Feminine Leadership & Business Energetics w/ Raechelle Embrey

Marketing & growing your business always begins with you. ✨

Marketing your business (especially as a woman) isn’t only about creating systems & workflows. It’s about embodying the energy of that strong, supportive, & sensitive badass. (Sounds like a lot to balance while running a business & holding down the fort for the family, right?) This is where I’ve had fun learning, exploring, & growing with Raechelle (Rae) Embrey! She’s become many things to me—guide, friend, mentor, & intuitive channel. 

In this conversation we get to the heart of business energetics & feminine leadership. We touch on astrology, Human Design, & (*gasp*) money. Conversations like this light me up! And work like I’ve done with Rae has quite literally shifted my life path. As “weird” as this all may sound, I hope you’ll join us for this powerful episode!

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • How to navigate the unknown

  • How asking for help & support can be deeply healing

  • Where we go wrong with setting boundaries

  • How to tap into & trust your intuition

  • What happens when we don’t share our needs or ask for help

  • The moment that caused many of us to stop trusting ourselves

  • And where the lack of trust with self even comes from

  • How business impacts life and vice versa (and what to do to change that)

  • How Rae likes to use astrology with business and relationships and life

  • The one astrology placement you must look at

Meet: Rae

Raechelle Embrey is an intuitive channel & energetic alchemist who is here to create soul activation & spiritual evolution for you, your business, & your animals. She uses her intuitive gifts, astrological wisdom, & energy healing in a unique way that reads, tracks & transforms energy in the body, mind, & your business. She’s here to guide, mentor, inspire, & help both you and your animals on your soul's journey of emotional, physical, & spiritual evolution.

Rae is:

Links & Mentioned Resources:

Vika Bradford’s podcast w/ Rae 

Book on Moon signs

Animal Communication

Related Episodes:

Kathleen: Breathwork for Entrepreneurs

Kelly: Sacred Money Archetypes

Connect w/ Rae:




Connect w/ Brittany:





This episode of The Basic B podcast is brought to you in partnership w/ Leah Bryant Co.! Help me reach more service providers like you by following the show & leaving a rating or review on Apple & Spotify!

The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Basic B podcast follows

Brittany Herzberg 0:06

Welcome back to The Basic B Podcast! I have got an amazing guest and friend and mentor with me today! I have Raechelle Embrey with me and we're going to be talking about business energetics. We're going to explore all of what that means, make it apply to your world, it's gonna be really fun! We're just gonna kind of like channel this one.

So before I bring her on, Raechelle Embrey is an intuitive channel and energetic Alchemist who is here to create soul activation and spiritual evolution for you, your business, and your animals. She uses her intuitive gifts, astrological wisdom, and energy healing in a unique way that reads, tracks, and transforms energy in the body, mind, and your business. She's here to guide, mentor, inspire and help both you and your animals on your soul's journey of emotional, physical, and spiritual evolution.

And just for funsies I grabbed this from her website, so she is an Aquarius sun, a Libra rising (like me!), and Capricorn moon and she's a 3/6 sacral generator. So Raechelle, Hi, we're going to like explore all of these things!

Raechelle Embrey 2:05
Hey, Brittany! And thank you so much for having me on and inviting me into your space.

Brittany Herzberg 2:10
Oh, of course. I love bringing in like the I don't know if the right word is esoteric, but those like more things that seem "out there" and different because they make so much sense to me. And they've helped me in my life in my business. And I know the same is true for you. So I'm excited about this one.

Raechelle Embrey 2:26
Yeah, awesome! Me too.

Brittany Herzberg 2:28
I'm gonna throw the question that I asked all of my guests, which kinda sorta I don't know, we'll see if it applies or not. But this is the one that I asked everyone. So which do you believe is the most important for sales? SEO, storytelling, or social proof?

Raechelle Embrey 2:43
Wow. Okay. So I have a very different philosophy on sales. So this is where like, the energetics will come in, like the business energetics of like so much of this. So, personally, I don't know.

SEO is like your thing—I have no idea about it. Because I try really hard to be more in my body. And maybe SEO is something I need to explore. But I would leave that to somebody like you is like their zone of genius, right? It's not something that I'm going to be like, Yes, I'm gonna go try to figure that out. Because for me, the more that I take in mentally, and I find this a lot with a lot of people is like, if that's your zone of genius for somebody like you, that's just like, this lights me up, right?

