Human Design Marketing & Messaging Strategies w/ Rachael Weaver

Get crystal clear on who you are so you attract those über ideal clients—with ease!

If you haven’t figured out by now, I love all things personality, personal growth, & self-discovery. (I mean, hello! It’s a huge focus of the podcast.) Better understanding my Human Design—I’m a 3/5 Manifesting Generator—has been instrumental in me figuring out how to attract more of my ideal clients, listen to my gut instinct (AKA: intuition), & market myself more effectively online.

I’m so stinkin’ excited to introduce you to one human who’s been such a resource & source of support on my Human Design journey—Messaging & Copywriting Expert, Rachael Weaver! We spend most of this episode exploring different marketing strategies for the various HD types, but we also discuss the workshop Rachael created specifically for Case Study Training Program students! Tune in & be warned—you’re gonna wanna take notes. 😉

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • Human Design basics (profiles, types, etc.)

  • How Human Design uniquely gives you permission to be yourself

  • How leaning into your Human Design in your marketing disrupts all the “shoulds”

  • How not to use Human Design against yourself

  • The 4 pieces of the chart that Rachael looks at specifically for communication

  • Examples for each of the 5 Human Design types

  • How to use your HD chart to “check” if you’re being authentic & living in alignment

  • The overlap between SEO, social proof, & Human Design

  • When the best time is for entrepreneurs to explore their Human Design chart

Get Rachael’s exclusive bonus workshop on marketing case studies inside The Case Study Training Program!

Meet: Rachael

Rachael blends Human Design and conversion copywriting to help spiritual entrepreneurs create a cohesive, wildly irresistible, and deeply aligned brand voice so that they speak their truth unapologetically. She’s helped women sell out programs on the first round, sell high ticket 1:1 with ease, and create massive impact with a simple message. Her clients create their next-level brand voice as they step further into their alignment and clearly speak their soul’s message with confidence. Simply put, she’s your soul-aligned messaging coach.

Links & Mentioned Resources:

The Case Study Training

3/5 Profile Podcast Episode

Authentic Messaging (if you want to dive deeper into what Rachael shared on the podcast—GRAB THIS ASAP!)

Related Episodes:

How I Became an SEO Copywriter

Write a Case Study

Connect w/ Rachael:






Connect w/ Brittany:





This episode of The Basic B podcast is brought to you in partnership w/ Leah Bryant Co.! Help me reach more service providers like you by following the show & leaving a rating or review on Apple & Spotify!

The unedited podcast transcript for this episode of The Basic B podcast follows

Brittany Herzberg (00:03.03)

Welcome back to the Basic B Podcast. I am so happy to have you here as always, of course, and I've got another amazing guest to introduce you to. I have Rachel Weaver and we are gonna be talking, probably we're gonna see what happens because we're actually both manifesting generators. So we're probably gonna be sticking to like marketing with human design and maybe some messaging stuff, but we'll see where this goes. Before I bring her on, of course, I'm gonna give you a quick intro.

Rachel blends human design and conversion copywriting to help spiritual entrepreneurs create a cohesive, wildly irresistible, and deeply aligned brand voice so they can speak their truth unapologetically. She's helped women sell out programs on the first round, sell high ticket one-to-one with ease, and create massive impact with a simple message. Her clients create their next level brand voice as they step further into their alignment and clearly speak their soul's message with confidence.

She's your solo line messaging coach. Hi, Rachel. I am thrilled you're here. You were giggling, I saw when I was talking about us both being manifesting generators.

Rachael Weaver (01:00.618)

Hi! Well, I haven't heard my bio. I wrote it forever, and I'm like, wow, that's a really good bio.

Brittany Herzberg (01:14.659)

Bravo! Well done. It's always so weird when you hear somebody else like talk about you. It's like, oh, I'm kind of cool. This is neat. You sure did. You did good. All right, let me give you this first question and then we'll get into like wherever we're going to go today. So there's no wrong answer, but the question is, which do you believe is the most important for sales? SEO, storytelling, or social proof?

