Nervous System Regulation for Business Owners w/ Kathleen Booker

Take care of YOU so you can take care of business. (Includes: a guided breathwork session.)

Inhale. Exhale. You feel that? That’s what a moment of calm can feel like. And YOU, my friend, have got to find yourself some peace every once in a d*mn while. As business owners we’re constantly running around with stuff to do, endless lists of tasks, & worries that’ll make anyone’s head spin. 

Being an entrepreneur guarantees your “stuff” is gonna come up & greet you on the daily. But it does NOT have to mean that you’re left wiggling around like a helpless bug that’s flipped on its back. There are a plethora of tools available to you that can help you regulate your nervous system—and breathwork happens to be one of them. You with me? Great—you’re gonna want to click that Play button so you get the goodness from my friend & today’s podcast guest, Kathleen Booker (AKA The Jedi of Calm).

Kathleen isn’t your generic breathwork guru sitting pretty on a meditation cushion with an air of zen. Don’t get me wrong! You’re lulled into relaxation with her guided breathwork sessions, but she keeps it SO real when it comes to navigating the stresses of business & life. I know you’re going to enjoy this real, raw, & relatable conversation about stress, anxiety, grief, & a whole host of other tough emotions that we all face. 

More than anything, I’m excited for you to actually find that moment of ease toward the end of this episode with our exclusive guided breathwork session. (Huge thanks to Kathleen for this extra special moment. ❤️) Go on—get your calm on!

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • How to notice signs of dysregulation as a business owner

  • What shallow breathing really indicates

  • How your breath literally impacts your business

  • How breathwork… works

  • What to do once you notice your breath is “off”

  • What the Non Judgemental Observer is

  • The benefits of breathwork for business owners

Don’t forget you can submit a question that will get answered in an upcoming podcast!

Meet: Kathleen

Kathleen Booker is a world-renowned Breathing Specialist, Somatic Practitioner, and Jedi of Calm with over 15 years of experience. Native to New York with Global Impact, Kathleen leads with her calming energy, infectious, and effervescent spirit. As a member of the International Association of Coaches and a certified and insured Breathwork Coach, Kathleen is deeply knowledgeable about this work and ensures the utmost care for your well-being, breath, and balance.

Links & Mentioned Resources:

A Course in Miracles

Related Episodes:

Celi & G.A.B.

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The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Basic B podcast follows

Brittany Herzberg (00:02.452)

Welcome back to the Basic Bee Podcast and thank you so much for joining. I'm always just like really grateful that you tune in. I've got another fantastic guest for you. I'm talking with Kathleen Booker, my friend Kathleen Booker, who is all about breathwork. We're going to be diving into nervous system regulation specifically for business owners and then we have a special surprise that you are really not going to want to miss. But of course, before I bring her on, I'm going to give you her quick intro.

Kathleen Booker is a world renowned breeding specialist, somatic practitioner and Jedi of calm with over 15 years experience. Native to New York with global impact, Kathleen leads with her calming energy, infectious and effervescent spirit. As a member of the International Association of Coaches and a certified and insured breathwork coach, Kathleen is deeply knowledgeable about this work and ensures the utmost care for your wellbeing, breath and balance. And before I say hi to her, I know it's like killing her to just like sit there.

I also want to mention that Kathleen and I met through Sully inside Gap and I'll make sure to link Sully's episode below, but it's just incredible and I feel so like I feel like I won the life lottery because I get to partake in like both of their works. So anyway, Kathleen, my friend, hello.

Brittany Herzberg (01:36.02) So, which do you believe is the most important for sales? SEO, storytelling, or social proof? And we're done. I agree. Yeah.

Kathleen booker (02:06.11) All of it. It's almost as if, you know that saying, get a piece of pasta, toss it up against the wall and see what sticks. You really have to cover all bases. And even in my work with what I do, I offer my clients not only breath work,

but also some energy medicine and other tools. You have to do all of it, SEO, storytelling, everything. And I'm even gonna go out on a limb because I'm a bit of an OG and I take that with pride. I even, I mail people. There's a young lady in my neighborhood and I help her, two young ladies, little girls.