But there's other people that that might be like, really exhausting for them. And so they might give their time away to that and their energy away to that and feel in frustration. And then not actually putting their energy towards things that actually do move the needle, right?

And so I think social proof is great, but I think it's honestly overrated, because I truly believe we are our own biggest proof. The path that we've walked and everything that we've been through our transformations, what led us, like, Hey, this is where I think SEO is like the bomb.com. And this is why I do this, right.

It's like, there is a reason for that. That's very personal to you. And so maybe that falls somewhat in the art of storytelling, but I feel like it's really around just knowing you can have all the social proof in the world. But if, if you aren't the transformation behind the scenes, people feel that.

So the social proof like I share transformations that my clients receive and make, which I feel like are all across the board. It really honestly it's like goes into every part of their life whether they come to me looking with our animals or for business or you know, for spiritual guidance, mentorship, whatever that is. It's like it's all going to flow across the board.

That's such an interesting question for me to like sit with as I'm like externally delivering this. And then I also feel like like sales to me is all energy. And I feel like sales is all of these things right? All put into one thing. So the sale is people focus on like that is the conversion. But like the conversions are all of these other things happening behind the scenes!

The conversion is one person that you've never met hopping into your free masterclass, you know, and then they're getting to feed you know, in your world and experience you and your expertise. And that one new person is so lit up by it. And maybe she doesn't quite go into your world yet. But behind the scenes, she is like gobbling up everything that's happening. And then all of the sudden, 6 months later, she drops into your world and is like, I want to hop into this!

And the sales to me is just like us showing up and speaking our truth. Being able to share our stories, our personal stories share, like different opinions, our values, sharing all of these things that create connection. And ultimately, I feel like that is where the conversion or the sale all happens.

And then us navigating our energy as we're like, sitting back and a lot of people are, this happens all the time. Well, nothing's converting, nothing's converting, nothing's converting because we want this instant gratification. Yet conversion is all this other stuff happening behind the scenes. That conversion is like to give you an example, I sent an email out for an offer last week that was going on, The Channel. I just decided, You know what, I'm just gonna send one more email out the day before, I could have just said no, well, you know, this is what I'm gonna accept whatever. And I just did it. And somebody based off that email that I've never heard of just bought in right there and came into The Channel. And this is how I believe that like, the sale can come out of nowhere. It's like you just don't know. And so anyways, she hopped into my role. And by the second day, she was like, I want to do one to one mentorship with you with Empress I'm all in. And I was like, okay, and she's like, here's the thing is I've been on your email list for ages. And I have never received an email from you up until that Friday.

Brittany Herzberg 6:50

Raechelle Embrey 6:50
That day that she bought in on The Channel. And so it was just like, out of nowhere. You know what I mean? So I think there's so much that the universe is doing that we don't even know that there's so much happening. And like you coming into High Priestess, I wasn't expecting that. In fact, I missed your first memo because I was out in shady like crappy reception. And I didn't get it till the next day. And you followed up with it, and I'm so glad that you did! Because it was like, oh my god, this is like, where the universe is like intervening with things, you know.

And it's all about us holding our energy and solidity and just trusting in the unknown, trusting and like what we don't see—without needing to have that instant validation that this is all working. And just knowing it's like you continuously showing up in all the ways that feel very aligned to you. Podcasting, speaking, if it's storytelling, storytell! You know? If you never want your face to be on there, still get your face out there in a way that feels good to you that you're taking inspired and aligned action every day. And then ultimately, like it will convert, it's just a lot of people do not stay in it long enough. And they don't give people buying power that women like you can lead themselves to the process. And almost like becomes this like I need to chase. It's not coming in and don't feel for so it's like there's more wounded, feminine energy versus like...

I can tell you all of the people that have come into my world. Yes, there was connection, there was nurture, like we stayed in contact, and I don't repel that way. There's like nurturing, that's just who I am. I see people and I'm just like, I'm not here just to make a frickin sale. You know what I mean? Like, so when we stop looking at the human as the sale, and we look at the human as the human, you know, that's when I feel like things really start to shift.

And when we look at ourselves as the human that's navigating all of this, really, in our own energy is like when things get to shift for us. And then navigating that unknown just becomes so much easier of like, oh, wow, okay, yeah, I stood in the unknown and I didn't wobble. And I still sent that one email out, even though I was so tired. I didn't want to do it. And look, this resulted! And I mean, almost close to $10,000 in 3 days, so that's where the the amazingness gets to come in, you know?

