What’s Possible When You Improve Your SEO

“I didn’t know any of this! This episode was so helpful. And yes—I need SEO, haha!”

- from a podcast listener

Improving your website SEO (especially as a small business) has so many amazing benefits! And while you’ve heard some sprinkled throughout various SEO Case Study Interviews on this podcast (linked below 😉), I wanted to bring them all together in one place for you. Tada!

This episode will show you exactly how to give people a good user experience on your site, show up in the right Google searches, and clarify your messaging!

With this episode, you’ll be able to:

  • Learn the importance of, transformation that's possible, & results you can see from improving SEO.

  • Uncover how SEO even impacts your copy & clarifies your brand messaging.

  • Discover how SEO follows you around online and how it increases your conversions.

Don’t forget you can submit a question that will get answered in an upcoming podcast!

SEO Case Study Interviews:

Justin: SEO for Impactful Headlines

Amanda: SEO for Podcasts + Blogs

Donna: SEO for Marketing Off Social Media

Links & Mentioned Resources:

SEO Templates & Training for Podcast Show Notes + Blogs

SEO Basics Checklist

How to Blog w/ SEO [email course]

SEO Packet

Connect w/ Brittany:





This episode of The Basic B podcast is brought to you in partnership w/ Leah Bryant Co.! Help me reach more service providers like you by following the show & leaving a rating or review on Apple & Spotify!

The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Basic B podcast follows

Brittany Herzberg 0:06

Welcome to The Basic B Podcast, a show for the wannabe SEO savvy service providers among this for the coaches and consultants who dream of becoming known for their storytelling skills. Not to mention the solopreneurs who straight up need to master all things social proof to increase sales. After a little reluctantly, fully committing to this online rather business, I quickly realized I needed to get people to come to me, I needed to tell them I was here and how I could support them. I dove headfirst into social proof, which led me to SEO, which led me to storytelling. And now it gives me great joy to share what I've learned with other business owners so they skip the hard stuff and ease straight into sales. This podcast gives you expert insights, actionable takeaways, and casual combos with some of the online world's best and brightest experts and strategists. I think that's enough of an intro. So here we go.

Welcome back to The Basics with B, our special Friday episodes where I get to go just a little bit deeper into what we talked about on Wednesday, with our guests, which this week was Matt Diamante, also known as HeyTony. That will never not tripped me up, haha. We're gonna stay focused!

I had a really great conversation recently, which really, seamlessly tied into this conversation with Matt, and where I want to take this episode today. And she was listening to the podcast, actually, she was like, okay, so I still have this one question. Why would I want to invest in SEO? Why is SEO important? What's the transformation that's possible? And what results might I get from improving my SEO.

So here I am on this podcast, and we're gonna get into it. Because this really matters. And I don't want the transformation piece to be missing from the conversation, I want to show you what's possible.

Of course, I'll link a few different of the case study interviews that you can go back and listen to, you could listen to Amanda's, you can listen to Justin's, you can listen to Donna's we've gone into what's possible, with SEO after they've worked with me. But there are quite a few things. And I want to have a nice little place to put them all together. So we're going to do that here.

This is also really going to help you see if SEO is working, how it's improving, and what you can be on the lookout for. So I'm really excited. Let's get into it.

First of all, the importance of improving your SEO cannot be understated. But if I keep it simple, which we know that I love doing over here, SEO, and improving your SEO and focusing and being thoughtful about your SEO is going to help you show up as the answer to a Googled question. And you're going to end up in front of the right people, you're not just going to end up in front of people, it's going to be the people that want your help that want to work with you that are really excited by what you're saying. The ones that you're giving those aha lightbulb moments to. So we do that, really by putting keywords in certain places.

And by making sure that things are optimized and that things are running smoothly. And the load time isn't, you know, 15 million years, because people are going to click away after five seconds, they're just going to be done. So that is why it matters. We want to give people a good experience once they get to our website.

We want to show up in searches so that we can be like, Hey, you're looking for this thing, I can help you I do this, like this is my jam. And what's even more cool is that SEO can follow you around online. So I'm going to get to that as well.

As far as like the transformation that's possible and the results that are possible with SEO. I could just stay here forever and share these with you, haha! But I really want to keep it digestible because again, I like doing that.

So first, one thing that you get by improving your SEO is that you get more traffic to your website, on social media, that could be more followers, more engagement on posts, more interaction in your DMS more interaction and engagement in your stories. On your website. It's going to be not only other people coming to your website to increase traffic, it's also going to be what they call time spent on page. How long are they hanging out on your website? Are they going and bingeing different blog posts? Are they going and checking out different YouTube videos that you have embedded in your blog post? Hint, hint, nod nod nudge nudge? I know where the nod came from, but nudge nudge we're gonna stick with that one.

What are they doing? Are they consuming a few different blog posts and then going to your contact page so they can write a message to you? Are they reading some blogs and then signing up for your email list? Are they going and checking out your services page? What does their online journey look like once they're on your site?

