Marketing Ecosystems for Sustainable Growth w/ Mallory Musante

Want digital marketing to feel simple, doable, & effective? Listen up!

If you’ve been dreaming of a marketing brain you could borrow for your business, you’re in luck! Mallory Musante is a Fractional CFO dedicated to helping businesses grow through data-driven, research-backed marketing. (She also happens to be my first IRL friend in Connecticut!)

In our first ever video chat, we break down the big topic of creating a simple marketing ecosystem that supports sustainable business growth.

Mallory shares the different types of marketing channels entrepreneurs should consider, what data to start collecting, the marketing strategy most of us are overlooking, & a super important mindset shift for all business owners. Grab your coffee, a notebook, & let’s get to it!

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • How a CFO can support businesses

  • How Brittany & Mallory are collaborating at the moment

  • The types of marketing channels for entrepreneurs

  • How to identify your ideal business marketing ecosystem

  • The importance of understanding your buyer’s journey

  • How to collect & analyze data from your marketing efforts

  • What happens when you begin to track metrics

  • The types of marketing things to adjust based on data

  • An important mindset shift for online business owners

  • What most business owners are overlooking in their marketing

Meet: Mallory Musante

Mallory Musante is a seasoned Fractional CMO and marketing consultant dedicated to helping businesses grow through data-driven, research-backed marketing. With nearly 15 years of experience, she’s known for her accessible approach to marketing helping hundreds of organizations build sustainable marketing ecosystems that are aligned with measurable insights, ensuring every decision is impactful and purposeful. Mallory is also the co-founder of BRDGE Insights, where they turn data into a compelling narrative through clear and comprehensive dashboards empowering organizations to use their data to power their marketing decisions in a smarter way.

Mentioned Resources:

Marketing Dashboard

Related Episodes:

Find the Fun in Marketing w/ Latesha Lynch

Connect w/ Mallory:




Connect w/ Brittany:





This episode of The Basic B podcast is brought to you in partnership w/ Leah Bryant Co.! Help me reach more service providers like you by following the show & leaving a rating or review on Apple & Spotify!

The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Basic B podcast follows

Brittany Herzberg:

Welcome back to The Basic B podcast. I'm so happy to have you as well as a person who I've actually met in real life. Like we just logged on and I was like, this is weird. Normally I haven't met people in real life, so I think this is the first like video call that Mallory and I have ever done. But welcome to Mallory Musante. I've never said her last name before. We're going to be talking about really like a simple marketing ecosystem that's going to help you grow your business in a sustainable way. I don't feel like I've ever talked about this in this way before, so I'm really excited. But before I bring her on, here is a quick intro. Mallory is a seasoned fractional CMO and marketing consultant dedicated to helping businesses grow through data driven, research backed marketing. With nearly 15 years of experience, she's known for her accessible approach to marketing, helping hundreds of organizations build sustainable marketing ecosystems that are aligned with measurable insights, ensuring every decision is impactful and purposeful. Mallory is also the co founder of Bridge Insights, where they turn data into a compelling narrative through clear and comprehensive dashboards, empowering organizations to use their data to power their marketing decisions in a smarter way. Hello, friend.

Mallory Musante: Hello!

Brittany Herzberg: I feel like I've learned so much about you already, haha.

Mallory Musante: Honestly, in my head I was like, who wrote that bio? I sound legit. I wrote it.

Brittany Herzberg: You're like, by the way, that was me. I love reading people's bios because literally like all of my guests have just been like beaming after I do that. So that's your hype track from here on out.

Mallory Musante: Thank you. Thank you.

Brittany Herzberg: No, I'm so excited to have you on. It's really funny because we're friends in real life and we've actually met and like gone on like coffee dates and stuff in Connecticut. So this is very weird because I'm like, it is used to chatting about life, not business.

Mallory Musante: Yeah, I know. We very rarely talk about our businesses.

Brittany Herzberg: Yeah, we met up the first time and then second time you and I were both like, so what do you do?

Mallory Musante: Yeah, right.