Brittany Herzberg 9:04
Yeah. And even as you're saying that, so it's interesting for me, I'll see what I can tie together. But I've always looked at the human as a human. That has been a thing for me. I hadn't really been looking at myself as the human until the last year. So even me sending that voice memo to you where I was like, here—all my cards are on the table, and you're out like chasing waterfalls in the beautiful Ozarks. And you're like, I'm so sorry. I'm like, no, because I just got this hit. I mean, people call it intuitive hits, people call it downloads. My podcast group isn't gonna be as familiar with these words, possibly.

But it's just like having this feeling or having this thought and just being like, Okay, I need to act on it. And so with that voice memo, and for me, it was just like, I felt this urge, like, just tell Rae what's going on because we have a little bit of a relationship that we built up. I was like, Okay, I'll just lay all the cards out there. So I did. And that was the only thing that needed to happen. You didn't even need to respond!

Because I told you I had like, two people referrals reach out to me that same day, which were $5,000 Total clients that have now come in. I think since I sent you that voice memo, of 10 to $11,000 has come in. Oh, that's amazing.

Raechelle Embrey 10:15

Brittany Herzberg 10:15
Thank you! It's like totally magical! And it has not happened for me in that way at all up until now. But what you may not know, is the whole last 15 months, has been a freaking deep inner journey with just a bunch of crap coming up. And it's been tough. And it's been hard. And just like what you said, people don't stick with it. And that's what you have to do. You have to sit in the test the crap that's coming up. And then not good things and the death so that the rebirth can happen.

Raechelle Embrey 10:41
Yeah and I love that because I feel like, you know—you reaching out for support is... Sometimes there's a lot of like wounding when it comes to this with women seeking out support from women. And I speak to this a lot like the feminine energetics and how this happens is like. Because so many people have been burned by mentors burned by coaches burned by like their sisters, friends, whatever you want to call that, you know. And we've come into this era where it's like, oh, we need boundaries, we need boundaries, we need boundaries. And then there's a lot of women in the space, you know, that it's like, this is how I respond, this is how I am.

And so they think they have boundaries, but what they've created is an armored heart. And so it's like, they're not allowing people to come in, they're actually not in a receiving space. And so that receiving channel gets cut off when we're not in even this receiving space, right?

And so there's twofold of this, like you reaching out with something that you needed to do. And I love when it's like something that we know we need to do, but yet we're like fearing it, and maybe we have resistance around it. And we're, you know, marinating it and marinating and marinating in it. And it's like, all of a sudden you do the thing. And the universe is like, Thank God, you did that!

Now you just opened up your receiving channel, because you cleared all that ruminating out of your mind, or the thing that you know, that you needed to do, even though it was edgy, and you weren't sure how it was gonna work out or how things were gonna happen. And boom! Now we're just gonna give you all the leverage to make it happen. So thank you, you know? Ya know it's not like, it always works out like that. But it's not always a tangible result like money. But it could be an intangible result, like, all of a sudden, you get the support you need, and a blink of an eye and you're feeling more confident, you're feeling more connected, you're feeling more creative. Because that feminine can now flow, you know.

So there's a lot of intangible things that happen in that way. And then I'm not surprised you have been through so much as you have both of Libra rising because those of us that have are Libra risings like we've had Saturn going through our 6th house for quite a while, which is... I feel like many of us are finally getting on the other side of that.

And for your community that is listening that doesn't know what that means. Like Saturn is like the daddy of the zodiac, you know? Saturn is the Big Daddy that comes in and says, How are you being responsible for this and this and this? And it's all going to depend on what house that is expressing in your chart. But in the sky, Saturn has been moving through Brittany and my sixth house and that is like all of your day to day routines. It's like what are you committing to that is dismantling to your nervous system, to your body? Because sixth house rules nervous system, It rules the physical body down to like spine, all different things in the body.

So it's like where are you giving your power away? Where are you doing things that are just causing you stress and you know, if you're not going to face it, in this example, show you where it's expressing through the body and most likely in some way—a lot of Libra risings have experienced that. If not that it can be very deep nervous system dysregulation, maybe insomnia, sleepless nights, like all kinds of things that it can—yeah, you're raising your hands!

Brittany Herzberg 13:55
like everything you're saying I'm like yep, my head nodding!

Raechelle Embrey 13:58
Yeah. And so it comes in as an energy to say you need to address this and it's gonna be uncomfortable. But when you do address it, I will reward. It like comes in and it just asks us to find the balance so it's not saying don't do all of the things it's just saying like—don't do the things that are really kind of like dysregulated your body and your nervous system. In this case, you know, but that's going to affect everybody different depending on where their rising sign is in their chart.

