well. It's like, you know, this beautiful snowball effect, but in a really great way that helping other people, you know, picking a great consultant, picking a great coach to work with you is just this beautiful support system that could grow together in something beautiful.

Brittany Herzberg (02:58.188) Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (03:03.592) Mm-hmm.

Brittany Herzberg (03:10.174) Yeah, I could not agree with you more. All right, we have a lot of questions to get into, so are you ready to get into the FAQs for LinkedIn? Okay, rapid fire. The whole thing's going to be rapid fire. All right, so what do you mean when you talk about social selling? I know you say the term social selling a lot, but like what does that mean in practice? What does that look like?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (03:16.025) That's Brexit liar.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (03:29.226) Yeah, so sell social selling, obviously, I'm the LinkedIn girl. But when it comes to social selling, it's really a process of using social media. It could be LinkedIn. It could be Instagram. It could be like YouTube, what you're watching be right now and me talking and identifying, connect with your potential. I call it the best fit clients and they you potential will be nurturing them from being a connection with you or being someone that following you to potentially

Brittany Herzberg (03:43.896) Hehehe

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (03:59.72) lead and lead to clients. So that's social selling in a nutshell. And to be like drawing down one layer further, if you're looking into LinkedIn specifically, we start by optimizing someone's LinkedIn profile, position yourself as to go to expert or trust advisor with that industry that you're in. So for instance, for B that will be SEO strategies, copywriting about social prove, things like that.

these are some of the keywords that we're talking about that would help someone's do better on social selling and use using LinkedIn you can use advanced search function to find and identify and research your potential prospect based on you know industry that we just talked about it could be location as well some people only do business particularly let's say US based or if you're like branching and globally you can do that as well and on LinkedIn you can use job title as well so

That is basically how some of the things that people can use social selling for.

Brittany Herzberg (05:01.034) I love that. So, sticking with social selling, I know there's like relationship building and marketing in there. So how could I interact more and build more relationships on LinkedIn? Especially for me, like if I'm giving you an example, I have my core little group that I interact with, but I also get a lot of like requests from people I don't know. So how would you advise someone to go through and build relationships on there?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (05:25.458) I love that. I would say.

through three things, but the very first easy things that I know a lot of people have been talking about, it's really content. I think content is such a easy gateway for someone to like, imagine like when B is helping you with SEO on website, right? And those SEO needs to build through a blog through some sort of content. So similarly through social selling, like I mentioned, all social media, you need content to be able to drive traffic to your profile, drive traffic.

to your final destination. So I would always start with content and content that not just any content, but conversion content, content that build relationship with your audience, content that educate and entertain at the same time nurture them to go and take action. Whether it's to go to email subscription, to subscribe to email newsletter, or even to watch your YouTube channel, subscribe to YouTube channel,

More nurturing one more layer to download some of the freebies things like that. That's um That's I would say the number one thing you can build relationship Second, I know it takes up a lot of time, but it's always super freaking Effective is really DM like there's no better way to build a relationship to a one-on-one conversation. Come on

Um, I love voice knocks and I think voice note, it's some of the things that just like, not just cut through the noise, but instantly create that intimacy with someone. And I find like just maybe particularly for LinkedIn, Instagram as well. I like that too. When someone is DMing me, just not like a message, but it's like, what's in for you to talk to this person and say, Oh, I saw that you are in this space.

Brittany Herzberg (06:58.678) Mm-hmm.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (07:14.454) And I have this amazing resource or I have this amazing channel. I thought about you about this and you can like put it in a text or just mix it as a voice notes. And when it's voice notes, like just instantly someone hear your voice. And there's like a layer one, one step deeper on that. So I would say content DM last, but not the least, of course, collaboration like this. This is like the best way to grow your audience. And at the same time you are, you know, um,

Brittany Herzberg (07:35.735) Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (07:42.238) expanding your network through people that knowing you're interested. It's like this beautiful two circle are overlapping with each other. So I would say this is another really smart way to build a deeper relationship.

Brittany Herzberg (07:56.518) I really like that, especially the thing that I like the most is the voice note because I get so many, so many, so freaking many, not voice notes, I get so many like cold pitches on LinkedIn and I'm starting to get them on Facebook. It's almost like the tactic that people were using on LinkedIn. Now they're dragging that over to Facebook and at this point I'm like, no, I'm not interested. And so I either, I either will just delete, I've blocked some people if they've sent me multiple messages where it's like, I'm not interested.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (08:03.636) Really? Okay.