Brittany Herzberg: You're a professional, you work for yourself. It's about all I know.

Mallory Musante: Yeah, pretty much.

Brittany Herzberg: Oh my gosh. So how did you find yourself in the world of marketing? I mean, 15 years is quite a long time, dude.

Mallory Musante: It is. I feel old when I say that. So fun times. But I went to college for marketing and kind of just like found my, my way through there. Very roundabout way of getting here. But I started my first company in college. Had a slew of entreprene real endeavors. But while I was also doing that, I had kind of like fallen into social media. Like at that point, social media was just kind of becoming more of a thing and brands were just starting to use it. So I kind of like fell into that role as like an intern. I think they were just like, give this girl like this. We don't know what we're doing. And then from there I kind of like started doing a little bit more marketing outside of social media and then kind of just like worked our way up to being a fractional cmo.

Brittany Herzberg: I love that. I mean, your path makes much more sense than mine does from an outside perspective because, like massage to marketing yours, you actually went to school for it.

Mallory Musante: That is very true. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg: So anytime you're feeling like that, just remember that's how my story went.

Mallory Musante: I love that so much.

Brittany Herzberg: So random. It makes sense, but it's very random. You mentioned something that I know I've had to ask people about in the past. And just for anyone listening, what exactly is a fractional cmo?

Mallory Musante: So I like to say that I'm your marketing brain. So essentially I am there to help you kind of figure out what's working, what's not, and basically be the guide for you and your team. So most of my clients end up having a really great team of people that are excellent executors, but they're not always great at being like, oh, something's not working. I don't know how to fix this. Or they don't know how to fit all of the different marketing channels into that ecosystem that actually works really well together. That's kind of where I come in. I make sure all the pieces are playing nicely together and we are kind of like figuring out if there's something that we need to optimize. And I'm just kind of looking at all of that data and the stuff that most people don't actually like to do, I love. So I end up being kind of the marketing brain and helping kind of guide the strategy from there.

Brittany Herzberg: I love that. And it's been really cool because we just recently started collaborating on a project that I'm so excited about. And just as like a lovely, lovely human. I love going in and checking the comments in the Google Doc, like, that's how fun it is to work with this person. But it's been cool to work with you because you're also in on the project. Not only did you connect us, but you're like helping and I can See how you're definitely a marketing brain for this person.

Mallory Musante: Yeah, yeah. She very much is like, mallory, just take care of this, please.

Brittany Herzberg: Please do it. And even when I haven't tagged you, it's just like, really help.

Mallory Musante: Yes. Yeah. Like always, just go to me for the marketing.

Brittany Herzberg: Yeah. And you have, like, the data and the research and stuff like that. It's been really cool to be able to do SEO and also see how you work. You mentioned the ecosystem. You mentioned channels for marketing. Maybe let's start with what are some of those different marketing channels?

Mallory Musante: So for the majority of my clients, it's social media in some form. Usually Instagram, maybe Facebook, TikTok. All the different social media channels. Right. SEO can also be one. As you know, there are plenty of things that actually fall under SEO, and that's kind of where that ecosystem, like, almost starts with blogging, backlinks, all of those pieces, and then email marketing. So really just like any individual kind of, like, distribution channel that you're, like, distributing content through could be ads. One of yours might be networking, so in person events could be another one. So anything that you are doing to interact directly with your prospective customers and clients, I would kind of call a channel, essentially. Sometimes I'll use, like, Marketing Avenue or something like that interchangeably just because it might make a little bit more sense. But, yeah, that's kind of like where we start with the channels.

Brittany Herzberg: Cool. So a few other ones that came to mind that I'm curious if you would also consider them avenues or channels. I love that extra word would be like, referrals. Or is that more of, like a byproduct of a marketing channel?

Mallory Musante: It is a little bit more of a byproduct, but you could have a marketing strategy around referrals. So if you have some sort of, like, referral program where you actually give a percentage to anyone that refers a client to you, that would just be, you know, having touch points with people to remind them that you could actually earn some money by referring people to me. Good people.