Rachael (01:21.656)

Yeah, I was like, wow, did I write that? That sounds great.

Rachael (01:31.552)

All right.

Rachael (01:43.503)

Oh, so it's cut out just a little bit. So it's social proof. What was the other one?

Brittany Herzberg (01:51.102)

It's SEO, social proof, or storytelling.

Rachael (01:54.546)

Oh, that's a tough one. Um, I think I'd probably have to say storytelling. Yeah, because I think it establishes authority more than the other two. And I think authority is really important when you're marketing your business.

Brittany Herzberg (02:01.454)

Mm-hmm, say more.

Brittany Herzberg (02:16.97)

Oh no, it is cutting out. Are you back? Leah's going to have fun with this one. Okay, storytelling? Can you repeat that? Why, why do you think that is? I'm sorry.

Rachael (02:18.362)

Yeah, it is.

Rachael (02:26.279)

Uh, I think storytelling because I think it builds more authority than the other two. Um, yeah. And I think authority is really, really important. I know it is. Yeah. I don't think. I know.

Brittany Herzberg (02:32.146)

Yeah. I like that.

It's so critical. Yeah, you're like, I know this. We know this. It's facts. Yeah, I agree. I think that it's so cool hearing different people's answers. But I agree. Like storytelling is a, I would say kind of a subtle way to, you know, give yourself not give yourself but to create and solidify that authority. Well done.

Rachael (02:53.07)


Rachael (02:59.634)

Yeah, I think most people feel more comfortable with that type of authority, like being able to just share your story and what you know and the, your own talent and genius versus trying some of the other ones can feel a little bit more salesy sometimes.

Brittany Herzberg (03:16.51)

Yeah, very true. I like it. Alright, let's jump into this. I want to walk us in with kind of a broad question. So for anyone who is new to human design, could you give us a quick lay of the land and we can use me as an example? So I often will say, like, I'm a 3-5 manifesting generator, but can you translate what I'm saying?

Rachael (03:38.514)

Yeah. Okay. So human design is like it's astrology, I Ching, the Kabbalah. It's like all these things put together and it gives you kind of a blueprint of how your energy works. And there are five types, manifesting generators, one, right? Then we have manifestor, generator, projector, and reflector.

and they all have a different, it relates to your aura. So how your aura is perceived by others, like projectors can see into, like it's very penetrating. I often use my husband as an example, it's like when he looks in your eyes, you feel like, oh God, you're like, you're seeing my soul. Right? That's how a projector feels when they look in your eyes. Deep, right? Mani-gens, the manifesting generators, I'm a mani-gen too, and we're the people that like.

Brittany Herzberg (04:17.654)

That's deep.

Rachael (04:25.614)

cannot for the life of us pick one thing that, and just stick with it. We just can't. We're in, it's impossible. And the more...

Brittany Herzberg (04:32.735)


Just look at the podcast art, if you're wondering, and the first question that I ask people, like, I can't.

Rachael (04:41.426)

Yeah, you can't like you can't pick you just, huh. So, um, our genius really is in the fact that we can't pick and that we have this ability to go down rabbit holes and pull things together that people would have never thought to put together. Um, and do you want me to go through it? Like all, all the types.

Brittany Herzberg (05:00.702)

Yeah, if you want to, I mean, I have like a couple of ideas of where we could take this, but let's go down the rabbit holes.

Rachael (05:04.558)

Okay. All right. Generators are the mastery. So they're here to hone in and master some like one thing. It's a process generally. Sometimes generators, they're like, I can't pick one thing and I'm like, you can, you just haven't found that thing yet. Right. Or they will sometimes get into their head about that thing. I'll hit a plateau where they're like, I feel like I've lost passion. So therefore I need to change my mind. No.