I garden my mother garden. So when I see these little ones coming up and down the street, I offer them flowers to Plant and I just had a lovely young lady in the backyard and we started seeds So really nice. So I say all that to say I said to her Last time we worked together and I gave her a gift. I said, you know, it's nice when someone

when you are happy with what someone has done for you or that there's someone you'd like to meet. And for me, as a business owner, I write thank you notes. And I told her, I said, you know, if your teacher does something nice to you or your classmate or you're happy with the flowers that we planted today, write a note. And then I went out and I got her.

stationary so that she could begin to write her notes. So all of that to say, I also write notes. And you would be surprised how many people remember me or respond because I took the time to put a $9,000 stamp on an envelope. I'm joking, just that the stamps, they keep going up and up and up.

Brittany Herzberg (04:16.724) You're not quite joking. I know it's awful. That is so sweet though and that is so true that I think we overlook that. And that just like that tiny little gesture can go such a long way. Ugh.

Kathleen booker (04:31.594) a very long waste. So do everything, really. And do I have massive amounts of time? No. However, there are some things that you just have to make time for. The SEO, which I fought until I met Brittany. Now, of course, SEO, case studies, Brittany. Every time I see her, I'm like, okay, wait.

Brittany Herzberg (04:35.573) Mm-hmm.

Brittany Herzberg (04:47.357) Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (04:55.104) Hehehehe

Kathleen booker (04:57.25) What have I done lately? Da da da. Let me get another voice of client. So thank you very much for that. And thank you also see everything.

Brittany Herzberg (05:07.949) Yeah, I agree. And thank you because every time I see you I'm like, oh, I need to remember to like just take a minute and breathe. I got to do that. So I do want to share and I've shared this on an earlier podcast episode. My background is as a massage therapist. So I really, my heart just gets so full when I get to do episodes like this where we get to talk about regulating the nervous system and really taking care of the person.

running the business. So thank you for being here and helping me to bring in healing and online business work. I love this. Okay, let's start with you've been doing this work for quite a while. I would love to know like what are some of the things that you've noticed in dysregulated business owners specifically like what are some things that you observe?

Kathleen booker (05:37.955) Thank you.

Kathleen booker (05:53.422) Confusion, overwhelm, a lot of I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I'm exhausted. What do I do next? I have no idea. Exhaustion, overwhelm, and the I don't knows. And then also the shoulding on yourself. I sh- oh, I might have just said should about doing-

Brittany Herzberg (06:09.189) Mm-hmm.

Brittany Herzberg (06:18.177) Mm.

Kathleen booker (06:22.494) letters whoops if I did whoopsie um the shooting on yourself and the comparing whoo I'm gonna put my hand up in the air and that because there are times I compare myself also I'm not gonna lie and there are times when I shoot on myself I'm not gonna lie and I catch myself when I when I if I have the inkling of a should that's what comes forward and the and the breath

Brittany Herzberg (06:26.067) You're human.

Brittany Herzberg (06:33.711) Oh yeah.

Kathleen booker (06:51.446) The breath is very anxious and the body is anxious. That's what I see in the business owners. And also my clients who are C-suite employees or wherever you are in the ranks, wherever you are. Because it's not just a up here or down here, it's trickle everywhere. Trickle from the top to the bottom, from the bottom to the top.

Brittany Herzberg (07:20.62) It's a system, just like your body is a system and it goes up and down and all around in there. And even as you're talking, I'm thinking of usually around this time of day, I will catch myself not breathing very well to the point where I'm actually getting red. And my boyfriend will sometimes come into my office and be like, you're not breathing, are you? I'm like, no. No, not.

Kathleen booker (07:42.21) Thank God. Thank goodness.

Brittany Herzberg (07:44.72) Yeah, and it's not that I'm not breathing, but shallow and I'm focused and I'm not, I'm more focused here than I am like with myself, so that's always a good reminder to just be like, okay, take a pause, I'm going to walk away, I'm going to go do something else.

Kathleen booker (07:47.52) Right.

Kathleen booker (07:58.346) In addition, not only is your breath super duper shallow, but also you're not present in this right now moment, which is the biggest thing. You're 29,000 feet or days or weeks or years ahead, or you're in the past.

or you're trying to see how you can get out of what you're doing because you really don't want to do it. So there's a little sideways shuffle going on there. You're every place, but here, present, and that's exhausting. It's exhausting. And it, how can you, how can I focus if I'm thinking about, well, shit, I gotta go in the backyard and

Brittany Herzberg (08:33.769) Mm-hmm, it is.

It really, really is.