Brittany Herzberg: I'm kidding.

Mallory Musante: Yes. Yeah, right?

Brittany Herzberg: We love referrals. And then, like, I mean, podcast guesting or even, like, guest teaching could probably be one.

Mallory Musante: Yes, definitely. So being a guest expert of some kind, that's definitely a great one. And it kind of depends because everyone uses it as, like, a different goal. Right. So some people want to be a guest expert inside a membership or on a course or something like that. And that could actually be a revenue source for you. But, you know, for me, for, like, when I'm A guest on podcast. It's more of like a visibility thing as well as building credibility. So that is something that I would consider one of my marketing channels.

Brittany Herzberg: I love that. So is a marketing ecosystem going to look the same for everyone?

Mallory Musante: No. So it's going to be very, very specific to your business and kind of how I like to start structuring them. All right, we're going to get a little nerdy guys, so stay with us. Do not abort is called the buyer's journey. So essentially this is the decision making process that your target market goes through from the point that they realize they have some sort of need or problem that they're looking for a solution for. Up until they decide, you know, to hire someone, purchase a product, whatever that looks like. So it's kind of thinking through where do they start their search, do they go to social media? Are they asking friends, family, colleagues, someone along those lines, are they going to Google ChatGPT? Like there's all these different ways that someone can start their search and then what's the next step they take? Maybe they do search Google and they're not really finding what they want. They might turn to searching Instagram instead, then asking friends and family. There's a lot of different, like, kind of paths they can take. And the great part about also doing the buyer's journey, like understanding that is you also start to understand what type of information are they looking for to help make that decision. So you can actually tailor your website, copy your blog post, social media content, any of those different marketing like pieces create almost like campaigns around them to help people actually make the decision. So when you think about it that way, all your buyers are going to be different depending on what they're looking for, what your product or service is. And then you can start to say, okay, I know these need to be kind of top of funnels, pieces that bring awareness to my brand. Here's kind of the next step. They might want to join my email list. They might want to like binge my podcast. You know, depending on kind of what you have, those would be like middle of funnel. And then like website, email marketing. Some of those pieces would be like the bottom of funnel as well.

Brittany Herzberg: Gotcha. So the marketing ecosystem, we're thinking of how people are coming in our world, how we're nurturing them, and then really how they're getting to that point of deciding like, oh, okay, I want to buy a thing or hire this person for a service.

Mallory Musante: Yeah. And the other piece too is thinking about how to re engage them So a lot of the times people are either going to, you know, we get distracted easily in this day and age. Right. Or we're just like frustrated because we're not really getting the answer we want. So we just like put it on the back burner until it becomes a problem again and that we need to look for it. So thinking about ways to re engage those people is that like when you capture their email then you're able to re engage them through email marketing. It might be retargeting ads. So if they come to your website and they don't take an action, then they are going to start getting ads from you. There's a lot of different ways you can do that, but that is like one of those pieces. Like the re engagement piece is also pretty critical there too.

Brittany Herzberg: I always forget about that one and I feel like so many of us do. It's like, oh yeah, you have leads in your pipeline. Hello.

Mallory Musante: Definitely. And that's like a little bit more of like an advanced thought process for marketing.

Brittany Herzberg: Yeah. So okay, let's run with that. Someone who's new, newer to this. Like let's say I'm a new business owner and I'm like hearing all of this stuff and I'm hearing top of funnel, middle of funnel, bottom of funnel. And I'm like, okay, I need to have a way to get out there. I need to have a way to nurture people and I need to have a way to like basically close the deal. I'm thinking of in my head, where should we even start? Because I know that with like the whole like buyer's journey, one thing that I see trip a lot of clients up is that they're like, I don't know where they're going. I've asked people and they don't have an answer for me. So when we get there, where should we go?