Brittany Herzberg (08:23.214) Or occasionally it'll hit me on the wrong day and I get real sassy and spicy and I write something back. Not my proudest moment, but like I just don't. If I want to work with you, I'm going to come find you. I'm going to like, if I'm interested in something, I'm going to come find you. But I really love that voice note because it does take it another step deeper and it's like, hey, this is actually me, a human over here, like wanting to connect with you, another human. So I really like that tip. I love that. Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (08:48.938) Yeah, thank you.

Brittany Herzberg (08:51.506) Okay, speaking of, speaking of connections, should I be accepting each and every connection request? Like, is that kind of like the best thing to do for LinkedIn?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (09:00.398) This is actually perhaps one of the number one questions that people ask me. I would say for me personally, I always advise my clients only accept people who actively posting or engaging with others, because one of the things that LinkedIn algorithm do will reward you it's by how active your network is, right? And it's also beneficial to you too. If that's someone it's like active on LinkedIn, consuming, maybe not even publishing, but consuming content.

Brittany Herzberg (09:04.387) Hehehe

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (09:30.572) with your content or other people's content, it's just those small little eyeballs and traffic helps you. So I would say I only accept people actually sending me a personalized invite or are active on LinkedIn. But if that is you, you're concerned about, oh, I only have less than 500 connection on LinkedIn, should I accept everyone? So I would ask you to ask yourself these five questions, and it always helps you to get a very clear mindset whether to accept them or not. Number one.

What's your goals on LinkedIn? Is it to make new friends? Is it to build a professional network, find a new job, brand, like brand building perspective, or like sales or learn from other thought leaders? Think about this first. Second, is this person, like I mentioned, active, engaging with your network? Maybe you add them, but they're just like, you know, this like leech, just like leeching on everything, but it's not really adding value to you, then maybe perhaps no, right? Number three, is this person

your network in an area that I'm not familiar with. Maybe it's helpful, maybe it's not. If it's not helpful, you're not giving LinkedIn signal to push your LinkedIn profile towards those target audience that you really wanna connect with, right? So maybe don't do that.

Brittany Herzberg (10:44.538) Mm.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (10:46.166) Number four, will building a deep connection with this person that is sending you the invite lead you to potential opportunity? I.e. maybe they will invite you to a podcast show. I.e. maybe they would collaborate with you maybe on a on a bundle sales. I.e. maybe you and them they're like a editorial or brand manager. Like for instance, like me recently sign or deal with HubSpot just because I connect with this person who is a brand manager. Right. So.

Maybe yes, right when it comes to this and last but not the least I'm all about learning Can I learn from this person if it's a yes? Yes and yes five yeses then yes

Brittany Herzberg (11:16.437) Mm.

Brittany Herzberg (11:29.199) I love those questions. That is going to really be a helpful checklist for me to run through as I get these requests because I get so many where the answer would be no and I have been saying ignore and now I feel very like validated in that response because like something about it was just like no this doesn't seem like it's going to be helpful and your questions I'm like oh yeah I was actually thinking through that but I didn't realize it. I love that.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (11:50.134) Yeah, it's always super helpful, especially they're not your target audience and they're not really adding value to my network. To me, it's like always the two way street, right? It's just like inviting someone to your private dinner party, right? Are they close to you enough? Would they drive great conversation with also your other friends? If yes, then it makes sense to accept them. If no, then maybe ignore.

Brittany Herzberg (11:57.002) Mm-hmm.

Brittany Herzberg (12:15.026) I love that visual. Like, is this person someone that would make sense to have at your LinkedIn dinner party table? Gosh, that's perfect. That encapsulates it perfectly. Okay, we're going to take it back to content for a second. I've seen a lot of people on Instagram who post like multiple times a day on Instagram. Does that seem like posting multiple times a day? Does that work on LinkedIn? Is that like a smart tactic?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (12:24.855) Yay!

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (12:38.606) So I love and hate those questions at the same time because I thought like content now people are just so over, how would you call it? Like over-saturated with how you should be doing content. Like to me, it boils down to who you are as a person and how do you really wanna show up online. So I want everyone who is listening to this, don't overthink about content. Like posting the best time, don't think about that.

Brittany Herzberg (12:41.841) I'm sorry.