You need to like go all in on that passion and really deepen your knowledge of it and mastery of it. Cause that's what you're here to do is to really master something. The projectors, like I said, they're very penetrating, the guides, the people that really see a unique solution and a way to solve a problem.

they're known for their like system and a system versus a process. A process is a step one, step two, step three. A system is more like a table holding a tabletop up. You don't have to go through the legs in any way. You just have to have all three in order to have the tabletop result, if that makes sense. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (06:09.639)

Mm. Yeah, I follow.

Rachael (06:12.798)

Manifestors are known for their vision and where they're taking people. And I usually use like train stations. You're helping people one train station at a time to get to this big vision. And then reflectors are known for their community and the way that they bring people together and where they can share their wisdom, no matter what it is. It could be random or it could be in a specific niche. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (06:38.098)

I love that. So those are the different types. So like how I said, three, five manifesting generator, the words are the type and then the numbers, that's the profile, right?

Rachael (06:45.034)

Yeah, that's the profile. And it's kind of like your personality. It adds flavor to things, if you will. And there's six lines and you're gonna have two lines, a conscious and an unconscious. And the unconscious you're not as aware of, it's something that like, once you read what your unconscious line is, you're like, oh, that totally makes sense, right? But you're not necessarily would identify with it on your own, if that makes sense?

Brittany Herzberg (06:49.666)



Brittany Herzberg (07:08.13)


Brittany Herzberg (07:12.856)


Rachael (07:13.726)

And then your conscious is like the one that you're like, I get stuck on this one all the time. Like the fourth line, like, oh, the fourth line. I'm a four sex and it drives me bonkers all the time, but I love my unconscious line.

Brittany Herzberg (07:28.202)

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I'm actually going to make sure that I link to the podcast that just went live this week where I was on with Chantel Andercastle. I think I hope I'm saying her name correctly. And we went through this. She had me on because I'm a 3'5". And so we got to break that down. So if you want to geek out more on this, I'll make sure to link to that. Of course, Rachel has her podcast, which we're going to link to as well. But yeah, like rabbit holes. It's fun. So many rabbit holes.

Rachael (07:54.11)

So many rabbit holes.

Brittany Herzberg (07:56.934)

I don't think I've ever asked you this before, but what's your favorite thing about human design?

Rachael (08:02.754)

Mmm, my favorite thing. I think it gives you permission to really be yourself. Because when you look and you understand what the chart's saying, you're like, oh, that's what I wanted to do. That's how I want to be. That's how I want to show up.

And the world just tells us all these different things of what we're supposed to be. And sure, you can give yourself permission and not feel like you need a chart to tell you that, but I know for me, it was incredibly validating and permission giving to just be myself. And this was a way to look at something and go, oh, yeah, that totally makes sense, that is me. So I feel like it's that permission, that validation for really who you are.

Brittany Herzberg (08:45.122)

I could not agree more. And that's really, this podcast truly is like my three, five manifesting generator self be like showing up. So I could not agree with that more. And one of the missions that I have with the podcast, really the core of it is helping people get back to who they are. So I was like stoked that you were, you were going to come on the podcast because this is one way that, like you said, you read about the profile and the types and all that kind of stuff.

Rachael (08:54.358)


Rachael (09:02.848)


Brittany Herzberg (09:13.258)

once I did that I was like, oh, I have been doing that. Oh, that's like a cool thing. That's a thing that I can lean into. Okay, just like you said, it gave me permission. Yeah. What's something that you notice like your students and clients either need to hear once they get into, you know, understanding their human design more or something that's like a consistent aha or like, I can probably just say that and you have some stuff coming to mind.

Rachael (09:21.438)

Yeah, exactly, exactly.

