My Best Purchase of 2020..

Just 6 weeks ago I returned to work.

But I was nervous and wanted to make sure my clients felt comfortable and safe in my massage space.

I read articles, watched YouTube videos, searched sites for PPE, and then it dawned on me…

This virus is in the air, and I need something to help combat that.

Enter… The Molekule Air Mini

It not only looks cute, is affordable, and does the job it also doubles as a white noise machine!

And my clients love it so much that 2 of them bought their own units after their first massages back!

This little purifier has given me and my clients such peace of mind and comfort.

Is there something you purchased for your return to work that you’re in love with?

Please share! I love finding new helpful gadgets and connecting people with them!

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

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