Brittany Herzberg (12:51.117) Mm.

Brittany Herzberg (13:00.129) Mm-hmm.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (13:08.33) Think about frequency of posting. Don't think about that because it goes back to you as a person. How do you want to educate, nurture, entertain your audience and continuously going back to your goals of posting on social media? Why do you do that? Not because of the number. Don't aim for that because that is a number is going to drag you down and hinder your growth in any social media platform. So I will start with this first. But when it comes to LinkedIn, I would say

If you are getting started, be I know you and I have this amazing conversation previously, I would start with actually you. Like, can you post twice a day? Do you have the capacity to do that? If not, if you're starting out, then don't do that.

put a goal that is realistic, maybe it's just twice a week. Maybe it's just even one time a week. Stick to it for a whole month first and then ramped up accordingly. And the best thing about this is not a lot of people understand when you just, oh my gosh, I need to post every single day on Instagram or LinkedIn. Let me post twice a day. You're not actually allowing the algorithm to learn what you are actually posting. And it just give them such a short window

Brittany Herzberg (14:21.7) Mm-hmm.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (14:25.596) audience as well. Out of nowhere, there's like, Oh, this person Selena popping up on my newsfeed. Okay, great. But who are you? You don't warm up building the relationship that me and be just talk about just now. You're just really missing that gap of going from, Hey, it's me, me pitching you pitching you educating you educating you to something later. So I think that random up pure it. It's so important.

when it comes down to it. So first think about your capacity. Think about whether you have the resources to do that. Stick with only a content frequency that you feel comfortable first and then ramped up accordingly. But to quickly answer the questions, whether twice is good, no. So based on LinkedIn algorithm, it's actually 18 hours. Every post is the maximum impression you can get. So I would only do that when I'm doing launching, right?

Brittany Herzberg (15:20.822) Mm-hmm.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (15:20.988) like I mentioned, I really warm up my audience, there is a goal in place that is social selling using LinkedIn, then I would post it twice per day. But if this is not my goal of selling, I usually just do it like Monday, Friday, and then Saturday, Sunday, I'm just like, you know, my whole team is all my content managers of everything. It's like off enjoying their weekends. And then that would be the way to go. So go back to your resources. What's your goal of posting?

Brittany Herzberg (15:48.362) I liked that a lot and I remember we had this conversation a while ago and you were saying that really your content needs that time to breathe and to actually be out there. So I think I've only done it, like you even said for yourself, super rarely where I've posted twice in a day and it was because there was a podcast that I dropped and there was a summit that I was a part of. So I might have done something like that, but otherwise you're just not giving that marketing piece the time to actually go out there and market and that was really huge.

when we first had these conversations was that it's okay to post like twice a week. Hearing that and knowing that I still wanted to be like super active over on Instagram, I was like, oh, okay, I can keep my Instagram schedule and just build up, you know, start with two times a week on LinkedIn. And it was more than enough. And now I've got like two badges, which is super fun. Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (16:36.25) amazing and you can repurpose too. People always think you need new content for a new platform. Absolutely not. Like just best practice to know what it works for a certain platform but you can always repurpose. So like B, you mentioned your number one platform is Instagram.

then use Instagram as your like sort of number one pillar and then branch out from that. Right. And then like, I know you're now, you know, growing on YouTube as well. I'm pretty sure you start with somewhere else. Maybe now it's YouTube and then you chopped it up to smaller pieces and distribute on Instagram or LinkedIn as like a trailer content that people's like, Oh my gosh, this episode, I want to hear it. Right. And then they go, go about learning it. And that's the best practice.

you can do when it comes to repurposing as well.

Brittany Herzberg (17:26.61) Yeah, I love that. And you've led so seamlessly into the next question, which is something that I've had a lot of conversations with people in my world recently. So let's say we've got a bunch of emails, we've got a bunch of blogs. Are those things that I can repurpose on LinkedIn? Like, I know I've seen LinkedIn newsletters, LinkedIn articles, stuff like that. Is that wise to take those things and move it over?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (17:47.838) Absolutely. I love this question so much because I literally just did a video about stop writing articles from scratch on LinkedIn, but use your website blog and then repurpose it on LinkedIn. I don't know that a lot of people don't know about this, is that you can add fun multimedia through a LinkedIn article.

around this. So what I mean by that, so for instance, B, you and I are like, doing this pop podcast right now, which is also with visual, right with video, you can easily do this multimedia with a video image, like and woven within that LinkedIn article, LinkedIn newsletter, and that's like so powerful. So

Brittany Herzberg (18:18.785) Mm-hmm.