Kathleen booker (08:48.206) prep my yard for the spring, remembering the energy it took for me to do the front lawn. I'm totally telling the truth. Oh my God, I was so exhausted. And I gotta do the back, which is bigger than the front, right? And I gotta do this and I gotta get the da, da. So I'm weaving back and forth, future, past, and then slipping to the side saying, well, maybe I'll just go to the pool and...

Brittany Herzberg (09:02.004) Yeah.

Kathleen booker (09:16.918) you know, have a swim, which is how I will, besides the breath, with the breath, regulate myself when I start to get really out of it. I will go do some of my training. I'll swim. I'll walk. I'll do something this morning. I did a cold dip. And, um, it's really.

Brittany Herzberg (09:41.336) You are, I don't know if you're brave or nuts with that one.

Kathleen booker (09:44.626) I believe a little bit of both with the temperature. I will say this morning I did not dunk my head. This morning I only went up to my chin because it was super duper chilly in the water. Super duper chilly.

Brittany Herzberg (09:47.852) Fair. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (10:01.808) Yeah, oh goodness. So that's pretty, you bring up a good point. When we notice ourselves doing these things, which I want to get to that in just a second, but when we notice ourselves doing these things, one of the things I notice myself doing is like, shame on you. Like, how could you? And like wanting to reprimand myself. But in lieu of that, what could we do instead?

Kathleen booker (10:22.19) First of all, yay you for noticing that you begin to browbeat yourself. You're a human. All of us are. We all go there. I even have a toenail up there. As soon as you catch yourself with that, just go, oh, take a breath. I'm going to make another choice or something that I use and share with my clients also. It's A Course in Miracles and I love A Course in Miracles.

I could have peace instead of this. Above all else, I want to see this, whatever this is, differently. And another one that I have been using is, and just to say this in your mind very quickly, my mind, despair, I'm going to replace it with dream. Now it doesn't mean that you have to go.

automatically into this big dood You don't have to do that. Just saying that will just shift you back into this present moment because your breath will begin to just lengthen a little bit. Your vagus nerve will just come on board a little bit more.

you are present and you are connected to source, to the most high. All it is for us, and I say us, is to remember automatically with those things, you come back to that place within you that never ever leaves you. No matter how screwy or effed up your physical eyes are looking at a scene or whatever, no matter how screwed up, you'll come back.

Brittany Herzberg (11:52.457) Mm-hmm.

Kathleen booker (12:17.902) to that place that never leaves you, that is pure peace. Now, I say that, and then I have to follow it up with, it doesn't mean that instantaneously things will dissipate or disappear. However, from a place connected with source, a place where I am in my body, not running hairy, harem, scarum around,

I can make choices for myself that are for truly my highest, greatest good. I am connected to my all there is within myself. That place, Course in Miracles, lesson number 68 says, love created me like itself. That place within me where calm created me calm. That place within me, peace.

Brittany Herzberg (13:09.14) Hmm.

Kathleen booker (13:16.27) created me peace, that place within me focus, created me focus. And let me let me give you a really good example that happened this morning on my way back from my coal dip and then I went to Costco to get some gas, just saying. And as I was driving back my car made a noise and I thought

Brittany Herzberg (13:32.012) I'm sorry.

Kathleen booker (13:42.51) I'm gonna have to da and spirit jumped in because at that moment I wasn't full blast into.

you know how we get there as opposed to, oh my God, there's a total difference. So I hadn't gone into the stratosphere yet. And so Spirit had a way and had my ear so that I could hear what Spirit had to say and what Spirit gave me.

Brittany Herzberg (13:59.022) Yeah.

Kathleen booker (14:15.054) I thought, wow, where the hell was I going with that story that I was making that rabbit hole that I was about to just dive into and do the backstroke. And when spirit just whispered very clearly in my ear.

Brittany Herzberg (14:22.015) Um...


Kathleen booker (14:38.094) I had to laugh at myself because I hadn't heard it. I didn't remember it. But the residual effects, I'm gonna say, because this is all real time that it's coming to me now, the what was in my body from doing my prayers at water's edge, doing my prayers in the water.

Brittany Herzberg (14:46.092) Mm-hmm.

Kathleen booker (15:05.574) that was still full effect in my body and I could still hear. That's the beautiful thing about breathwork. Your intuition is on like hot buttered popcorn so that I could hear and I instantly came present and solutions just bubbled forth and I laughed at myself because it was so simple. Now here's the caveat to that.