Brittany Herzberg 14:27
One thing that I've started to realize because I work with Vika because how I even found you, Vika Bradford she's going to be on the show at some point in the very near future. But I saw her talking with you on her podcast. One thing she brought to my attention is Ceres. Which I forget series is a small planet. Is that right?

Raechelle Embrey 14:43
I think so more of a dwarf planet but I'm not a Ceres expert.

Brittany Herzberg 14:47
Okay. Ceres has been—and I just looked it up—apparently it has one of the slowest orbits. So she's gonna be like hanging out on my North Node for a minute. But me like taking care of myself nurturing I'm pretty sure Are those are the themes of Ceres. And definitely Saturn was going through my sixth house! And I've also been, I've had a lot of these different podcasts interviews that have come into my space where it's like sixth house with Saturn transiting that. So I've gotten to hear a lot of people talk about that. Do you know when that entered in to our sixth house?

Raechelle Embrey 15:19
It would have been like not 2023, probably late 2022, I believe. I don't know exact but it went into Pisces in late 2022. And this just depends on like, whether somebody is doing whole sign I'm speaking very theoretically and whole sign but I actually read placidus for more exact because some people might be on the front end, you know, at an earlier degree of the Libra. And then some people might be on a later degree of Libra. And so those later degree, Libra risings could still be experiencing a lot of the physical stuff happening.

And the thing is, is when Saturn moves, the sixth house is it's not like life threatening stuff typically. It's more just like a lot of awareness. But it can be scary. I have a lot of Libra rising clients, and, you know, so these can be really scary things that happen. My older sister, for example, a brain aneurysm, and it could have been really serious, but she was one of the 3% that like the brain bleed stopped on its own.

But talk about what she had to go through emotionally and that experience, you know, and also, you know, what she has to face of like, you know... Health things really create a lot of worry to begin with, you know, and unstability. So it's like always finding your way back. And whether it's health or difficulty in relationships, or whatever, it's always finding your way back to center in some capacity.

And that's what I love to use astrology for is like, not to get into the mind, which I feel like is such a problem to begin with, you know? It's like getting into a way of like, looking at little pieces of it and how can we embody that piece? How can we take even if something is a way of like, identifying with a potential wound that we have is like, oh, okay, that's why I have it. It's like, yes, but you get to transmute that into power, into leadership. into something potent in your life.

So it's not like being a victim of this, or definitely, I do not go into doomsday astrology whatsoever. I have no desire. And it's like, and even like, when people talk about, like, I had a client the other day, can you show me how to brand through my astrology? And I'm like, No, absolutely not, like no. And this human was already really in her head to begin with. And it's sometimes we do these things as an avoidance to do the thing that we need to do, which is really just get to know ourselves and create a brand that's an extension of ourselves versus like, what your astrology chart that somebody made deem your branding path. And that's also subjective to the human teaching that and what they think based on their experience, which is not your experience, or my experience, or any of it, right?

And so like, I love to use astrology, more of a lens of like returning home, you know, and transmuting the energy and really being able to lean in, and teaching women and guiding women to access their own answers from within their own power. And then from there, it's like, we don't overthink these things like content, like sales like money, we stop doing all of that.

It doesn't come overnight, and it is a fine dance over time. And depending on where you're at in your life, like whatever you have going on, like your energy, you might have to work harder at the energy. And what happens is a lot of people are like, Well, I'm in a good space, I don't need anything. I'm good! And it's like, Yeah, you're good. But this is the cool thing. You're good. So you know what gets to happen now?

You get to expand more, because you don't have all this stuff that you're trying to figure out and work through energetically. And so you get to lean in more. And that's where like, a lot of people are like, I'm good. I don't need anything at this point. It's like, especially in business, it's like, no, this is where you will lean more! Because this is when the slate is clear. This is when you get to freaking create! And like, do so much! And that isn't where you're not having to constantly work through the energetics.

Brittany Herzberg 19:03
Yeah, that was one of the really cool things that happened. So you and I had a call about my puppy, Jac. And after hearing, like I said, I was listening to Vika's episode where she was talking with you about her dog Henry. And you guys had done the reading for the two of them for their little family. And around that time, like Jac had some stuff going on. And I just like knew. I was like, I gotta talk to somebody. I need support—again, which is a big thing for me to even be one thinking about support and two actually going and actively asking for it. But I was open to it. I was like, okay, the right person is gonna like just show up. I think it was like the next day I found that podcast!