Rachael (09:40.459)

I mean, I feel like anytime I tell someone like, here's kind of what your messaging should be about based on your chart, they're like...

well, that's what I want to talk about. But they don't like give, again, they don't give themselves permission to talk about that because I think it needs to, their messaging needs to look like a certain way or be a certain way based on what everybody says messaging is, right? Like they say that, oh, you have to talk to your client pain points, you have to understand your niche, like all these pieces. And while some of that's important, most of the time, if you just understand how you want to communicate, you're going to cover all your racists

need to like understand or know a lot of that other stuff.

Brittany Herzberg (10:21.71)

Yeah, that's so true. So there's definitely a lot of noise, not in the realm of human design, that human design gives you clarity and like you said, permission around. Is there anything that you see in the human design world that you see other people talking about where it either like, makes you roll your eyes or it just kind of grates on your nerves or you feel like things are being shared in maybe not the most accurate or best way for people?

Rachael (10:23.231)


Rachael (10:44.574)

I think people get stuck in their human design. So they almost like use it as an excuse. Like I'm a projector. I don't like, I don't have to do the work, right? And that is really, that's gonna get you into trouble in terms of you can't grow a business if you're not gonna do some work, right? Yes, there's a way to do it that honors your energy that allows you to show up your way, but.

Brittany Herzberg (10:47.826)


Rachael (11:08.37)

using human design as an excuse to not do something, I think is where people are using it against themselves, right? Like, and this is a lot of what I hear from projectors. They're getting stuck. Like, they hate that they're a projector, but yet they use it as an excuse why they can't show up. Like, oh, I have to wait for the invitation to post on social media. No, you don't. You do not. No. No, you don't.

Brittany Herzberg (11:27.132)


Rachael (11:37.558)

Go out and you share, that's your platform. That is your place to share whatever the heck you want. Sure, you need maybe an invitation to coach someone, yes, because then you're in their aura, you're in their space, right? But your platform is by people following you, that's an invitation to share your knowledge, right? Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (11:57.398)

That's a good reframe. Yeah, because it's almost like if you use your human design as this shield, you're not tapping into the magic of it. Because one thing for me, I think it was being with a manifesting generator and maybe having the sapral authority or you can probably tell me more about this. I've read so much stuff and it's like hard for me to keep everything compartmentalized. But one thing I know that works for me is asking myself.

Rachael (12:05.237)


Brittany Herzberg (12:20.17)

yes or no questions, or having someone else ask me yes or no questions, just to really help me tap into what is my gut, what is my intuition saying, and then learning to listen to that and go forward with it. And the other thing too is we have loads of ideas. You and I collaborated on a couple different things and we were like, this, and it was really fun. But you can see the manifesting generator energy of just like, bing, bing.

Rachael (12:21.634)


Rachael (12:29.043)


Rachael (12:40.642)


Brittany Herzberg (12:45.702)

So I've let myself, I've learned to let myself just have those ideas and not get frustrated that I don't act on them immediately. And what's been really fun and brilliant, I think, for me, and I heard this from somebody else, I can't take credit for it, but it's like just listing out those ideas, writing them down somewhere, putting them down on digital or actual paper, and then looking for that validation and confirmation out in the world. So like I had an idea for, I really wanted to help people with blogs and SEO.

Rachael (12:51.49)


Rachael (13:03.734)


Brittany Herzberg (13:15.486)

but I didn't act on it. I was like, I don't quite know what this is going to look like. Well, two, three months later, I had two different clients who were like, you know, it would be really cool if you created like a course about blogging and SEO. Now I have the blogging and SEO email course, because I waited and then they kind of helped me figure out that final piece. And I was like, that yes, go forth, create.