Brittany Herzberg (15:32.575) Mm-hmm.

Kathleen booker (15:36.114) I laughed at myself and also didn't judge myself. I went into gratitude for being able to hear and gratitude for the clarity.

Brittany Herzberg (15:50.424) Yeah, and that's where I think so many of us, we skip that exit on the highway and we go straight to the panic and go, oh my god, what am I going to do with the thing? So, yeah.

Kathleen booker (16:01.758) If I may, please may, may just please just say this. That's where the Course in Miracles line, above all else I want to see this clearly. It'll pop you right there. It really will. It will create spaciousness in your beingness, the likes of which you won't even fully be able to comprehend.

Brittany Herzberg (16:27.112) Kat, I know you've mentioned that a lot recently on the calls that we've been on with the coaching calls with Selly and I keep hearing that. So even recently, it's funny that you say that because even recently, this week is, we're on Wednesday, but it's been a little bit intense. And so there's been, I know, I know, when we were talking before and you haven't had sleep and goodness knows, but I've been remembering you saying that line. So it's really, I'm glad that you're saying it so that everyone else who's listening can hear that too.

Kathleen booker (16:53.758) You know, I put my tighty-whities on one leg at a time, just like everybody else. And I get to remember also, there are moments, I just shared it with you, coming back from Costco, getting gas. I could have just gone down the hole. I get to remember also, we all, we all are marinating in a collective consciousness that is fraught.

with fear, with divisiveness, with misdirection, with anger, with...

I can...

and it's in the pot. We're marinating in that. So it's so wonderful what you're what you're doing, Brittany. It all gets commingled because wherever you are, there you will be. Whether it's your business or you're talking to your honey bunny or your parent or your child, the similarity is there you are. So you bring yourself to your business. You bring yourself

Brittany Herzberg (18:05.246) Mm-hmm.

Kathleen booker (18:10.422) to your personal life, you are the common denominator. So it all works together.

Brittany Herzberg (18:17.788) Yeah, oh, I love that so much. One thing I want to touch on is, so you and I are talking about like being the non-judgmental observer. For anyone who's new to that idea, I mean, definitely the line that you're sharing from A Course in Miracles can help, but is there any other word of advice that you have for someone to just...

be grateful and to give themselves a pat on the back for being aware and you know jumping into that mode more often than jumping into the Beating ourselves up mode

Kathleen booker (18:50.446) This shit is hard. Let's be real. This shit is challenging. I mean, you gotta belly up to the bar. And there are days that you don't want to belly up to the bar. And some days you really need to go take a nap. However, first of all, you are a business owner. Mic drop. Hard as shit. Challenging. I don't want to use the word hard. Challenging. All your shit.

Brittany Herzberg (18:52.969) It really is.

Brittany Herzberg (19:14.969) Yeah.

Kathleen booker (19:20.478) is gonna come to the forefront and it's gonna bring cousins, it's gonna bring nieces and nephews, it's gonna bring relatives you didn't even know that were 50 million times removed. And still the desire is within you and forward is your motion.

Brittany Herzberg (19:27.696) It really is. The neighbor.

Brittany Herzberg (19:35.421) Yeah.

Kathleen booker (19:46.318) Do it because as you continue to thrive forward, you're healing. Go back to what I just said, the common denominator is you. So you're healing so many layers of, I have to say, your beingness, you're healing old traumas that get stuck in your body and you don't even know.

are running your life. And as you continue to be committed, compassionately to yourself, your healing continues. And I'm going to tell you, even when you become a six or seven figure dollar business owner, your shit is still going to be there. There's still going to be stuff for you to heal until your last breath. Yay.

Kathleen booker (20:50.122) one of the things you can you can ask yourself or just say to yourself okay here because I'm just feeling what to say if there's just this uh in your body and everyone can recognize that you know as one of my teachers says I just have to clutch my pearls there's this uh in your body

Pay attention. Pay attention not that you have to solve whatever it is in that nanosecond. Just

celebrate yourself for noticing the this, because just noticing this will just gently bring you.

to this just noticing, just noticing. The other thing that I say to my clients and myself, if a friend of yours spoke to you in the manner in which you're speaking to yourself right now, would they be your friends?

Brittany Herzberg (22:11.763) Mm.

Kathleen booker (22:11.79) I don't think so.