Raechelle Embrey 19:39
I love when the universe works like that.

Brittany Herzberg 19:40
Oh my gosh, and especially with my connection with you, it's just been like Rae, Rae, Rae! So we had the call, and there was a lot of like support and a lot of answers there and a lot of just like this peace and ease. Just having those stories running in the background. So like with Jac one of the stories was like this big thing of guilt. And I mean, talk about your energy, just like draining and leaking into things that it doesn't need to. That story really hasn't been on since about like, a week after you and I had that call.

And it's allowed me to be more present in different ways put my energy towards different things, just trust and know that he's good. And that's huge! And even like you're talking about, like going back to the business with energetics of that, whatever comes up and let it be what it's going to be like this podcast, I really wanted to do this. And I was like, alright, let's just go for it! And I did. And then that was another like astrology chart thing that you tied in where it was, I can't remember exactly what was going on. But you're like, speaking using your voice. And I was like, Well, I just started my podcast. This is amazing! This is perfect. And it was not so much of like, me getting heady about it. But more going, Oh, that's a really cool connection. Neat. Like that totally worked out. And that makes sense.

Raechelle Embrey 20:49
Yeah, And that's just like trusting the intuition process. And I feel like a lot of people, they're afraid, they're afraid to reach out, they're afraid to share, you know? And they limit themselves because it's like, well I won't reach out and ask because what if she says, no? Well, what if she does say no?

But this is where we have to choose to not make it mean anything about ourselves. And maybe podcasting isn't for that person. Maybe they're in a season where they're just really resourcing their energy. And that gets to be good, too. And so somebody that was really integrated in that would say, you know, podcasting is just not my thing, but I'm so flattered that you asked, and that gets to be totally okay. But what happens is, so many people make it mean, something about them. It's like, Oh, I got rejected, because that's triggering something from their past coming up or whatever, when it's really just like, it means nothing about you! And these are all opportunities to like stay in our own energy field, like staying in our own power of not creating these stories. And not even this, when you're talking about Jac and the guilt. And all of these things.

It's like, even in relationships, like what so many women, they're so afraid to speak their truth in their relationships, they're afraid to share with their significant other the masculine, well just follow the masculine energy in the relationship, a lot of women are really afraid to like speak their needs, share what they need. And unfortunately, like, they're like denying their truth so much. And what happens is over time, it builds resentment, and it creates resentment. Or they did speak their needs once and maybe this partner didn't fully hear it or receive it. Well, guess what? That's where you gotta get more direct. And sometimes that is going to be bitchy, you know, but that's where we have to kind of like, rein it in and be like, it's not about like chasing, but it is around really holding true to like your desire, your emotional landscape, what is going to feel good to you in every area of your life? And you've got to advocate for yourself in that!

Brittany Herzberg 22:51
Yeah, definitely. What would you say to someone who's like, they're hearing these concepts for the first time? And they're like, Where do I even begin?

Raechelle Embrey 22:59
Always with yourself. And I feel like so much of this just comes down to contemplation. Most people, if this is like waking up something in them, it's like—they know. They know the area of their life, they know where this is happening. But the thing is, is if it's happening in one area, it's actually having a ripple effect in all the other areas. And I would say, many high achieving women, which are in your world, and one of the things that I find is they all want more intimacy, with life, you know? They've really kind of gotten on the train of, I'm all business, I'm all in my mind, I'm all in my masculine in this creation space, some not so much hustle, but they're still in their mind. And by hustlers just like somebody that just never puts work down. But there might still be in their mind quite a bit, right?

But yet, they want more joy, they want more pleasure, they want to feel like sexy and confident in their body, no matter what their body looks like. They want to feel connected with life, you know? And their business to like the intimacy. So it's like, if you're wanting that and the other areas of your life, chances are in your business, you're not feeling truly intimate with it as well. And that's when we can restrict the flow of our business restrict the flow of our money, because money has masculine energy. And so if we're not feeling truly intimate, and then we're really stuck in this masculine energy space, it's like we're blocking the flow of receiving and every which area.

So it always comes down to starting with ourself! And sitting in healthy contemplation, which is contemplation, not thinking, thinking, thinking to figure it out, just like huh, that lands with me. And why? What does that bring up for me? And not from a place of shaming ourselves, of being mean to ourselves, or raising that inner critic that so many women already have happening in their internal world. It's just from a lens of curiosity, of contemplation.

