SEO is working so fast for my clients—so of course I want to share their wins with you! So many SEO consultants/pros/experts will have you believe SEO is complicated, costly, & confusing.

Well… sure! It’s all of those things when you don’t have a good guide. Which is why I want to start us off with a foundation of where to even begin with SEO. And then I’ll break down some recent SEO client success stories—including just how fast they're seeing results!


This has been a really big talking point for me recently. From client calls to the streets of Instagram, I’m spreading the word! 

→ Your SEO efforts need to begin on your website. 

Because your website is where:

  • People get to know you better

  • People get a sense of how you can help

  • People can make purchases or sign up to work with you

It’s home base. And SEO must start at home, friend!


There are a series of steps to take to improve your website SEO.

I like to start by having clients answer these 3 questions:

  • WHO do you help?

  • HOW do you help them?

  • WHAT do you want to be known for or as?

We’re starting there because those answers become the filter for your keywords, SEO strategy, and—eventually—your content (like blogs & podcasts).

Once you’re clear on those answers, you get to do keyword research, create your SEO strategy, & plug it into your website!

If you’re wanting some guidance on where to even begin optimizing your site for SEO, book a Mini SEO Audit.

No matter what option you choose, it’s always helpful to have a guide at the ready who can explain terms, tell you if a metric is in the “normal” range, or simply reassure you that “it’s totally normal.”

It’s been an honor to support each & every one of my clients in their SEO journeys! Let’s take a look at a few recent incredible SEO successes…


I regularly get messages like this from my SEO clients:


Lemme give you the translated highlights…

Each client is experiencing new leads finding them on Google

  • They’re contact forms are quite literally “blowing up!”

  • One client had 10 inquiries about her services just weeks after we plugged her new SEO in 👀

  • People are actually answering “Google” when asked how they discovered these service providers

Their websites are ranking for more keywords & reflecting the increase in traffic

  • More keywords = more places people can find you in a Google search

  • More keywords also shows Google what you’re known for & who you can help

  • The increase in traffic is a byproduct of ranking for more keywords

The keywords they’re showing up for are DIRECTLY tied to their services/audience

  • This is so very freaking important! They’re not showing up for broad keywords—it’s a specific type of coach (sobriety coach, career coach for teachers)

  • When you use this type of keyword, you’re much more likely to get people who are primed to buy/sign on with you

  • This is happening because they’ve optimized their main website pages, blog posts, & even podcast episodes

The wildest part is how quickly my clients are seeing the impact of SEO improvements after we make changes.

If you ever book a discovery call with me, come to a workshop, read a blog post, etc. you’ll hear me say that “industry average shows that SEO ‘works’ in about 3-6 months.

Which is true.

But I’m seeing my clients get results with SEO in a matter of weeks, sometimes days!

Now, of course, these results need context—some of which I can give you & some of which I just don’t know because tech be techin’.

I’m working on the more robust case study versions of these successes, but here are the high-level versions of their stories…

Client no. 1️⃣ Podcast Producer

After deciding to change her audience (but continue offering the same services), she hired me to update her website SEO strategy. 

Important context:

She already had an existing SEO strategy for most of her pages and was regularly blogging for at least 1 year.

What we did: DFY website SEO optimization (lite)

She answered a questionnaire, I did keyword research, she reviewed it, & I used those keywords to create an SEO strategy for her main website pages (Home, Services, About, Resources, Blog, Contact, Freebie). We forwarded the new SEO strategy to her website person & she was able to get that plugged in quickly for us!

The results:

Just about 4weeks after we plugged in her updated SEO strategy, she got her first lead directly from a Google search! She had a discovery call & the client signed on!

Client no. 2️⃣ Sobriety Coach

A couple years ago, I worked with her to create a few new Welcome Email Sequences. We stayed in touch & she knew eventually she wanted to focus on SEO. This is that year! 

Important context:

She has a well-known podcast, a large Instagram following, a book, & so much more! She wanted to start by optimizing her website SEO & then move into podcast SEO. (She started out DIYing the podcast SEO & recently reached out to see if I could do that for her.)

What we did: DFY website SEO optimization (lite), podcast SEO

She answered a questionnaire, I did keyword research, she reviewed it, & I used those keywords to create an SEO strategy for 5 main website pages (Home, Services, About, Payments, Contact). We got on a wrap up call where I walked her through plugging the SEO into her site (which only takes about 15 minutes!).

The results:

🖥️ 2 months after optimizing her website’s SEO strategy, she’s got her first hot 🌶️ lead from Google!

🎙️ AND just 2 days after optimizing 10 podcast episodes, her podcast downloads increased by 16%!!!

Client no. 3️⃣ Virtual & In-Person Therapy Practice

This client was referred to me by a friend. She had a new-ish website & wanted to boost her bookings after adding on 2 new therapists. Her friend mentioned SEO would be a smart next move!

Important context:

  • The therapy practice only operates in one state (for the time being), so local SEO was a HUGE part of the strategy.

  • This practice was shifting away from the traditional insurance model & focusing more on cash pay, so we highlighted that.

  • There are multiple therapists at this practice. We took that into account when identifying the best keywords to use for this practice.

What we did: DFY website SEO optimization (lite)

She answered a questionnaire, I did keyword research, she reviewed it, & I used those keywords to create an SEO strategy for 5 main website pages (Home, Services, About, Payments, Contact). We got on a wrap up call where I walked her through plugging the SEO into her site (which only takes about 15 minutes!).

The results:

After just 3 weeks, she messaged me saying “the form is working! My phone and contact form have been blowing up” with new patients! People weren’t just finding her on Google—they were reaching out to book appointments!


The thing all these clients have in common is that they took the first step with SEO! 🐾

For some, that was the DIY route with podcast SEO download. For others, they jumped right into the deep end with DFY website SEO support.

I want you to remember one really key thing…

SEO loves time! It always has & always will. But it CAN absolutely work really super freaking fast!

It takes a hot minute to lock in, but once it does—it’s nuts what can happen! Most notably:

🎉 increased website traffic which = more clients finding you & signing on

🎉 website ranking for more keywords (helping you become known for something)

🎉 my email blowing up with messages from you sharing all these SEO wins with me!

If you’re looking for SEO support right now, you have options—and I’ve linked them throughout this blog post.

But if all you need to hear today is that SEO works, I’m stoked I get to be the one to share that happy news with you!

People are searching for you right now, make sure they can find you quickly & easily.


Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Boost Productivity by Seeking Support w/ Meridith McCarty


Jordan Gill: Experimentation as an Entrepreneur