Figure Out Who You are & Do it on Purpose

People need to vibe with YOU in order to work with you.

But… that means you’ve got to know your vibe and share it with the world. And THAT means you need to get back to the core of who you are & own it!

This week we heard from Sarah Weiss on what it’s like to be on this entrepreneurial journey—and what personal growth looks like for business owners.

Today, I want to highlight the importance of figuring out who exactly you are at this point in your life. Because you are special, you are talented, you are exactly who someone wants to work with! But if you’re not clear about who you are—not only are you unable to help those looking for you—you’re missing out on your full potential!

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • Why it’s important to figure out who you are

  • How to take these insights & use it as a business owner

  • Questions to ponder or journal on to help you get back to your truest self

  • B’s evolution as a human and a business owner

  • How to spot your core childhood characteristics that are now reflected in your business

Don’t forget you can submit a question that will get answered in an upcoming podcast!

Related Episodes:

Rachael’s interview

Sarah’s interview

Connect w/ Brittany:





This episode of The Basic B podcast is brought to you in partnership w/ Leah Bryant Co.! Help me reach more service providers like you by following the show & leaving a rating or review on Apple & Spotify!

The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Basic B podcast follows

Brittany (00:06.254)

Welcome to the Basic B Podcast, a show for the wannabe SEO savvy service providers among us, for the coaches and consultants who dream of becoming known for their storytelling skills, not to mention the solopreneurs who straight up need to master all things social proof to increase sales. After a little reluctantly fully committing to this online world of business, I quickly realized I needed to get people to come to me. I needed to tell them I was here and how I could support them. I dove headfirst into social proof.

which led me to SEO, which led me to storytelling. And now it gives me great joy to share what I've learned with other business owners so they skip the hard stuff and ease straight into sales. This podcast gives you expert insights, actionable takeaways, and casual convos with some of the online world's best and brightest experts and strategists. I think that's enough of an intro, so here we go.

Welcome to the basics with B, our special Friday episodes where we get into the really big takeaway to come away with those guest episodes on Wednesdays. The big point that I want to draw out from Sarah Weiss's interview is if you're just figuring out who you are and doing it on purpose. I was doing a little bit of keyword research, of course, before I started recording this and I was trying to figure out.

how to bundle what I wanted to say in a phrase, a phrase that someone might be looking for. And I saw this quote, it's from Dolly Parton, and it simply is, figure out who you are and do it on purpose. I know I've seen that before in movies and shows and things like that, but just getting hit with that again, it's like, wow, we can really do that. And as an entrepreneur, the cool part of it is that you get to then take that.

and use it in your business. You could use it in your marketing, use it in your copy to draw in those aligned best fit clients that are just your dreamy ideal clients. And that is so amazing. So not only can you go back and listen to Sarah's episode from this week, I'm also going to make sure I link Rachel's episode because she talks about human design and marketing. And you know, there's lots of different tests you can do. You can take the disk assessment, you can take the Enneagram.

Brittany (02:26.222) test, whatever you want to call it. You can do the Myers -Briggs. You can do all of these things to figure out personality traits and to get a better sense of who you are and how you operate in the world. You can also reflect and just think back on who were you as a kid? What were you like? What did you like about yourself? What are you proud of yourself for from then? And what are you proud of yourself for now? What does life look like now?

Who are you? What are you doing in the world? What do you want to be doing in the world? Who do you want to work with? All of these things, even though they might seem like they're in different parts of the pool table, they all tie together. They all come together to make you super magnetic so that you are drawing in those clients who are gonna really trust you and value you and be excited to work with you and to have you either help them fix a problem.

or get closer to a desired result that they have, a dream that they have. It's really cool. This work that we get to do is really amazing. I also made some notes just about my responses from some of the questions that I was asking Sarah. Of course, I shared my thoughts in the episode, so go back and listen to it. But also, I'll just share some of these notes with you. So if I think back on little Brittany and what I was like in elementary school, middle school, even high school,

Even though back then I wouldn't have called myself a little child. Probably would have been really insulted if someone had done that. I remember moving around a lot. I was what I call a floater. Like I didn't really have a core group. I wasn't a jock. I wasn't a nerd. I wasn't an athlete. I wasn't any of those things. I was all of them. I was a basketball player for a year. I was in band for I think three years. I was a smart kid. Like I was in advanced classes. I was also perpetually the new kid.

and I had to figure out where I fit in. And, you know, of course there's like all of these survival strategies that you end up putting into place, but I did that. And also like I got to be friends with so many people and I got to, instead of feeling like I was rejected by so many people, I got to have friends in different groups and bring those different groups together. And it was really, really cool, really awesome. And I still have a lot of those friends now. I mean, we're not as close, but those are friendships and they've

Brittany (04:49.07) stayed with me and the stories have stayed with me. And the other cool thing is that I have like this weird memory of an elephant where if something happens, I'm going to remember it for a very, very long time. So I'm kind of like the, I don't know, I guess I'm like a living year book because I remember different stories and different things that were going on in people's lives. And I'm also the person I've always had this happen where my friends will have really, really good and really, really bad things happen to them. And I'm the person that they tell.