Rachael (13:34.517)


Yeah, and most people get impatient and waiting for something to come around. Right. And yeah, I totally, the other thing I feel like, I mean, many gens are really notorious for starting things and my, I have a one-to-one client right now and she's many Jen, but she also has the gate of starting like in her son gate. So she's all about starting things. And this girl, like so many different spokes on her business, like girl,

Brittany Herzberg (13:39.788)


Rachael (14:05.9)

all the things all at one time. And she knows that this is like probably putting more in her plate than she really needs. She knows that like this is probably making things harder, but that's literally like the energy that she has all the time. Like she can't help it, right? This is what she... So it's about learning, okay, if this is my energy, how can I use it to my advantage and how can I...

like really hone and craft, hone the energy, right?

so that it's working for me and not against me. And against her would be like just starting all these things and never finishing anything, right? But instead we're like, okay, well, let's start something. Let's see how all these different pieces fit together, first of all, and then, okay, where do we wanna focus first? And then let's just go in on that for like the next month. And then we're gonna switch and do another one and do another one. And so we're building on all this starting energy so that it's actually creating momentum instead of stifling momentum

Brittany Herzberg (14:43.555)


Brittany Herzberg (15:05.674)

Yeah. And that's it's a challenge, but it's also an opportunity, especially once you see that in writing when you're like when you

Rachael (15:06.954)


Rachael (15:12.094)


Brittany Herzberg (15:16.078)

I don't know, go out and get your, I know you have resources, but like when you go out and figure out what you are, like how we keep saying like we're 4-6 mini-gen or 3-5 mini-gen, once you figure that out and you get to read about it and some of this stuff like starts making sense and you see those permissions on the paper, it's like, oh okay, how can I then use it or what can I take from this or what can I learn from this or how can I actually like embody this better? So on that note, with our

Rachael (15:38.578)


Brittany Herzberg (15:46.092)

did this wonderful workshop about really like how to market the case study. It was like through that lens, but how you can really market with your... I can't remember if you did the profile or the type, but you... It was such a great workshop and I need to go back and watch it again. Actually, as I'm saying this, I'm like, I need to go back and remember like what you said. But can you speak a little bit to that? Just like how we can use those different elements and figure out, really like figure out what that permission slip is that we need for marketing.

Rachael (16:15.902)


I, there's a few different aspects that I look at primarily. I mean, there's a lot of information in the chart. Like you can go, I mean, it's all about how you can eat and your environment. Like there's so much in the human design chart. There's just a few aspects that I look at mainly for communication. And your unique selling point, the thing that you're known for really comes from your type. It's how we're kind of structuring your messaging, right? Like the managens known for pulling things together, the manifestors known for their vision, right?

that. And then from there, we kind of look at like, what is the flavor of my brand voice? And what, how can I show up and speak more articulate in the way that feels good to me? And that's when we're looking at like the throat center. And I just came up with this analogy actually, like yesterday when I was writing some new content, I'm like, oh, this could be really good. And I haven't really talked about it. So maybe this will come out a little jumbled, but your throat is the ice cream flavor.

So it's kind of like, what flavor do you want to show up with? And depending on what gates and whether or not it's defined or whatever, it's the flavor of your voice. The profile is the sprinkles that you put on top. It's the personality. It's like, are you gummy bears or are you chocolate chips? Like. And then your mercury gate is the vehicle in which the ice cream comes to you. So it's the cone that you pick or the cup, right?

Brittany Herzberg (17:36.755)

I love this.

Rachael (17:47.794)

And that's like, those are the three aspects that you're really looking at to understand how are you delivering this message to the world. So I didn't talk about that at all in your workshop, but I don't know, I wanted to say it now.

Brittany Herzberg (17:55.158)

That is so cool!

Brittany Herzberg (18:00.279)

I'll make sure I go back and like, she said something really smart. You know what? I could just link to the podcast, that's what I'll do. Yeah, no, that's, I really like that because analogies really are helpful, especially I feel like for me, so I'm guessing maybe for like many of us mani gens, it's probably very, very helpful to be able to like, this is what I'm trying to tell you, here's all the pieces and like here's the thing.

Rachael (18:06.102)

There we go.

