My friend & podcast producer Leah Bryant recommended doing a podcast recap & I'm very here for this! So... Here's what happened that's podcast-related in the month of May.
Also! Before we officially get into it, you’ll notice the shorter, solo episodes have a new feel to them.
I’ve made the Friday solo episodes more strategic
They’ve got a new name: The Basics w/ B (in the spirit of simplicity 😉)
Each short, solo episode teases out one BIG point from every Wednesday guest episode
The Basic B Podcast is the weekly show service providers (solopreneurs AND supported CEOs) count on to bring them simple, organic marketing strategies—with a side of sass.
Hosted by SEO & case study copywriting queen Brittany Herzberg (AKA the Kevin Bacon of the online business world). She’s mastered the 3 S’s of sales:
SEO (get the right people to your site)
Storytelling (hook & engage them)
Social Proof (give them the feeling of working with you before they actually do)
…and she wants you to master them too!
You’re sure to always walk away with smart strategies, a pep in your step, & a smile on your face!
🎧 LinkedIn Frequently Asked Questions w/ Salina Yeung
(Salina is my trusted go-to advisor for all things LinkedIn! It doesn’t hurt that she used to work at the social media platform. In this interview, Salina is sharing LOTS of info to answer common FAQs!)
🎧 4 Important On-Page SEO Factors
(There are 4 SEO pieces you must have in place on every single page on your site in order to improve your ranking. Following best practice guidelines enables you to show up in search results—right where your ideal clients are looking for you! With these quick fixes, you’ll elevate your copy, market more easily, & convert people more easily (to podcast listeners, blog readers, paying clients, & more)!)
🎧 Nervous System Regulation for Business Owners w/ Kathleen Booker
(As a massage therapist turned SEO copywriter, health & wellness are still very top-of-mind for me! Not only do I care about you, the business owner, I also happen to know some incredible healers—like Kathleen! She’s a breathwork facilitator, but I’m bound & determined to find a more lively way to explain what she does! Guess you’ll just have to tune into the episode… 😉 Don’t miss the exclusive guided breathwork session!)
🎧 Self-Care Tips & Tools for Entrepreneurs
(As I mentioned… I know some really amazing healers, fascilitators, specialists, etc. I’m using this episode to introduce you to the people and modalities that have been extremely helpful on my healing & wellness journey—especially in the last couple years.)
🎧 The Sacred Money Archetypes w/ Kelly Marshall
(Meet my bookkeeper! Who, again, is more than just that title. Kelly was introduced to me by my friend Molly Cahill—and I’ll never be able to thank her enough! It’s been so fun & enlightening working with Kelly for my business. But in this episode, we wanted to switch it up & do something fun! Kelly joins me to share all about The Sacred Money Archetypes. Follow along with the conversation by taking this assessment to discover your top 3 Money Archetypes!)
🎧 Healing Your Relationship with & Mindset about: Money
(Money is a taboo & terrifying topic for many entrepreneurs. But the worst thing we can do is ignore it. As business owners & entrepreneurs, the BEST thing we can do for ourselves is to look money straight in the eyeballs—and stop running from it. I share my personal journey with money & finances in this solo show. If you’re even the slightest bit intrigued, this is your sign to listen!)
🎧 The Entrepreneur Journey & Personal Growth w/ Sarah Weiss
(Once upon a time, there were 2 young girls who had big dreams. And then one day—well, it was actually lots of days & events that compounded to tell them they should shrink themselves in every way. They listened. But then one day they woke up & decided they wanted to make a new choice! These are their stories. ❤️)
🎧 Figure Out Who You are & Do it on Purpose
(People will NOT work with you if they don’t vibe with you. Period. The end. But what does that mean? And how do you even get them to check the vibe with you? YOU are the secret sauce, friend! And you’ve got to do more than just identify what that means & give it a name. You’ve got to share that with people—even though it can be really scary. All that & more is packed into this episode hosted by your favorite spotlight-shunning introvert!)
🎧 Accessibility in SEO & Podcast Marketing w/ Erin Perkins
(Ever since my blind web designer friend Randi put me on speaker phone while Jaws read my website to her—I’ve been passionate about accessibility! Now, I’m not perfect—but just like you’ll hear Erin discuss, it’s about progress over perfection. Tune in to discover accessibility tips & strategies that are easy to implement for your podcast and SEO marketing plans!)
🎧 [Quick Win] Image Optimization for Blogs & Podcast Guest Headshots
(I’ve been teasing this episode for the longest time. But I finally did it! If you’ve been curious about using images (screenshots, headshots, graphics, etc.) as part of your organic marketing strategy—run to this episode!)
The Basic B as a podcast guest
I was also a featured guest on these podcasts this month:
What has your biggest "aha moment" been so far from the show?
(Tell me in the comments or say hi on Instagram!)
Click the “Follow” button for The Basic B Podcast on Apple Podcasts. (It’s in the lower right hand corner of this screenshot.)
Click the “Follow” button for The Basic B Podcast on Spotify. (It’s in the lower left hand corner of this screenshot.)
📝 RATE or REVIEW the podcast:
Takes 1-2 minutes longer but is a great way to start flexing those new skills of yours—you know... the SEO, social proof, & storytelling.
(You can do this on Spotify & Apple! If you’re on YouTube, perhaps you’ll leave a comment on an episode you really enjoyed?)
If you want some prompts to get your juices flowing about what to say in the review, this is for you:
Subject: Say something here that will draw in the right listener. (Is it maybe a “must-listen for entrepreneurs” or “the best organic marketing advice”?)
Review: In this section, share 1-2 sentences about why someone needs to listen to this podcast. (What’s in it for them? What have you enjoyed about the show? Was there a specific interview or topic that you just loved?)
Example podcast reviews that have been shared about The Basic B podcast:
Quick links:
I hope you know how SO VERY GRATEFUL I am for you ❤️
I can’t wait to see what happens on The Basic B podcast next month!
You can already check out the very first episode: “How Justin Finally got Headlines w/ Personality and SEO” 😉
Remember—you can…
I’ll be answering these questions on future podcasts!
(I’m still not quite sure how this will shape up—if I’ll dedicate 1 full episode to answering questions like an FAQ episode, or if I’ll create individual episodes for each question—but send in your Q’s & let’s see what happens!)