And when we look at it that way, that's when we get to like, all of a sudden start making these little changes, you know? And it's one small thing at a time. I am not the whole enchilada. It's like the one thing at a time, that is just like one little piece of aligned and inspired action towards the way that you desire to feel with your life or in your business, or whatever that is.

But the problem is, and I will say this as direct, because you know, me, sometimes I do come off direct, I always, it's the most loving way. The problem is, is too many women do not do what they know that they need to do. So what I mean by that is like, for example, we'll bring it back to you reaching out and coming into one of my containers, it's like, a lot of women don't do that. And so what happens is, they start to not trust themselves. Because they're not listening to their intuition.

And also, a lot of women don't prioritize getting this type of guidance, whether it's for your emotional well being or your business, or bridging the gap across the board. It's like, they go to the restaurant, and they deny themselves the nice meal, because they're so afraid to spend the money. And I realized that sometimes we will, are in really deep financial crisis spaces. But oftentimes, it's like, continuing to deny if you're not in that space is like we're talking like, not people that are in poverty, right? We're talking like, probably in this container in your world and whatnot.

It's like they deny themselves of that, because they feel guilty. If they feel guilty giving to themselves, they are always giving to other people, so they backburner themselves, or they tell themselves, well, that's too much. And they're very stuck in the tangible results! Versus like, the money is tangible. The offers in your world are more tangible results. You want to lose the weight, that's a tangible result, right? You want to create investment portfolios, whatever money pathways, that's a tangible result. But none of that happens without all of the intangible things that we need to work through to create capacity to create more receivership to create that having-ness that way that we can actually hold.

And so it's like when we don't do that, guess what? Any of that stuff could come to you, but it's not going to stick for very long. And I've seen women coming into my world, their multiple six figure seven figure women and they're like, I've created all this, but now it's like being stripped away. And or I've created all of this and I'm so miserable. My relationship with my husband sucks. I feel like I've never giving to my children, I have no balance. It's like all this, I'm the primary breadwinner, I'm the one that has to bring in everything, right? And that's a hot that many of us were including myself, you know. So we have all these different identities, right? That we're always moving through, it's so much more than the face of your business.

But it's how we are leading ourselves through the daily exchanges that happen all day long—that creates capacity that creates balance that creates the energy. And so it's like with women like that. It's like we've got to just return home to ourselves. And be really willing to have a hard truth conversation with ourselves of like, where is my energy leaking out? Where am I over giving? Where am I like people pleasing? Where am I always stuck in doubt? Where am I ruminating and not doing the things and blocking myself? Where am I avoiding doing the things that I know that I need to do? Where Am I blocking intimacy, right? Where am I doing that? And that's where we just get to have those conversations with ourselves—like you would your best friend, not like you would to your child. Like you would to your best friend that came to it's not from like, squashing it and you suck oh my god! You know?

Brittany Herzberg 28:36
The things that we typically do to ourselves?

Raechelle Embrey 28:37
Yeah and one of the things because I'm such an astrology nerd and I'm obsessed—in a healthy way. I bring it into my world through everything is like, if you do nothing else with astrology, I tell everybody that's nothing else ever—at least take time to look at your Moon sign and really nourish your Moon sign because that is the gateway to your intuition to your knowingness to your emotional landscape to your inner voice speaks to your inner dialogue. And it is truly like your way to receivership! And when you learn how to nourish your Moon sign in a really healthy way. That again is like somebody with a Virgo moon sign telling them to not be all like structured and you know, have all of like everything organized or I always think like Virgo energy is probably you might have I don't even know what your chart is. But I could see like maybe some Virgo energy or like...

Brittany Herzberg 29:32
I've got a Sag moon and I have a Capricorn stellium I think that's what people pick up on the rigidity.

Raechelle Embrey 29:38
Telling a Capricorn stellium human to just not work or not be organized or whatever. It's like no way! That's not going to work for them. Like how can we bring that into a balance. And I think that's where a lot of feminine energetics and a lot of people look at this stuff of like, there's just the one way of the feminine. Well what about me with a Capricorn moon and a lot of Aquarius energy It leaves with a lot of masculine?

And so it's all about finding that within ourselves and being able to like resource that and that's where I think the power of the Moon sign because is the divine feminine within us is like how we can really resurrect that. And I speak so much around this because that is truly like—it doesn't matter what it is whether it's your relationship, your business, your children, wherever it is—that is the way that we get to heal that and create that balanced energy across the board. And also, it's not like a one and done thing. You know, this is a constant finesse. And oh, okay, now I'm engaged. Okay, now I've got to navigate this.