Rachael (18:21.022)

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So depending on if your throat is defined or undefined, it's just going to flavor things in a different way. Right? Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (18:25.036)


Brittany Herzberg (18:31.366)

Yeah, and there's no real right or wrong way to do things. And even once you figure out what your human design is and what that looks like and all the different elements like you were hinting at, it doesn't mean that you're like, you've been doing life wrong or you're going to do life right now or anything. It's just kind of like, what are some of the clues we can look for and how can we take those and use those for things like marketing, for things like writing copy, for things like even probably developing our offer suite.

Rachael (18:58.614)

Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (19:00.318)

Oh, that is so cool. I wonder where I want to take this now. Is there anything that you, while we're having this conversation, is there anything that's like bubbling up that you're like, oh, I want to make sure I talk about this or anything you're thinking of tying together?

Rachael (19:14.402)

I think all of this always comes back to being authentic and yourself. Like when people say you have to be your authentic self, I know I go, well, what the hell does that mean? What like when who is my authentic self and how do I show up like that? And there's so many stories that we have from our past, from like all the things. Right. And then we have a couple of that with the incoming of this is how it should be done. This is how you should market.

Brittany Herzberg (19:23.662)


Rachael (19:41.186)

confusing all of it. And so you become diluted in your messaging. You become like a watered down version because either the stories that you've grown up with and were told about who you are and with the incoming of like, this is how you should do it. When being authentic is looking at those stories and going, no, that's not me. This is who I am, knowing who you are.

and looking at the other information of how you should do it and be like, no, I'm going to do it the way I want to do it because honestly, every way can work. Every strategy can work. It just is it right and aligned for you, right?

Brittany Herzberg (20:16.122)


Rachael (20:21.494)

and trusting in that process. I think so many newbie entrepreneurs don't trust the process. They're like, why am I not making money yet? Or why, why does this feel so hard? Like a lot, it takes a lot of experimenting in the beginning, whether you're a third line or not, it just takes experimenting. You have to trust the process, throw shit out there, see what happens and like take the information, adjust and take another step, right? And I think we just get so caught up in

has to look a certain way when it just has to be you.

Brittany Herzberg (20:55.526)

Yeah, it does. So something that I'm thinking about as you're sharing that is like, how can we check that? So earlier, I mentioned asking yes and no, and also just like letting these ideas bubble up and making note of them and then looking for kind of like a validating point out there in the world just with like someone saying something or me seeing something. How can we check that where maybe we feel like something is authentic?

or we're questioning if it's authentically us, or we just have a question and it doesn't seem super clear. Are there ways we can check that?

Rachael (21:31.246)

I want to say the results that you're getting, but that's not always the case. Because some people can do the unaligned thing and still get results, where somebody else can do the unaligned thing and not get any results. Right? It can be both ways. But I think...

to really check in with yourself, I think it comes back to, are you building the business the way you want? Or is there any shoulding happen? Like, right? Like, I should do this, I should do that. And it's always being intentional with what you're doing. Right? If you're intentionally saying, well, I'm gonna try this strategy, I'm gonna see what works, then that's in alignment, right? You're following the strategy and authority, you're being intentional about that decision.

And eventually he'll figure out like, ooh, that felt terrible and that feels better. We're gonna go in that direction. And that's it. So I think if you don't know what your strategy and authority are, that is, I think the best way to do it is like, are you being intentional with your decisions and what you're doing in your business? Or are you doing it because someone said you should? Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (22:23.846)


Brittany Herzberg (22:38.142)

Yeah. Mm-hmm. And something else, as you're talking that I'm thinking of is with SEO, I always start off with three questions. Who do you help? How do you help them? What do you want to be known for? And they sound really simple, but they're actually kind of like, I wouldn't, triggering is not the right word, but they really make people stop. Because it's like, I know this, but what, huh? Like I've never had anybody ask me about this. So like, let me take a minute and think about it.

Rachael (22:47.008)


Rachael (22:51.659)


Rachael (23:04.159)

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Or they'll give you a really vague answer. Do you get vague answers?