Brittany Herzberg (18:28.183) Wow.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (18:30.19) I can redirect someone, let's say you're more a reader than you read on that LinkedIn article. If someone just like more like a visual person, it hits them with a better sort of like notes when it comes to like their brain, then also include, hey, if you want to watch this episode or listen to this episode, you can click on that. So

Definitely repurpose, repurpose and repurpose. And on top of it, you will get analytics and also longer shelf life using LinkedIn, right? It gives you a different type of target audience. It gives you at least a year or even three years.

on this like a shelf live versus like short form content that Instagram may allows you what 24 hours if I'm not mistaken LinkedIn may be slightly longer for three or five days But that's it right so always repurpose your block to LinkedIn article or newsletter

Brittany Herzberg (19:13.985) Mm-hmm.

Brittany Herzberg (19:25.606) I love that. I've got follow ups like sticking with this. So when you say having the video, like let's say this video goes and lives on YouTube, and we also have like the raw video, should I be putting the YouTube video link in there? Okay.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (19:37.458) Absolutely. And then it will automatically pop up like your thumbnail of your video. So it's like really cool. It's like an article woven into like, you know, usually you will put like pictures or what would you call that? Yes, yes, like GIFs or like things that start images. That's what I'm thinking. But it could change to you, to the...

Brittany Herzberg (19:53.43) Like gifts or whatever.

Brittany Herzberg (19:59.348) Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (20:04.138) episode that it's actually about that topic and it could be also on top of it too. If you're like, let's say this episode we're talking about newsletter and LinkedIn article, I can, you know, zoom out and say, Hey, if you want to learn more about this topic, here's another podcast you can listen to or here's our freebies, you can do that. And that's just help people not just to nurture but from one content pieces to link it out like a spider web to many other

Brittany Herzberg (20:22.731) Mm.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (20:31.794) amazing content that you have produced.

Brittany Herzberg (20:34.798) I like that LinkedIn actually likes that you do that. So is there anything that we need to shift, like taking a blog over to LinkedIn? For example, what I'm thinking is like, I have a product I wanna sell and I've written this blog around explaining what this topic is and then I want someone to buy this product. Should I have a call to action in the LinkedIn article? Should I change it? Should it be the same? Okay.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (20:56.766) Absolutely. No need to change. If like that article, it's like leading up to a digital product, let's say, then the CTA could always, hey, love what I'm sharing with you right here. Do you want to learn more? This is like, you know, $397 digital course you can buy. Absolutely. And it shall fly for one year more.

Brittany Herzberg (21:15.238) Okay, cool. That is really cool. I didn't know that. So definitely like anyone listening, please don't stop posting to your blog, but just know that this is another avenue where you can get in front of different people like Selena said, a different audience, more eyeballs, and have another opportunity to actually like make money, get people in your world, show them who you are and what you're all about. I love that. Okay, what are... Yeah, let's go here.

Sorry, Leah, you'll probably have to cut that out. What are some of like, is there one client success story or when you feel encapsulates a lot of what we talked about so far?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (21:50.762) Yeah, um, I have a lot, but I would talk about...

Brittany Herzberg (21:53.287) I know you do.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (21:56.93) Um, I will talk about one of the clients actually start with me and he's a CIO at a very, very top law firm, um, in the U S and like when we started, he was like, I don't know what to pose. I have so many different ideas, but I'm also really afraid of my network, not engaging on all this stuff. So we talk about, you know, posting frequency, we talk about content specialty. So hone into some of the content specialty that you like. So for instance, I think.

For B, you are such an amazing copywriter. Things that people love to consume will be, or you like to produce that it doesn't really exhaust you, will be like maybe articles, maybe long form text posts, things like that, right? So find what.

Brittany Herzberg (22:41.09) Mm-hmm.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (22:43.186) your strength is and you can do it for a long time. So similarly for this client, we've figured out for him is actually like storytelling type of post. And then he did multiple type of it. And later, I think last year he got rewarded as a LinkedIn top voice just because of him showing up every single day to his audience as well as like to get a content creator fun from LinkedIn specifically for the legal tech.