Mallory Musante: So if you think about yourself when you're making a decision to actually purchase something, it's also going to depend wildly. Right. If I'm buying a car, my decision making process is going to be very different than if I'm going to pick out a piece of candy just a little bit. Right. So think about like your own buying behavior and then sometimes we do know what that information is. We actually have that data and information. But if you're just starting out, you probably don't. So some of this is going to be your best like most educated guess. So like really thinking about like, okay, what's the problem that these people are actually have and what would be potentially Their first clue. It's almost like a little web. Like there's a lot of different avenues. Like it's not a straight linear line. They're gonna, you know, go from here over to here, over to here. Like it's a whole web of things. Which is why we want an ecosystem because you can intercept them at different points and different places. So that's kind of how we want to like look at it. So you are going to want to just take your best educated guess to kind of figure out what does that actually look like. But then when you're actually putting it into practice, I actually like to look at the funnel upside down. So I like to start with the bottom of funnel and make sure all of those pieces are really solid. Because there's no point in getting people even into your funnel if they're going to get to the bottom and not do anything about it. Right?

Brittany Herzberg: Yeah.

Mallory Musante: So if you almost look at it that way, make sure, assuming your website is kind of like the sales tool that you're using to get people to inquire, purchase whatever it looks like, making sure that's really solid. Then what are your middle of funnel pieces? Making sure those are really solid. Then you can just do all the things and like the top of funnel is what comes most naturally to people. It's posting on social media, like those type of things. It's the other two pieces that are usually the sticking point. So you can just get a bunch of people in your funnel and make little tweaks from there.

Brittany Herzberg: What are some examples? Just to make it like really sticky for people. Like, definitely. I mean, social media, of course we're thinking of that top of funnel, maybe even podcasts in there. I feel like podcasts could even fit in like middle of the funnel as well. What are some of those examples? So I'll let you answer for middle and bottom of funnel.

Mallory Musante: And that's a great point too about the podcast. Some of your marketing channels actually might fit into multiple. So I would say podcasts fit into multiple channels. And as well, social media can often fit into different stages of the funnel depending on the type of content. Right. So to have a funnel. Yes. We usually think of social media ads if you're doing like engagement style ads. Like that would be a top of funnel situation. Press and podcasts can definitely be top of funnel. Those also kind of fit into middle bottom funnel too. Video content, kind of like anything that you're just like, this is where people are going to like discover me. That kind of falls into that middle of Funnel is usually blog posts. So they're going to potentially discover you through SEO through a blog post. But it gives people an opportunity to like stay on your blog, read a bunch, sign up for your email list. So email list could also be middle of funnel and then podcasts also fall into that. So anything that's a little bit more long form, bingeable type stuff and then your bottom of funnel, usually sales pages. I also put email marketing in there too because that's often a very significant sales tool for most businesses. If you do webinars that then like go into a launch, like that would be a bottom of funnel. So anything like that, lead magnets would potentially be middle bottom depending on how you're using those. Those are kind of the, the big ones, I think.

Brittany Herzberg: Yeah, that's helpful. Would a sales call or a consultation call or discovery call or whatever we want to call the calls, would that be at the bottom of the funnel as well?

Mallory Musante: Yeah, so I would put that at the bottom of funnel. And something that I like to remind my clients is sometimes there are different points of conversion. So your first point of your conversion might be getting someone to sign up for your email list and then your second point of a conversion is getting them to even inquire and then the third could be the sales call and from there. So it really kind of depends on like your specific process and how that works, what that conversion point is. But yeah, you can kind of look at that multiple ways.

Brittany Herzberg: That is really helpful. Okay, so now that we've established that, I mean you definitely focus on like research backed, data driven type things, can you walk us through how you're collecting data and analyzing it along the way? I mean, we could probably look at this through like all of the different pieces of the funnel, I would imagine.

Mallory Musante: Yeah, so and that's another thing too is sometimes like I was saying, your social media, for example, is going to fall into multiple points of the funnel. So also knowing there might be certain types of content that you post that are very focused on, you know, bringing in new followers, for example. But then some of your other posts might be very sales driven, so it's a little bit more bottom of funnel. So also knowing where those kind of fit in within kind of like that sphere as well.