Brittany Herzberg (23:11.752)

so generic where it's like, I've seen this on 15 websites, I know who you follow.

Rachael (23:14.147)

Oh, yeah.

Rachael (23:19.97)

Exactly. Like what do you want to be known for? Uh, health coach. Like, no. No. No, no.

Brittany Herzberg (23:27.246)

No, we can't. We're just... Like, give me something more. Like, what's the next layer underneath that? Yeah, so there's definitely that. And then I feel like another way that people could check it, like, if they've been listening to the podcast, we know that I talk about social proof. And, you know, I also start people with social proof. That's step one with keyword research in my world. So if you're seeing social proof that...

Rachael (23:33.678)


Rachael (23:46.134)

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (23:52.726)

maybe from people that you don't necessarily want to continue to attract. Like that could be like a good step, you know, I don't know, you're at a stoplight and it's like, do we want to go? Like is this green? Is this like a yellow light? Where it's like, I don't know, maybe? Like I could kind of work with them. Or is this like a glaring red light? Where it's like, yeah, no, we don't want any more of these people.

Rachael (24:12.17)

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, totally. I mean, I talk all the time about like dream, like level 10 clients versus level one clients and the problems that you're solving for them. Like level 10 people, you're solving problems that you freaking love to solve. They like light you up to solve this problem for someone versus level ones is like, well, I can help you with that, I guess. I don't really, fine, right? Like it's like, oh, I don't want to deal with you.

Brittany Herzberg (24:33.262)


Brittany Herzberg (24:37.683)

Yeah, like sure I could do that.

Rachael (24:39.834)

Yeah, we don't want client studies. We don't want any testimonials from these people. We don't want any of it. We don't want the internet telling anyone that we do this. I liken it to when I was in photography, I had a photography business and the advice was always don't put a picture on your website that you would want to take again.

Brittany Herzberg (24:46.83)

I'm sorry.

Rachael (25:02.974)

Right? So if you are putting pictures that are, um, like I was a documentary photography, so I wouldn't put pictures of super posed people on my website because that would attract people that want that, right? Versus putting all journalistic style stuff on my website. It's kind of the same when you get up to talking about coaching and that kind of thing. You don't want to talk about a problem you don't want to solve. The end. Don't do it.

Brittany Herzberg (25:14.721)


Brittany Herzberg (25:27.682)

Period, the end. That'll do it. This was something that came up with my massage practice too, where it's kind of like...

Rachael (25:35.717)


Brittany Herzberg (25:36.974)

I could help lots of people. I could relieve pain. I could just make someone feel relaxed for like an hour, but what I really wanted to do. So I got really specific. And again, this like so very much comes back to SEO, the copy that you're putting out there, the messaging that's out there. I really wanted to help people who had migraines, who were desk jockeys and like sitting in a chair all day long. I wanted to help those people, chronic pain. So those are the things that I put on my website. Those were the emails that I was sharing. That's what I would even talk about.

Rachael (26:00.342)


Brittany Herzberg (26:07.018)

you know, with my clients in real life, or if they were trying to send me someone, it's, it's like, you know, I want to send my mom to you and she's in town. Okay, cool. What kind of massage does she like? What do you think she's looking for? Oh, she just wants to like, you know, just go to a spa. Okay, we'll go to a spa here a couple of great ones. Like she's going to have a better experience there. I'm going to be able to fill my, you know, my client list, my schedule with people who want the work that I have to offer. And that really lights me up, like you're saying.

Rachael (26:16.834)


Rachael (26:26.223)


Rachael (26:34.554)

Well, and I think when you're working only with those people solving the problems you really love to solve, that's when you get really great client testimonials because those are the people that are like, oh, this was amazing. You've helped me so much. That's what builds the momentum even more in the direction of what you want to do. Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (26:40.93)


Brittany Herzberg (26:52.094)

Yeah, that's true because even you're seeing that like, oh, I can do this thing that I really, really like. I can make a living this way. I can only attract these people. I, yeah, that's a really good point because I feel like so many times we're like, we need to make rent or we just feel like we should be helping everyone that comes in the door. And it's like, no, if you stop saying yes to those clients that are kind of like an itch kind of thing, or yeah, sure, I could help you. You make way for the people that are.

