A case study about a case study about writing... case studies
I’m not even 100% sure that ↑ is accurate.
(I feel like I’m now walking around circles in my mind to see if I made any sense.)
Currently I’m in the part of my writing process where I’m taking a break. (Brought to me by Elyse Myers’ new podcast!)
I want to take a brief moment (because I have literally 6 case studies due in 7ish days from this moment 👀) to dance it out, listen to something fun (podcast), & snuggle my dog, Jac 🐾.
(Please allow me to once more feature my cute lil’ writing assistant ↓)
I should then segue back to the story about me writing case studies by sharing my favorite Spotify playlist. It’s called Dramatic Violin & makes me all kinds of happy.
(If you don’t have Spotify, check out Joel’s Instagram. If you don’t have Instagram, I’m sad—because we can’t be IG friends.)
Joel’s music checks out against my writing playlist checklist:
I cannot sing along to the songs
The music is upbeat/uplifting/it bringeth energy to me
I don’t find it too stuffy
Now… I shall break down my case study writing process.
This round started with client interviews.
(After booking the clients, of course.)
Interviewing clients for their case studies is something I love to do, but haven’t had the opportunity to do often.
Most of my clients come to me with pre-recorded audio and/or video interviews.
And that works really well!
But when I’m able to chat with the people whose lives they’ve transformed—I feel like I’m getting some super-special access to something magical.✨
(→See Instagram Reel for what my authentic reaction looks like🎉)
Whether I’m recording an interview or working with a pre-recorded session, I end up taking notes.
And once I figure out what to highlight, I create a story arc.
My friend Brenna helped me figure out I have a framework for this. I’m pumped to share it with you!
Are you even ready?!
Meet—The P.E.T. Framework 🐾
This method streamlines the story into Before, During, & After.
Snagged this beauty^^ from The Comprehensive Case Study Training for Solopreneurs + Copywriters—a self-paced program I launch throughout the year!
What PROBLEM was this person facing before finding you? ←Their solution!
What was their EXPERIENCE like working with you? (or going through your program, etc.)
What TRANSFORMATION occurred as a result of working with you? (Keep in mind, these wins may be external factors like money or internal/emotional shifts.)
From there…
The SEO research & strategy begins!
(This is something we cover extensively on The Simple + Smart SEO Show podcast. #shamelessplug 😂)
I take what my client has told me they want to highlight about the case study subject (remember, the human we’re featuring!)
I combine it with what their ideal client is searching for (and actually typing into the Google search bar)
And narrow in on 1–2 key phrases (even though we call them keywords I find long tail keywords—aka key phrases—to be super effective)
Like Emeril says, “Bam!💥”
You’ve got yourself the start of an on-page SEO strategy for that case study!
You’ve found the easy part ↓ ↓ ↓
Time to write that case study story draft!
(a little something I like to call your s***** first draft)
This is where I’ve lived most of my last 7 days, haha.
Typically when I’m drafting these stories, I write the initial draft & walk away for a day or two.
This time around I’ve been working through the drafts a bit faster with the help of my super special secret.
My boyfriend.
Dan is a nonfiction book coach & editor—and my entire copyediting department!
As a copywriter, I can produce the writing. But I’m terrible at being my own copyeditor.
Having D’s editing help has been Game. Changing.
(I haven’t actually like asked him about this—but he usually peeps my blogs, so hi Babe! What do you think of this idea? ⬇️
I think I’d like to offer his help inside The Comprehensive Case Study Training for Solopreneurs + Copywriters next time. ✨Hint: launching again in March 2023!✨)
An inconclusive list of how having a copyeditor has helped my case study writing process:
I work much faster now knowing that my clients won’t be seeing that SFD copy—they’re seeing a polished, cohesive project that accurately represents them & their client!
My perfectionist & procrastinator tendencies (<< I’m not even sure I wrote that right, D, can I get a check on aisle 3 please?) have to shut it in order for me to create something for him to actually… edit.
Because we’ve worked together on so many case studies at this point, we’re turning into QUITE the well-oiled machine! (I love having a job where I get to work with my man ❤️)
**Just a note that that button ^^ takes you to a super efficient, kind, caring human’s page. BE NICE.
He works on a number of different projects—nonfiction books, book descriptions, articles, Amazon Author pages, web copy, etc.
To recap…
I make notes from the interview
Create a story arc
Complete SEO research & develop an on-page strategy
Draft the case study
Run it past my copyeditor
At this point
The first edited draft of the case study is sent to my client.
In that email, I share what helpful feedback looks like.
(I learned early on in my career that that is a critical component!)
My people usually get back to me in ~3–5 days, typically with minimal modifications—any copywriter’s dream!
I tweak anything that’s mentioned, and then…
The case study is complete! And ready to go to their web designer for… design.
(I did create my own site, but that’s not my forte. ✨Crafting compelling messaging based in story, SEO, & client language is.✨)
This year I’ve actually partnered with a couple stellar web designers & I couldn’t be more excited to collaborate with them!
So… with ALL of that ⬆️ being said…
Listen to my interviews ALL about case studies:
Drop any Q’s you have about case studies!
⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️