Oh, okay, now I'm getting married. And oh, okay. I just moved with with my partner and suddenly, I'm a stepmom. And I'm also like, in this business, where I'm serving and supporting women all the time. And I have 6 dogs. And now one of them is a 15 and a half year senior with special needs. Do you get my point? And oh, my dad died last year, right?

So these are all the things that we're constantly navigating that we don't give enough awareness to. But it's really about creating that emotional elegance to give ourselves the space to also deal with those big changes, and give ourselves time to do that and integrate even to the good, you know? While also knowing like, we can create a lot of really good things, even in the human messiness of life.

Brittany Herzberg 31:20
Yeah, things aren't always going to be perfect. And yet, there's still going to be space to make it more beautiful. Or to make it a little bit more easeful. And to even, like you said, just even like, being open to receiving support, being open to receiving whatever that may be! Love, kindness, a thoughtful gesture, a nice word, like, it can be the tiniest thing!

I don't remember who said it or where I saw it. But if you're like, so bundled up in your hands, or like in fists already, because you're already freaked out, you've already got enough things going on, and you're helping your kids and your dogs and your family and your business, and you're this and you're that—if something good comes your way, and your fists are already balled up, you can't catch it! You can't even be open to catching it. And someone said that, and I was like, Oh my gosh, that was a visual for me where I was like, Yeah—you gotta chill Brittany.

And then like you said, I've definitely seen you talking about the Moon sign. So I definitely am excited to explore that a little bit more, because I want to know what that looks like for my Sag moon. And one fun thing that I've been doing is just playing around with my intuition. Of, okay, like, you know, when March Madness was going on, I'm living in Connecticut now, I'm a converted UConn fan. It's absolutely a blast to watch these teams play!

So I was just having fun with like, hey, this game is happening, who's going to be like a standout player? And I would get the name or names. And sure enough, like, those would be the one or two people like having the time of their life in that game! And it was like, okay, where else can I apply this? Yeah, you know, what's my parking spot gonna be? What's the total at the grocery store? It's like, the weirdest thing is that I'm having fun with it. And it's happening. And like, I'm seeing these things, which to your point, builds that confidence builds that trust and allows me to move forward just in a different frequency.

On frequency... You've got these amazing new offers! So like you said, I'm in High Priestess, which starts later today. And I'm so excited. Yeah. And maybe like, if it makes sense, I'll come back in and like add something to this podcast before it goes live about the offers, but—what can you tell us about the different offers you have going on and what it looks like to work with you for frequency offers?

Raechelle Embrey 33:17
So I recently just did The Channel which was like a three day Voxer experience, which was mind blowing! And the women none of them had been an a Voxer mentorship space, they all leaned in with complete trust. And at the end of the first day, they were like, holy shit! By the second day, they were like, this is changing my life! Like I never thought this would happen!

The thing is, is like because I have a lot of spiritual gifts a lot—I'm highly intuitive, and with the astrology and the way that I move and read from that also clear and move energy. It's a gift and for those of you that know human design, I'm a Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx. And those of us with six lines the 3/6 as you mentioned six lines extremely intuitive! Very visionary, tapped in, I have a lot of Aquarius energy!

This is where we get to embody all these pieces. This is power! And Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx is like I activate change in people. This is hilarious, I'm not surprised that like you reached out and then you had 10 grand roll in because literally the girl that was on my podcast last week, she works with hormones—amazing, phenomenal. And she had like one session we were talking about energetics of like dating and connecting and she's like I swear to god just like this guy like walked into her life a week later she's like I tried online dating and I just did it and I just went in with my feminine. And like they've been together for over a year! She got this different job offer that doubled her income like three months later.

And it's it's just something like when you have that activates people and being a channel so I bring that into all my spaces which you're going to get that so—I preface that and I share that because like I always say no topic is off the table. But the other thing is is like because I'm an intuitive guide and a channel—a very open channel—I can't predict what's even going to come into the space, right?

So I always say my body of work is not for people that want this like structure course them programs and modules and things like that, because it's not how I work at all. It's all open and the energy of the container as soon as I tap in and it's like, boom, okay, this is where we're going with these women.

Brittany Herzberg 35:22
I love hearing you say that because even getting ready to like start with High Priestess today, I'll go and I'll get ready to journal or I'll go and I'll get ready to meditate. And I'm like, literally nothing is coming in. I'm like, whatever supposed to happen is what's going to happen, and I'm excited!