So even before I was a massage therapist, even before I started doing, you know, interviewing online in this online world, I had people sharing things with me and people trusted me and that was pretty freaking cool, you know? And it was something I didn't take lightly and I never have and I never will. But, you know, it's just cool to give yourself a moment to think back and reflect on all of those things and then how do you bring that into your life now? How do you bring that into your business? What does that look like?

Again, like I said, like, what are you proud of? I made notes on that because of course I did. I apparently have a very high Capricorn signature and that's something that we do. We're like organized and thoughtful and very heady, very logical, which once my friend told me that I was like, yep, I can see that. I see you right there. So things that I'm proud of, you know, yes, I was smart, but I was also really kind, really compassionate and I really stood up for kids.

in my class, in my school, whether or not they knew me, whether or not we were friends, it didn't matter. It always surprises people and it makes me laugh because it surprises people that I was a section leader in one of my band classes. Again, I moved, so I was in band at two different schools. And I remember kids would just get so loud. And for one thing, we were supposed to be being quiet because we were right down the hall from, I think it was like the fourth and fifth grade wing. And they were in...

class and like we were supposed to be quiet until our band director who was also the principal came in and they just were never quiet. So I remember several times standing up on these folding chairs and just shouting at the top of my lungs and of course turning bright red and just like screaming at them to be quiet because you know we were supposed to be being quiet like what are you thinking we have to be quiet and then there are other times later on so that was in middle school and then later on in high school a couple different

Brittany (07:11.886) high school that I went to and this happened there as well where you're in high school, you're talking about some hot button issues. And so often, even as adults, we forget that these hot button issues actually apply to real people. And several of the times there were these hot topics. And there would be a friend of mine or there would be someone in the room that I could tell was getting very uncomfortable. And I assumed turned out rightfully so that

their life stories had bits of these hot button issues in there. And so they were really affected. And we say this now, we didn't say this when I was in high school, but they were triggered and I could see that. And so I, a couple of times got on the lunch tables and was screaming that again, we were talking over each other. No one was able to hear the other person and like, Hey, by the way, these are actual issues that are affecting actual people who are sitting in this room. So.

have some compassion, have a heart, be nice, chill out, you know, carry yourselves with dignity and be kind and respectful and thoughtful. And I still, I don't have to scream and shout on a table anymore, but that is still a really big thing for me to make sure that we're all being kind and respectful. So yeah, I guess a point there is that not much changes, but you can also think through what were you like back then? How are you bringing that into your life and in your business now?

Or are you? Have things changed because you are a human and you are allowed to grow and change and shift as a person. We learn things, we get to do things differently, we get to be better, we get to make smarter choices. We get to do all of those things because we get to have this incredible and at times wild, sometimes happy, sometimes not so happy life experiences, you know? So after listening to this episode and after listening to my conversation with Sarah,

If you're still kind of feeling like not sure about this whole being loud and proud about who you are thing, really go back and sit in journal or voice note or talk it out, go on a walk, whatever it is that you do to actually process things, do that and think through like, what was little insert your name here? What were they like? What did you like about them? What do you like about them now that you're an adult sitting here and reflecting on that?

Brittany (09:36.334) And what of that do you want to bring into your business? What do you want to amplify? Because one thing that Sarah and I were talking about is that we are kind of programmed to get away from who we are at our deep core. And that is one thing I want to do with this podcast is get you to not keep running away from that version of you, but go and discover that version of you and then bring them along with you in this entrepreneurial journey. So have fun with that. Let me know what you discover.

what things you think about, if we have anything that we share in common, I would love to hear any of those things. And you can always find me on Instagram and send a message and I'll be sure to say hi. You can also use that fancy text thing. If you want to remain anonymous, it does not give me your name or location or anything, unless you type it in, but you can tap that text button below and I'll get the note. That was really something, wasn't it?

Let that really sink in and guide you toward being the answer to even more Google questions. Thanks so much for joining me this episode. You are the reason this show exists and that it keeps growing. You know, thanks to all those followers and reviews. If you know someone who could benefit from what was shared, send it to them. We don't do shy around here. If you thought of clarifying or follow up questions while listening, you know what to do. Say hi on Instagram. Check the show notes for all the things that were mentioned and I'll talk to you soon, friend.

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Accessibility in SEO & Podcast Marketing w/ Erin Perkins


The Entrepreneur Journey & Personal Growth w/ Sarah Weiss