If you were to go to like Google Maps or before I had an iPhone, I would go to a website type in my home address and type in the destination and then I would get directions I would print them out and put them in the front seat with me. The point here is that it would have each of the turns each of The roads, each of the like the distances and all of this stuff, you had the entire directions printed out. I want you to imagine that like, what is that, like for someone coming to your website? What do those directions look like?

The home base could be the homepage, maybe they come into the home page, maybe they come into your about page, maybe they come in to the podcast, or the blog, or that etc. And then where are they going from that? Where are they taking left turns, right trains? Where are they eventually ending up? What actions are they taking, I just want you to think about that.

So that was a total side tangent, but more of the right traffic for your website, more time spent on the page more time consuming more of your stuff, getting in your world getting a feel for you figuring out if they like you or not, obviously, if they're sticking around, they like you and they feel like you're a trusted expert. And you're explaining things in a way that makes sense to them. That's huge!

Like I said, more followers, more of the right type of followers on social media, not just like the bots and all the weird followers that you might get, but actual humans who actually want to either collaborate with you or hire you for something that I do this all the time.

Maybe they want to send you and refer you to somebody else. Because they had a conversation with their friend last week. And they're like, oh my gosh, this is who can help that person. Improving your SEO also helps you clarify your messaging, which is huge. And it makes things easier for you to actually express yourself and share your message. It also makes it easier for people who are referring you, it also also makes it easier for people are coming to your page and they want to work with you.

They want to hire you they want to somehow get in your world and learn from you. It's going to sticking with this point, increase your referrals, because now they know how to talk about you. And now they know how to tell you know, Sally, what's happening with you why they should be in your world why they should connect with you, you're also going to see increased conversions.

And I want you to remember that this doesn't just mean more money in your pocket, more clients that you're helping a conversion could be someone listening to your podcast, reading your blog, signing up for your email list, it could be more referrals, it could be gaining affiliates if you have a program like that. So conversions doesn't just mean money and clients, it's all of these things, what action are they taking that says, hey, I want to stay in your world for a little bit longer and learn from you and possibly work with you could look like a variety of things you are going to when you improve your SEO, have no lack of inspiration about what to talk about what to share what to post, there are endless questions, and you start to see that.

And you see that whether you are doing keyword research on your own, or whether you are hiring somebody else to come up with content ideas for you, like I do with the SEO packet. Even if you're just getting more questions from people, you will not have a lack of inspiration for posts and blogs and things like that.

And one of the last things I really want to highlight is streamlined workflows. We talked about this with Amanda's episode with her case study with blogs. And we did we do SEO for her blogs and SEO for her podcast. It's fascinating. And it is so incredibly helpful to streamline your workflows to make things just be easy flow easier. So especially if you're a podcaster, you start to notice this because how your SEO strategy starts in one place. Like your website, for example, it follows you around online, I promised you I was gonna say more about this. So it can follow you from for example, your long form content like a YouTube video or a podcast, over to your blogs over to your social media profiles over to your speaking gigs, like you will see all of these keywords start to follow you and you become known for something.

This has really happened for me in the last 18 months. People hear case studies and they're like, oh my gosh, Brittany, the here SEO No, like, oh my gosh, Brittany, it's amazing. And it's really flattering. Because not only do I feel like I'm being seen people hearing me, they are seeing me they're hearing me they are referring me, my hard work is paying off all of that time and energy and effort I put in is really paying off. And the same can be true for you.

With all of that, there are a few cool places you can get started! A great starting point is downloading the SEO Basics Checklist, which of course I'll make sure is linked below. It's linked everywhere in this podcast, haha!

Also this July, you're going to be able to sign up for the How to Blog with SEO email course. I think this is the 4th or 5th time that I'm running this. The doors are open three times a year and this is the second time in 2024. You can really see how easy it is to implement SEO with this one project if you join this email course. And as you join it, you get future opportunities to come back in and get another refresh just for accountability's sake. So it's really cool!

And then number 3 is that when you're ready to do your SEO, right, I have that SEO Packet that you can, you can holler at me for, haha! Just say, "Brittany, can I have help with SEO?" And yes, yes, I will be more than happy to help you! And I hope that this helps you today!

That was really something wasn't it? What that really sink in and guide you toward being the answer to even more Google questions. Thanks so much for joining me this episode. You are the reason this show exists and that it keeps growing. You know, thanks to all those follows and reviews. If you know someone who could benefit from what we've shared, send it to them. We don't do shy around here. If you've thought of clarifying or follow up questions while listening, you know what to do. Say hi on Instagram, check the show notes for all the things that were mentioned and I'll talk to you soon Brent

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs


Sitemaps & How to Find a Good SEO Expert w/ Samantha Mabe


The Best Way to Learn SEO in 2024 w/ Matt Diamante