Brittany Herzberg: Take us through how you collect and analyze data at the different points, knowing.

Mallory Musante: Kind of what the metrics are for the top of funnel, middle of funnel, bottom of funnel too. So typically top of funnel, we're going to be looking at impressions and reach and then middle of funnel for Social media example, clicks over to the website, and then we're going to look at conversion. So again, what is that conversion point? Is it actually getting people to your email list? Is it getting people to fill out your inquiry form an application? Something along those lines. So we're kind of. I often am looking at it like that. But I will say one of the biggest mistakes I see most business owners make, especially small business owners, because you don't really have the capacity to track your data as effectively as a larger company, for example, is, you know, if you're looking at just your Instagram data and then just your email marketing, you're potentially missing some pieces that are telling you the full story. So if you can centralize your data into like one spreadsheet, that way you can see if there's trends, see if there's correlation. So I saw a huge spike in my website traffic this month. I also saw a big spike in my income. So theoretically, if I get more people over to the website, I'm going to see more sales. And then you can test that and see if that actually works or was there another variable that factored into that? So you can start to kind of play with that. But when you see it all together, it makes it much easier to kind of notice those trends and see if there's a difference and correlate it to your sales as well. So I kind of like to have just like a big spreadsheet shameless plug here. I have a dashboard that you can buy for $47. There's three different spreadsheets. But one part of that is, I call it my scorecard, which is essentially this tracking data so you can track your revenue, your number of leads you get every month, all your website data, social media, all the different pieces. So again, you can see it right there and look at those trends, see if there's correlations, and then you can start using that to inform what you're actually doing within your marketing, too.

Brittany Herzberg: That is very smart. And actually I have to just say, like, really, up until last year, I did not like looking at any numbers, whether it was like finances or leads or any of that. Like any, anything. I was like, yep, don't really care to pay attention to it. But the second I started paying attention to it and actually, like, not avoiding it, but just facing my fear, basically everything changed. And it was really helpful because when you start to track things. So I'm saying this for anyone, and you're like, oh, my gosh, I can't do that. Start somewhere. Even if you're just tracking like a couple of different things because when you start to notice and just even keeping those numbers in mind or in the forefront of your attention, there's just something energetically, I think that changes because you're aware of it, you're paying attention and then it just like shifts something for you. So I'm really glad you have that. And definitely we're going to link to that in the show notes.

Mallory Musante: Well, and to go off of that, I mean, like, numbers can be scary, right? And like, we're constantly comparing ourselves to others. So if you think about it on like Instagram, for example, like, oh, they have this many followers. Well, like, we don't actually know what that means. Does that even translate to sales? Like, we don't know. So I think a lot of us often try to avoid looking at some of those things because it's going to be like, oh, well, if that isn't good, like, you know, you have emotions around those things even though the numbers like, literally don't care and have nothing. And it's actually a tool to like, help you be better. But yeah, like, I think just kind of like getting comfortable looking at them and like, you don't even realize it, but you're going to start analyzing that and actually understand what is like, happening. And you're going to be starting to then like, put pieces together so you can like more quickly see what's happening so you can make adjustments a little bit more quickly. So just kind of getting comfortable looking at that is going to be really helpful.

Brittany Herzberg: Yeah. Within the last few months, I'm like, oh, okay. I really see like, sales take place in my emails or I see sales take place with me, you know, posting the stories. But it's also the thing that, like, I get in my head about where I'm like the mindset stuff, right? Of like, I can't always be doing this. I can't always be doing. Why not? Like, I have a business. People have needs. Why should I not be telling them, hey, I have this. Sharing stuff on threads and seeing people talking about different topics and then tagging me like, oh, hey Britney, you know something about this? Or don't you have a resource for this? Or don't you talk about that? So that's been very helpful for me. It's not even so much like shameless self promotion. It's just like, oh, I'm being tagged because someone has a need and I have a thing. And it's like, yep, here's the link. So I think that really Helped me to just keep working through that and getting over myself to a degree.