Brittany Herzberg (22:58.04) Mm-hmm.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (23:12.522) industry so it's like super beautiful I mean it's not like he needed the money but it's more like the recognition like he was like oh my gosh I never thought LinkedIn would give me this type of recognition not just top voice but also this creator farm and I think it gets him a 12.5k just for him showing up online like imagine a platform rewarding you for that and so much more I mean he him

Brittany Herzberg (23:19.048) Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (23:32.59) Wow.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (23:40.314) is a perfect example of figuring out his voice, figuring out some of the content frequency that we talk about, figuring out what friends should be invited to the private dinner party and grow from here, right? And start posting LinkedIn article. All those things would provide opportunities for you. So going back to...

Brittany Herzberg (23:52.951) Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (24:02.002) you, what's your goal? What do you want to use LinkedIn for? Is it to get featured by top media? Is it to become the go-to expert or is it to use LinkedIn for sales? When you have that clarity, things will come to you when you know how to use LinkedIn for.

Brittany Herzberg (24:20.034) Oh for sure. You reminded me as you were talking about like frequency. Is there a frequency difference between like LinkedIn articles and posts? Like when it comes to LinkedIn articles, let's say we're going to repurpose those blogs. Should we be doing it at a certain clip, at a certain frequency?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (24:34.53) Well, I love that question. So LinkedIn have this new feature just launched, I think last year, one year and a half ago, it's called LinkedIn newsletter. So LinkedIn newsletter allow you to create a theme. And but when it called talk about newsletter, be you know it more than I do, there is some sort of like consistency that it require right? Like just like when you're nurturing your own list, you show up like at least maybe weekly.

Brittany Herzberg (24:36.144) Hehehe

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (25:02.59) or bi-weekly. So similarly for LinkedIn newsletter, you should have some sort of frequency that dedicated to do that. So if it's like bi-weekly work for you or even a monthly newsletter, you can do that. And then you can update the frequency so your audience know it as well. And LinkedIn newsletter, it's fantastic because of two things. One is once you blast the newsletter, it will automatically blast to someone's email as well.

That's really good. Another really great thing is about discovery. So even though, like, let's say B, you and I are not connected, but I'm so interested with SEO topic. I was like, oh my god. Like, B have this SEO channels talk about the basic B when it comes to SEO strategies. And I can subscribe to your newsletter, but not necessarily become your connection. But that is your follower, too, which is so interesting.

Brittany Herzberg (25:54.753) Ah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (25:58.384) So those are the two reasons I would say doing a newsletter. As for a LinkedIn article, it's much more relaxed. It's more like just a format. It's like Instagram carousel or Instagram picture post. So you can post at any time if you want. And when you do post a LinkedIn article on LinkedIn newsletter, it will automatically post like a post. So this gets a little bit complicated, but think about it. Everything...

Brittany Herzberg (26:21.558) Got it. I'm with you.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (26:26.486) when you post on LinkedIn, it attached as a post format. But imagine when you post a LinkedIn article or LinkedIn newsletter, you still need to post it as a post. Does that make sense? So no matter what, this is how that looks like in their formatting, but you could choose creating a newsletter or just creating an individual article.

Brittany Herzberg (26:40.315) Mm. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (26:51.334) I follow. That's really helpful. So no matter what newsletter article post, it seems like the best frequency to go with is something that you're going to stay consistent with. I love that. Okay, I've got a few more. Are you still good? All right, you mentioned something which I didn't know.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (26:59.362) Yes, then that's newsletter. Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (27:05.226) Yes!

Brittany Herzberg (27:09.61) Can you tell us more? And I also should have said, like at the beginning, I'll say this somewhere in the copy, but Selena used to work at LinkedIn, so she knows what's up. Like, she's very wise. She's ex-LinkedIn. So you mentioned something about creator mode. It's going away?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (27:26.134) Yes, which is so sad because I that's like actually one of the topics that I love the most and

Brittany Herzberg (27:32.051) Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (27:32.426) I don't know, like LinkedIn sometimes will create some really, really good feature and then decided to turn it off. One of which I think I told you, it's the like almost like an Instagram story thing that they have a while ago. And I remember the C COO from LinkedIn have been like just watching my Instagram story all the time previously. And then they decided to shut it down. But anyway, that's another topic. Another time, you know how passionate I am when it comes to talk about LinkedIn. But yes, so LinkedIn creator mode is closing soon.

