Mission, Vision, & Life Updates at Copy by B.®

Major life changes often inspire other impactful transitions.

That’s what’s happening with Brittany Herzberg, The Basic B Podcast, & Copy by B.®

After an incredibly intense start to 2024, my SEO copywriting business, Copy by B.®, is transforming. Big life moments usher in change—and it’s time for some updates!

In my grief I’ve really been sitting with my purpose, my work, my legacy. What I’m really here to do, how I want to help, etc. And that’s what I want to share with you today. Because… there’s SEO the way everyone else does it—

And then there’s the Brittany way of doing SEO. Where it gets to be fun & freeing & inviting & exploratory!

With this episode you’ll be able to:

  • Learn what big life changes have taken place.

  • Uncover how Brittany does SEO differently—and who she supports.

  • Discover how Brittany is using these messaging updates as part of her SEO strategy.

Links & Resources:

Book B’s SEO Support

Related Episodes:

Rae: Business Energetics

The Cost of SEO Help

Sarah: Personal Growth & Biz

Kathleen: Nervous System Work for Entrepreneurs

SEO is a Soulful Experience

Connect w/ Brittany:





This episode of The Basic B podcast is brought to you in partnership w/ Leah Bryant Co.! Help me reach more service providers like you by following the show & leaving a rating or review on Apple & Spotify!

The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Basic B podcast follows

Brittany (00:06.222)

Welcome back, friend. sigh It's been an intense week. Over the weekend, I said goodbye to my dog, Jac, and I realized that this is actually the third death in my world this year.

And in all of my grief, I've really been sitting with my purpose, my work, my legacy, what I'm really here to do, how I want to help, all of

And that's what I want to share with you today because there's SEO the way everyone else does it. Recommending monthly maintenance packages, telling you to post blogs 13 times a month and treating every SEO error as a burning fire.

Then there's the Brittany way of doing SEO where everything gets to be fun and freeing and inviting and exploratory.

The way that gets spiritual entrepreneurs excited about keyword research. That gets brand voice copywriters stoked to incorporate keywords into their headlines. That gets nonprofit consultants hyped to optimize their blogs for SEO. That gets podcast producers sharing about podcast SEO on every discovery call. In case you didn't already guess, these are my clients.

These are business owners just like you who have a and a desire to leave a mark on this world and impact other humans in a really positive way, who have families and friends they enjoy spending time with and who are tired of playing to the whims of the algorithms, who want to take their power back, evolve their businesses and marketing strategies, who want to get found by the right people and know what to say and how to describe what it is that they do.

who want to share their wisdom and find it an easier task after someone has given them some topic suggestions. They value their time and energy. They take their business seriously. They care deeply about their clients and their legacy. They aren't afraid of rolling their sleeves up and doing the dirty work, but they've also grown to a level where they get to hire help. They value working with other experts.

And God, they love when someone gets them to slow down for a hot second so they can look around at all they've created and really take it in. My mission is to get you back in touch with who you are on an incredibly deep level, to get you to see how magical and special you truly are, to shine a light on you and your clients, to make you findable in a fun way that also feels authentic. I increase visibility and income for six -figure entrepreneurs

using one of the most misunderstood organic marketing strategies, SEO. And I was really resistant to make this change in my messaging, because I have been separating out solopreneurs and supported CEOs. But my friend Leilani helped me realize that I'm not leaving anyone in the dust with this singular statement. In fact, I'm helping bring those who are wanting to get to this level do just that. I'm bringing them

And my words and me voicing this new who I help statement is actually benefiting them too. For those business owners who want to get to Six Figures and Beyond, you need to work with someone who's in that energy. I hold that frequency. I'm around that energy. I hold that in my business, in my containers, and that is the person I support. And I can help you get here faster, easier, and just in an all around gentler and more powerful way.

So with an SEO note here, I'm taking my new messaging and I'm placing it everywhere I am online, because that's part of how we get findable. I'm placing it on Instagram, threads, LinkedIn, my website, and even this podcast. I know you hear me. I know you see me. And even if you never reach out to say hello, I want you to know that I hear and see you too. And I'm so grateful to have you on this journey with me.