Mallory Musante: Yeah. A lot of business is getting over ourselves.

Brittany Herzberg: Yeah, Very much so. Highly recommend getting on threads and testing that out just in case you're not over there yet. If you haven't been, come say hi. Like, what the heck? It's really fun. So okay. You are really good at looking at all of this stuff for your clients. Since we're on like mindset stuff, do you have any like reservations or hang ups, you know, when it comes to your own business or like, do you follow this perfectly?

Mallory Musante: Oh yeah. It's way harder to do everything for yourself, don't you know?

Brittany Herzberg: Yes.

Mallory Musante: Like literally we just had a conversation the other day about how I was starting to get like really anxious over money. And there's literally no reason for me to be anxious over money because my Q1 is up probably like $7,000 from 2024. Q1 like, Mallory, what are you doing, girlfriend? Literally last year I didn't set a single goal. I didn't have a revenue goal. I was just like, we'll see what happens. And it worked really well for me. And that's not to say that it wasn't strategic about it. I just was kind of letting my intuition lead but then thinking about it strategically versus thinking about it strateg quickly and then pushing my intuition to the side. All that to say, like, I do have 15 years of experience. I've started my first company while I was in college. So I also have like 15 years of experience as a business owner with multiple businesses. So I think there is like some pieces to that where it just my intuition like knows because we've been there, done that, bought the T shirt and all of that. So I do have my reservations. I do have moments of panic and anxiety. I do have moments where I'm looking at my numbers and like I literally screen share this morning to a client to walk her through something and I was showing her my own Google Analytics and I was like, this is actually really funny because she sent me a screenshot and her numbers are way higher than mine. So I hope she's not like, does Mallory actually know what she's doing? Which is fine because we have different business models. I don't need as much traffic to my website as like she would. But yes, I do. I'm a little anxious human. I don't know what to tell you.

Brittany Herzberg: No, it makes me feel better and I know if it makes me feel better that it's going to make someone listening feel better. Because, like, yes, we know what we're doing, we know what we're talking about, we understand the data, we can help you interpret it, and we have our own mindset.

Mallory Musante: Trash. Yes, exactly.

Brittany Herzberg: Very much so. Yeah, I've done that before too, where I've taken a picture of my own, like, Google search console or something, and I'm like, well, these numbers are embarrassing, but it'll prove the point.

Mallory Musante: Yeah, right.

Brittany Herzberg: But like, to that point, last year I really focused on, okay, so I launched the podcast and then it was every single episode. Make sure I get that cranked out as an SEO optimized blog post. Got that, nailed that in. But now it's like, all right, now this year I have the additional goal of keep that up and add in at least one SEO optimized blog post that's not podcast related. That really is me answering a question or me addressing a topic or something like that. So, yeah, we're humans. We know things, but we're humans.

Mallory Musante: Exactly. And I mean, like, everybody's like, so different too. Like, I think we're in the same boat. I'm actually not sure. Like, I have a virtual assistant. That's my team. Like, I'm doing the majority of it too. So also understanding, like, you know, everybody has, like, different capacities in business and in life. There's so many factors that go into it. And I also think that's an important thing to think about when it comes to your marketing too, is just like, what is my capacity? Because, like, I'm working on a strategy right now for a couple that they both have full time jobs and they're also full time caregivers to an elderly parent. So they do not have the same capacity as someone like me who is single and just freeloading off my parents at the moment because I can't find a house to buy.

Brittany Herzberg: But the market is hard. Okay, give yourself some grace.

Mallory Musante: But all that to say I have a higher capacity than some other people. So right now I get to like, experiment and try new things and stuff because I have a lot more flexibility with just like, finances, capacity, like all of those things, for sure.

Brittany Herzberg: All right, so let's tie this all together because we've talked about the ecosystem, we talked about the mindset, which I didn't anticipate coming up. But I'm not surprised in the least because we've had these conversations. But, like, when it comes to business growth and looking for opportunities, I mean, what do you notice missing? How can we really create something that is sustainable for us? And I do think you talked about that a good bit with just hitting on the point of capacity. But any other thoughts as we're wrapping up?