Raechelle Embrey 35:35
And you'll get ignited. And I do up and up space in a very intentional way that it does lead people and so it's really awesome. But yeah, High Priestess is happening now, I'll probably offer that again. And I'll do The Channel again. Because I love giving people like a very affordable price to come in and play in my world. So if you want to get in on those, I'd say get on my email list because I'm always that's where I put things out first.

And I have 1:1 mentorship, which I call Empress which is really for the woman that is just like—I just want to be so nourished in my life and my world and my business. And everything I do always combined what I call Soul Activation, which is my energy clearing and frequency attunement. You're always getting an astrological like support, whether that be at the transits that you're experiencing and going through which some can be quite difficult. Just knowing how to hold your energy as you move through these more challenging times. Or maybe it's a really activating time, and you're just sitting back and like, Ooh, this is the time to lean in!

And that's for like, a lot of entrepreneurial support or high-driven career women, anybody that's like wants to hop into that space and receive. And then the other is Empower Her that's happening right now, which is a group immersion. It is ongoing, so I'm not a launch person. It just doesn't do well with me, am I nervous systems. And plus, I like keeping my doors open so that when women are ready, it's like, oh, I can just hop in now? Great! They don't have to wait six months for something to complete. And then by then they've gone on, you know what I mean? It's like, I don't move like that, I move immediately. So if I find something I like want to go in on, I just move and I'm like, I want to go into it. It's like if somebody tells me after wait 6 months, I'm like, I'm not going to probably be the person that waits, you know, that's it, some people good.

So Empower Her is all about this type of conversation. It is the foundation of your career, entrepreneurship journey. And it's about reclaiming your voice. Truly sacred soul expression, which is so much of what you need to like really activate and lead with the feminine and from an empowered way. So to me, I call it like the foundation of life, the foundation of business of whatever that is there. Because it is like energetics, strategy, moving the needle forward—and all different levels, like right now, somebody doesn't have a business, but she's creating one, right? She wants to lean into that. And so she's there. And so I feel like when people lean in on the energy side, this is where like launching, sales, selling—it's like 15% of the equation, the strategy, all of it. It's just a small minor space. It's really how we're leading ourselves to the rest of our life. And, you know, behind the scenes, that is the true foundation.

Brittany Herzberg 38:22
Yeah, I love it! So you've got your podcast, you hang out on Instagram, where can people find you?

Raechelle Embrey 38:30
The Untamed Soul is my podcast, and I'm pretty active in it. You know, I might skip a week here and there. I'm on Instagram, I do nurture my email list quite a bit. And I love my email. Yeah, just get in touch! I'm just here for the conversation! I'm here for the depth.

If you're curious about this, just DM me! like I am really easy to connect with. I'm not going to be repelled by that. I really want more people to lean into that and more ways of leading like that, because they think it's what's needed to shift where the coaching industry has really like come from, and where it's going is a totally different space. We can't avoid it. It's Pluto in Aquarius. It's happening collectively, it's a collective shift that is happening.

Brittany Herzberg 39:11
Go say hi! I can definitely attest to the fact that she's like, super nice and friendly, and that's why I'm here and I've worked with you with a couple of things and you're pretty much never getting rid of me! Ever!

Raechelle Embrey 39:22
I love that! And if somebody wants to, like book in with astrology and get a vibe and of what it's like to be in my world, I do offer Astro Recoding Sessions. They're $333 right now, so it's a pretty good intro into my world. And I do do Animal Communications. I really focus with a lot of end of life senior work animals and spirit of that realm of of energy and stuff.

Brittany Herzberg 39:47
Yeah, I know I've got like at least 3 more sessions I need to book with you for all of that stuff, haha. But yeah, you're amazing. I am so grateful that you came on and shared everything! And I'm really excited to see who this resonates with and what happens but definitely make sure to go say hi to Rae. If you're feeling that tug—trust me, I felt that tug, just go say hi! Go say hi.

Raechelle Embrey 40:10
I always say like, because I think it's just a spiritual connection. The way that I work with the universe is like, people will feel the tug. And it's a soul tug. It's a soul tag to say, go! Whether it's the animal brings the human to me, like your way. It's like, the Universe works with the animals like, go touch Rae!

Brittany Herzberg 40:26
I delivered her where she needs to go, Amazing! Well, thank you so so much

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs


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