Brittany Herzberg (22:14.75) That's a good one.

Kathleen booker (22:16.042) Yeah, don't think so. So be easy on yourself. Take a...

Take a breath. And it doesn't have to be this, you know, high up in the mountains type of breath. Breathe, take a breath. You know, release some of that cortisol, release some of that stress. And as you're doing that, you're creating new neural pathways in your brain. So you're releasing from the memory in your body, the habit of that being your automatic response.

You're shifting that and your response that you are creating is...

Kathleen booker (23:02.967) Okay.

And if you have to do that a couple of times, don't even count how many times you have to do it. So what? You know, there will get a point with the breath where you don't even realize that what was once a habit doesn't have the same frequency or severity in the this.

Brittany Herzberg (23:28.706) Oh, I love that. What are a couple of other benefits that you've noticed that Breathwork gives business owners or any of your clients?

Kathleen booker (23:39.106) to hear like I just said, to hear that little still voice. When I just had this conversation with a client yesterday during a session, and this individual just keeping the integrity of my work, not going into too much saying who the individual is, this individual said, I know, it's like you told me.

I'm trying to control. We all think we're in control.

Excuse me, we're not. I'm not, let me say it for myself, I'm not. Doesn't mean I don't give it the old college try. However, when you find yourself efforting to make things happen where I gotta figure this out, why isn't this happening this way? What can I do that I, that's a this. Take a breath.

Slow your roll, go walk, go feed the cat, walk outside your door, look out the window. That is a stop sign, a huge stop sign.

Does that answer your question? Because you know I get so excited. Ha ha

Brittany Herzberg (25:05.128) No, I love it. I love your energy. This is like one of the biggest reasons I wanted to have you on because people think of breath work and we always think of like this like calm namaste like yoga chick in the corner and I'm like, no, that's not the only that's not the only persona we have and I love it. And you keep it so real with this too.

Kathleen booker (25:18.294) No, no, the breath. Well, it's, I'm going through this shit too. So taking a breath, we're creating new habits for ourselves, fine tuning our, our intuitive abilities. Everybody is freaking intuitive. Everybody. In addition to which you will create the response and the habit of taking action.

Brittany Herzberg (25:25.494) I know.

Kathleen booker (25:47.834) on what you hear and the courage. Because again, that's going to come from where the breath just takes you right back to your sacred center, your place of 1000 percentness if saying the holy of holies doesn't work for you. That place of knowingness within you, that calm, that focus. And if you have to do it, let's say you just did it and you're like,

You flip out, well, that's all right. Take a breath. Do it again. You know, I think of me with training for my triathlons. I went from, it was a big deal to swim 200 yards, and now I'm doing a mile and a half.

Like that. I didn't get there overnight.

You're not, we, and I put myself in that. We're not gonna get there overnight. Does it happen? Yes. Is it gonna for you? I doubt it. Said with love. However, there is value in the journey. And all journeys. And as I say that, I think of the transition of my beloved mother and the journey of.

Brittany Herzberg (26:56.529) I'm sorry.

Kathleen booker (27:13.518) grief that I'm on now through the work.

The breath, that's the work. One day I'll say there's value. And I can say I see a few things now because if it wasn't for the journey of grief I would not have gotten in the cold water. I can tell you that right now.

Brittany Herzberg (27:43.264) There you go. All right, I think we've hyped this up enough. Would you be so kind as to lead us in an exercise? Okay, I'm going to mute myself because I have a squeaky chair.

Kathleen booker (27:50.926) Oh, absolutely. I would love you.

Kathleen booker (27:57.826) I have a squeaky chair too. So as long as you are not driving or operating machinery, uncross your arms, uncross your legs. And if your chair has armrest, just allow your forearm to rest on the tops of your thighs because when you put it on the armrest, you keep your shoulders in a state of stress.

And if you don't want to close your eyes, then just look down at the tip of your nose.

And just notice gently that your body of its own accord begins to soften and relax. There's nothing you have to do for that. The body truly does not want to stay tense, even when you're in 39 degree weather, temperature water.

Open your mouth very gently, take an easy breath in.

Easily let the breath go out your mouth. Easily let the breath go. And when you complete that exhalation, go back to breathing through your nose. And the image I'd like to share with you is that of a wave. A wave comes into shore, and then it melds back into the ocean. It comes into shore, and then it very easily melds back into the ocean.