Mallory Musante: Yeah. So I will wrap this up with kind of like my signature concept that I walk everybody through. So I call it my linchpin strategies. So this is also really good for anyone that is starting out because what you want to do is you want to identify one to three marketing strategies or channels that are driving like 80% of your results. For most people, that's going to be 80% of your sales. And then you are going to have any other things that you are doing in the marketing world and they're all going to point to those three because we know those three are actually driving the results. So for example, we know email marketing for a lot of people drives results. So that's one of your linchpin strategies. So all your social is going to drive people there, your blog posts. So if you're doing that specifically for SEO, you want to make sure those are optimized in a way that then plugs your lead magnet or whatever it is to get people to the email list. Because, you know, once they get on the email list, they are much more likely to buy from you. And then if you want to take that a step further, and this is how you build sustainably, is you have these solid foundations and then you just start slowly adding some gas to the fire. So then you can run ads to the lead magnets to get people onto your email list. Not necessarily going to want to run ads until you know those things actually work and convert because you're going to be wasting money if you're not sure of that potentially. So it's just slowly starting to add more and more pieces in and, and more strategies in. But you have those solid foundations, you know, those are driving traffic and the results that you're looking for. And then you're just amplifying it that way, but in a sustainable way because you don't really have to like do all that much more. You're just adding in little pieces here and there.

Brittany Herzberg: That is really wise. Is there a length of time you would say, like, you know, start with these three and focus on these three for X amount of time.

Mallory Musante: This is gonna be such an annoying answer.

Brittany Herzberg: Let me guess. It depends.

Mallory Musante: I actually was gonna say it's all on vibes.

Brittany Herzberg: That's a good one. I like that one better.

Mallory Musante: Like, honestly, I do think there's a point where you realize and like, this is often where I will come in because most people are like all Right. I've done all the things and I don't know what else to do. So there's usually, like, that tipping point. So it's normally when you hit, like, some sort of plateau. So it's either potentially growth through your email marketing, social media channels, or it could even be growth in your sales. So there's going to be some sort of plateau, and then that's when you know there's going to be something to add in. So it's not really a specific length of time because everyone's going to be a little bit different. But yeah, that plateau is usually a signifier that you need to make some adjustments or add something new in.

Brittany Herzberg: Mm. That's good. In case you can't tell, I'm the person that, like, the mechanical say something is, you know, up with the car and pay attention to it. And I'm like, okay, but what do I actually need to listen for? What do I need to look for? What is it gonna smell or sound or look like? So that was very helpful. I agree that, like, you just have a feeling or you're looking for that plateau and it's like, oh, here we go. Okay, Call Mallory.

Mallory Musante: Yeah. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg: Speaking of which, where can we find you?

Mallory Musante: Well, you can find me on threads. That's where I'm probably the most active these days. @mallormiasante. Also on Instagram, not quite as active, but I'm still on there. And then my website is also Amazing.

Brittany Herzberg: And we'll make sure we link the. What was it?

Mallory Musante: Oh, the marketing dashboard that.

Brittany Herzberg: Okay. I was like, I'm gonna butcher the name. Is there anything else that you have that we've kind of touched on today that might make sense? To make sure I link to.

Mallory Musante: I can also give you the link to. I have a free. A fractional Samos guide to email analytics. Totally free. So you can kind of, like, know where to, like, start and what to look at.

Brittany Herzberg: Ooh, perfect. Thank you so much.

Mallory Musante: You're welcome.

Brittany Herzberg: I will make sure I have those links. This was really great. I really appreciate being able to have more of a professional conversation with you.

Mallory Musante: I'm just gonna say this has been, like, so fun because we do know each other too. So thank you for having me.

Brittany Herzberg: Yeah, of course. Thank you so much. And make sure you go say hi to Mallory. Promise. She's very friendly. Bye.

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Boost Productivity by Seeking Support w/ Meridith McCarty