SEO Audit Report Example

What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO Audit is a technical review of your site to see what’s working well & what opportunities exist.

Technical SEO Audits look at SEO errors & how to fix them, website traffic, current keyword rankings, broken links, etc.

I like to think of SEO Audits as a report card for your website.

You get answers to questions like:

How is Webby doing with website traffic?

Which keywords is Webby ranking for?

What’s the UX (user experience) like for Webby’s visitors?

SEO Audits pair really well with website HeatMaps (like this free one from HotJar). 

The audit reveals what the SEO tools are picking up on. And the heatmap shows how users are actually interacting with your site.

Who needs an SEO Audit?

Any business owner who wants to ensure they’re findable & their website is performing as best it can should consider an SEO Audit.

Other reasons entrepreneurs may want to get a technical website SEO Audit:

  • Considering or in the middle of a rebrand

  • Moving website hosts

  • Adding a blog

  • Completely pivoting their business and/or offers

  • Just curious!

There’s really no wrong answer for wanting to book an audit.

But it’s best to wait at least 3-4 months before getting any future SEO Audit.

It takes at least that long to notice any significant changes once things have been implemented. 

What’s included in an SEO Audit?

The checklist of what’s included in an SEO Audit varies (which you’ll see me say a lot throughout this blog). 

But all audits tend to have some overlap in these areas:

  • Website traffic

  • Domain authority

  • Keyword rankings

  • Link health

  • Errors

  • Meta data

  • Word count

  • Page organization

  • Page speed / load time

Big picture: SEO Audits are reviewing how many people are getting to your site & what their experience is once they get there.

Can they find what they need?

Are they clicking broken links?

Is the page loading quickly?

How much does an SEO Audit cost?

I’ve seen SEO Audits anywhere from $99 to $10,000+

What can really impact the pricing of an SEO Audit is:

  • How robust the report will be

  • How much air time (calls) you’ll get with the consultant or agency

  • How many people are involved in compiling the report

  • How much “stuff” the consultant or agency is doing

Something to consider as you evaluate different SEO Audits & other services is what you actually want to get out of this experience.

  • Do you want to better understand SEO & therefore do some of the doing?

  • Do you know you’re stretched for time already & would you rather hand off the entire thing?

  • Do you have a team in place who’s interested in learning more about SEO & you know they’d thrive with just a little extra support?

There’s NO wrong answer or wrong choice for you to make!

And I urge you to not hop-skip-and-jump past that phase because when I’ve seen business owners do that, they end up disappointed with the consultant, agency, or offer they chose.

What’s the price of an SEO Audit with you, Brittany?

My SEO Audits used to be priced at $500 as a standalone offer. But I did away with that offer when I noticed entrepreneurs were getting stuck & discouraged as it came time to implement SEO changes & fix errors.

I didn’t want that for them—and I don’t want that for you!

That’s where the SEO Packet came in. 🎉

The SEO Packet is a $2,500 investment & has a 3-week turnaround time. There’s support during the project and after!

The packet includes:

  • SEO Audit

  • Keyword Research

  • Content Ideas

  • SEO Strategy Sheets

  • Voxer Support

  • Wrap Up Zoom Call

By adding more support around the SEO Audit, you get to feel held throughout the process.

You know you’ve got an SEO pro in your pocket that you can come to with questions! And you know you’ve got to get certain pieces done so I can get back to you with helpful information.

It works out so beautifully for my clients!

Justin graced my podcast to share about his SEO Packet experience:

What to expect in Brittany’s SEO Audit Report Presentation

SEO agencies provide reports & presentations in a variety of formats. It’s part of the beauty of being your own boss. 😉

With that freedom can come confusion or expectations not being met. Which is why I love giving my clients a sneak peek of what they can expect when working with me!

My SEO Audit Reports come with a Presentation aspect.

(In fact, most of my SEO projects incorporate some kind of video explainer or tutorial!)

You get:

Google Doc with the SEO Report (along with tables & tasks for your team to work from)

Loom explainer video (where I talk you through your report & bring it to life!)

Here’s an example of that presentation:

SEO Audit client testimonials! 🎉

I always—ALWAYS—come back to SEO starting with your clients’ words. Why should my SEO services be any different?!

Here’s what a some of my SEO clients had to share about their experience working with me:

“Brittany gave me a lot in the SEO Audit! I didn’t realize how much my SEO was being impacted. She gave me very specific things I was able to fix.”

Justin Blackman, Brand Voice Expert

Brittany is so awesome! The SEO Strategy Sheets for my site were FANTASTIC! My team and I have been able to easily update web pages based on her recommendations.”

Brooke Richie-Babbage, Nonprofit Consultant & Coach

How to book an SEO Audit with Brittany?

At this point, you may have questions. 

Which is wonderful! Because I love questions!

You can reach me on Voxer or Instagram.

And if you’re like “Brittany, I’ve heard enough—I want to book!” you can click this ↓