Kathleen booker (29:35.934) And that's like your breath allow your inhale to flow into your exhale and your exhale flow into your inhale. And there's no effort with your breath. Your breath knows you intimately. Your breath knows.

every corner of your beingness and then some. Your inhale flows into your exhale. Your exhale flows into your inhale. And as your breath is flowing within you, feel, imagine, intend it to be so, know it to be so that

your center bone of your front ribs, your sternum, in your mind's eye, allow that sternum to soften. You don't have to figure out how.

Kathleen booker (30:44.246) Allow your sternum to soften.

staying with your breath, your inhale flows into your exhale, your exhale flows into your inhale, allowing yourself, you mighty, mighty business owner, you mighty man or woman, allowing yourself in this moment.

to receive.

Kathleen booker (31:23.086) to be revived.

to be rejuvenated by your breath. Allow yourself for all that you have been being and doing. Allow yourself to be replenished by your breath.

Kathleen booker (31:55.73) Allow your breath to feed you.

It does all the time. Deepen your inhalations just a little bit, easy without engaging your shoulders. And feel how good it feels.

to receive.

Kathleen booker (32:24.822) You give so much to everyone else, to your business.

Allow yourself to receive, open your mouth, take a breath in.

Kathleen booker (32:43.23) and just let it go.

Kathleen booker (32:49.57) When you complete that exhalation, go back to breathing through your nose.

Kathleen booker (32:56.838) and feel the deliciousness of remembering the truth of who you are.

Brilliance made me brilliant.

Calm made me calm. Abundance made me abundant. Prosperity made me prosperous. Ease made me easeful.

Kathleen booker (33:35.266) Peace.

made me peaceful.


made me creative.


Kathleen booker (33:53.227) Mmm.

Kathleen booker (33:56.814) easy beautiful open your mouth easily take a breath in

Kathleen booker (34:05.624) Easily let it go.

Kathleen booker (34:11.33) When you complete that exhalation, come back to breathing through your nose. And when you forget this moment, because you will, we're human. Take a breath and allow your breath to bring you back to your inner place of all knowingness.

Open your mouth once more, take a breath in.

and just let it go.

Kathleen booker (34:43.15) Lift your toes up, keeping your feet on the ground, the rest of your foot on the ground, and let your toes go down. Lift your toes up once more. Bring your toes back down to the ground. Wiggle your fingers and open your eyes.

Kathleen booker (35:06.898) And if you have water near you, have some water. If you don't have water, please drink a lot of water today, tonight, this morning, wherever you are in the world.

Brittany Herzberg (35:18.796) I could not agree more. I always feel like Jell-O after you guide breathwork. Thank you.

Kathleen booker (35:26.246) You're welcome. It's called peace. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (35:29.444) It is. What is this strange thing I'm feeling?

Kathleen booker (35:33.878) I'm so happy you said that. We ask for it all the time. And then when we get it, we're like, Oh no, no. Well, maybe, no. Maybe, maybe, yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (35:47.468) That is so true. Okay, I want to make sure as we close out, is there, you know, because people probably listen and are like, I want more of this. Do you have, where can they get more? Where can they get more Kathleen?

Kathleen booker (36:03.074) Well, I have an event coming up, my first in person in a long time if you're in New York or the Tri-State area, on April 28th I'm doing a live in person breath work session, circle I should call it. And then I also have a grief, five week grief workshop that's coming up May 19th.

um all breathwork for the for the grief one where it's all grief and grief is so many things I mean it's not just the transition of a loved one it's so many other things we grieve and there is an in-person um breathwork circle on April 28th and you can reach out to me on Instagram I am Kathleen Booker um yeah

Brittany Herzberg (37:00.516) Yeah, I'll make sure we have all the links for all the things below. Oh my gosh. Thank you. I really truly do feel like Jell-O. Thank you, my friend.

Kathleen booker (37:03.924) Yeah, thank you.

Kathleen booker (37:10.222) Yeah. Well, I have to say to you, Brittany, there are so many ways that you show up in the world. And the common denominator is your joie de vivre. It is your joy, your zest, your zeal for life. Thank you for all that you're doing in the world.

Brittany Herzberg (37:35.936) Thank you, my friend. Okay, I will, I'm just gonna leave this here because I feel very good. All right, I will speak with you next time.

Kathleen booker (37:47.758) Okay.