Brittany Herzberg (27:52.846) I'm sorry.

Brittany Herzberg (27:56.346) Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (28:02.38) end of that breathe they're like basically taking it down so your profile organization will be slightly different than what you're currently looking at right now so and there's no more like talks about and then there's like five hashtag there's more like this but still

Brittany Herzberg (28:18.868) Oh.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (28:22.198) Hashtag strategy is important on LinkedIn and I will always recommend people just to deploy five Five related topics. I personally just want to make it really simple because like to be honest like who have time to research? How many hashtags so I would stick with five?

Brittany Herzberg (28:41.249) Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (28:41.25) the same five that you talk about, and that could be your five content pillars. And that's it, don't change, and then you can always win keywords accordingly. Even though LinkedIn changes anything, it wouldn't change just your overall strategies.

Brittany Herzberg (28:54.39) Got it. I love that. Yeah, you told me about the five hashtags. You helped me figure out what those were. It was so easy. Go for the high search volume, right? That was one thing I remember. And have them be different categories. So I know I've got like podcasts or podcasting or something like that and then copywriting and you can go check mine out. I'll make sure that I list them somewhere so you can see them. But that's been game changer because I can just focus on my post, get that information out there and then copy paste the hashtags over. I love that so much. Yeah.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (29:21.342) Exactly. Love it. Love it. Love it. And also you can schedule your post on LinkedIn right now. So you don't have to, you know, pay for another separate tool to do that.

Brittany Herzberg (29:26.036) Yes!

Brittany Herzberg (29:31.122) Yeah, it's native. You get to, it's so easy to do that. I love it. Okay, I do have one more for you, which I didn't even realize this was a thing, but someone submitted this question recently. Do groups on LinkedIn work similarly to Facebook groups and do you recommend LinkedIn groups?

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (29:47.61) Oh, that's a great question. Unfortunately, as much as I love LinkedIn, LinkedIn groups are not really working. Unless there are certain already very established groups and talk about maybe like soft search groups in

Brittany Herzberg (29:55.077) Mm.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (30:04.074) a particular let's say, so soft, sorry, job search group in time. I think that one particularly there's like a hundred thousand people there. They're really warm. There's both job seekers. There's also hiring manager that it's within the group. Then I would say those group works. So more established group works. But if you're talking about now want to create a separate group that you want to create a community. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend LinkedIn groups to do that.

Brittany Herzberg (30:32.002) That's good to know and it saves this person some time and me some time from going on and investigating that. This has been incredible. Like I mentioned for anyone listening, you're probably going to need to go back and take notes again, listen to it two, three, four times. There's so much in here and there's so much anytime Selena talks about LinkedIn. So my friend, where can people find you, connect with you, grab your stuff? Surprise!

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (30:53.226) Of course, LinkedIn. Yeah. So connect with me on LinkedIn. Um, I'm also like B growing my present on YouTube and like, like I mentioned, I always like to start with a really strong platform that you are just starting out listening to our podcast. I do however, recommend you to start with a platform that where your audience hanging out first grow from there, which is exactly what I'm doing. So I've been.

doing this for three years now growing on LinkedIn. And then now I decided to branch out on YouTube. So do that, but you can subscribe to my channel to learn more about YouTube. We have also two amazing freebies if you just wanna get started. One is like a full cheat sheet for 2024, how you can basically optimize your LinkedIn profiles from scratch. Another one, if you're learning about social selling that me and B just talked about.

how to use LinkedIn for your small business. If you're a coaches, consultant, freelancer, looking into using LinkedIn to create passive income stream, or you can use LinkedIn for your main business, lead generation perspective, then this is really a playbook that you're going to love.

Brittany Herzberg (32:05.458) I love that so much. Thank you as always. You always come, you always over deliver. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (32:11.267) And thank you for having me. I love being in your show and I know this show is going to be a pack of values. So many amazing guests. I cannot wait to also become one of the listeners listening to all those amazing gems that you are bringing. All those incredible guests to your show.

Brittany Herzberg (32:13.326) Cheers.

Brittany Herzberg (32:21.77) Hehehehe

Brittany Herzberg (32:28.118) Oh, thank you, friend. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much and thank you for listening and we'll catch you on the next one. Bye!

Salina | LinkedIn Business Strategist (32:34.626) Bye everybody.