Rachael (26:59.083)


Brittany Herzberg (27:20.15)

the dreamboat clients like you like to call them. Oh my gosh. I have another question and then we'll probably like wrap this up but are there different things different pieces of human design that you feel like get pulled in at different levels of business? So someone starting out versus like five years in versus 10 years in?

Rachael (27:22.55)

Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Rachael (27:42.798)

Um, I would say not really. I think you can go as deep as you want into human design. I have several clients that are like, well, where can I find my ideal client in my chart? And I'm like, well, you can't. I mean, you can find some hints, but you're not going to get like, your person is 45 and older, like, that's not exactly how it works.

Brittany Herzberg (27:55.112)


Brittany Herzberg (28:03.134)


Rachael (28:07.706)

But you can go down whatever rabbit hole you want and really understand your chart. I think it does If you're interested in it if it if it's like lighting you up to go down that rabbit hole Then studying your human design chart will ultimately absolutely help you in your business But it's not a necessity in any way So I feel like if you know the basics the kind of that we talked about the type the throat mercury that kind of stuff And how you want to communicate?

Like that's all you really need in terms of your messaging and even creating offers and creating a structure in your business because you're gonna learn type and, or you're gonna learn strategy and authority on your own with that. And that's honestly all you really need. So it kind of depends on like your own curiosity. Is your own curiosity pulling you down to learn more or are you satisfied with what you got now? Does that make sense? Yeah.

Brittany Herzberg (29:02.43)

Yeah, and I feel like you bring up a really good point too that human design, in my eyes at least, seems to really be about figuring out who we are and getting closer to that authentic self or getting closer to the things that make us happy, light us up, make us feel good about the life that we're living and the things that we're doing. And by really getting closer to that version of you and getting more clarity around that, you then end up attracting those.

Rachael (29:11.854)

Thanks for watching!

Brittany Herzberg (29:29.726)

ideal clients. So it's not about figuring them out. It's about starting with you first.

Rachael (29:31.382)

Thank you.

Absolutely. I love that point. Yeah, exactly. The more that you are you and showing up doing like I said solving the problems that you love to solve showing up as Your vibrant self the more you attract the right people to you. Yeah

Brittany Herzberg (29:49.634)

I love it. Okay, make sure, I want you to tell people where they can find you, but make sure to tell them about your podcast. I love it. Okay, make sure, I want you to tell people like where they can find you, but make sure

Rachael (29:57.134)

Well the podcast is on hold. Oh for sure, for sure. Yeah, so it's Be You Babe on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, and on YouTube. You can come into my free Facebook group, which is the Aligned Copyposse. The website is I just like totally redesigned it, all the things. And then Instagram, imra or Instagram.

Brittany Herzberg (29:59.382)

But there's good stuff that they can go back and binge for sure.

Rachael (30:26.146)

I am Rachel Weaver. Yeah, I realized... Yeah, I put all the links because I realized I was like, they're all different! Huh, that's so many done of me.

Brittany Herzberg (30:28.807)

We'll have all the links.

Brittany Herzberg (30:34.261)

I know.

I don't understand that at all. Oh my gosh, this has been really awesome. Thanks so much for coming on and sharing all your wisdom. Like I said, I'll have all of the links below. Yeah, of course. Awesome. All right, we will check you next time.

Rachael (30:45.478)

Yeah, thanks for having me. Yeah, thanks.

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

How to Optimize YouTube Case Study Videos w/ Jamar Diggs


Mindi Trimble's Experience in The Case Study Training Program