How to optimize your website copywriting—using SEO—in 3 simple steps!

(w/ SEO & Content Marketing Copywriter, Brittany Herzberg)

I’ve been wanting to update my website words for quite some time.

But of course I had the typical “issues.” 

I’ve been...

  • Copywriting & strategizing for my clients—like Celi!

  • Recording & promoting the podcast (more on that below…)

  • Filming Reels! (I love Instagram *sigh*)

  • Having too much fun on Threads (are you over there?!)

My website copy has served me well for over 2 years. But I’m ready to upgrade!

Plus—some things have changed. 

That list includes:

→ expanding the industry I help (was healthcare… now I serve: service providers)

→ updating my “I help” statement (check it out in action on Instagram)

starting a podcast—The Simple & Smart SEO Show w/ my friend Crystal!

→ figuring out what I want to be known for: making organic content marketing fun & approachable for ALL business owners ➡️ from Side Hustlers to Supported CEO’s

→ reevaluating my offer suite (I’ve narrowed it down to SEO & content copywriting & strategy)

→ getting SO many backlinks & using that to bolster my authority when it comes to SEO, storytelling, & social proof

I thought it would be fun to share the step-by-step of the process I took myself through—even as a copywriter—to optimize my site!

These are the exact steps I worked through. You might be surprised to find an element of SEO in each step.

(I’m pleased to share that my web copy—for the Home, About, & Services pages—was updated in mid July) ↓

Step 1 | SEO keyword research

If you’ve listened to the podcast, you’ll know that SEO is THE way to get found online by your ideal clients.

As I love to say—SEO is how you show up as the answer to a Googled question!

SEO stands for: search engine optimization

And you create a strategy by doing the following:

Write down who you help, how, & what you want to be known for.

Complete keyword research (you can do this fo’ free using Google).

Create your SEO attack plan for each page using this SEO Basics Checklist

Fun fact: not only is there on-site SEO (which that checklist helps you with), there’s also off-site SEO.

Off-site SEO includes any activity away from your website that contributes to your online vortex.

Think: Instagram, LinkedIn, podcast interviews, etc. 

You may notice that the first step is all about jotting down answers to 3 questions. (I take my clients through this exact exercise as part of the onboarding process. So… if you can’t answer those 3, you’re not ready to contact me—yet.)

By answering those questions, you start whittling down the pool of internet strangers who might just be are looking for you!

When you listen to what people (strangers & clients) are asking, it’s super easy to include the right keywords in your website copy.

Speaking of things to say on your site…

Step 2 | Storytelling


It’s a widely-accepted fact these days—as Kindra Hall points out in her book Stories that Stick—that stories are the most effective sales tool you can wield.

Let’s try this on for size for a sec…

Recently, Daniel (my boyfriend) & I were staying at an AirBnB we love. 
Like love love. ALL the heart-eyes. ALL the stars.

I don’t know about you, but I am all about a luxurious shower. One with a seat, some nice tile, & OMG-so-good water pressure!

Well, this apartment doesn't have that. Instead, we’re stuck with this ridiculously small tub/shower situation.

And when we had a chance to chat with the hosts—we learned that the husband’s mother lived there for a short while & she practically begged him to install that shower/tub I’ve dreaded.

So, while I wasn’t “sold” a “thing” I was sold on the fact that I could learn to like the bathroom fixture a bit more.

Which made me feel more comfortable & all these other lovely things.

Stories aren’t meant to only exist in your emails, blogs, & case studies.

When you take the time to pop in stories throughout your site, you give the reader a glimpse into who you are, a connection point with you, & you keep them engaged juuust a little longer on your site.

You might be wondering how SEO plays into this step.

By including these little life moments, you increase your chances of showing up in searches for “other things” that you weren’t hoping to rank for.

Case in point: my friend Erin once shared that she ranks for “ice cream copywriter.” Fun, right?!

The only thing that’s left to add to your copy at this point is ↓

Step 3 | Social proof

Social proof is anything that provides evidence you’ve helped other people solve X problem before.

It can include surveys, testimonials, audio or video recordings, screenshots, case studies, etc.

People don’t want to hear how great you are from you—they want to hear it from others. 

Think about your own buying behavior. 

Are you like the 90% of people who trust what a customer says about a business more than what the business says about itself?


I am. 

I want to know what you’re like—not only from you, but also from those you’ve helped. I want to know what it’s like to work with you, if we have anything in common, & what you value. (You can peep my values on my About page.)

You may have noticed I have 2 products related to testimonials in the digital shop.

There’s the Client Testimonial Template and the Testimonial Template w/ Training.

They exist because having REAL good social proof is critical to a stranger building trust with you.

And trust—as we can see—leads to sales.

The final point about social proof is an unexpected one…

When you include your clients’ words, there are often hidden SEO terms nestled in there.

Yeah, I know! Our people say things way better than we could ever hope to. It’s a client-only-superpower.

So don’t be shy about including those testimonials.

In conclusion…

No matter if you’re writing or re-writing your web copy, it’s important to include these 3 elements:

  • SEO keyword research & strategy → so the right people find & contact you

  • Storytelling → include stories for connection throughout your site

  • Social proof → people want to know they can trust you—this is the easiest way

If you clicked over here hoping to find some support as you navigate writing or rewriting your web copy, here’s what I can offer you…

→ SEO Strategy Session

Get strategic suggestions from an expert (me!) to improve your site’s SEO. You’re still doing the work, but I’m giving you resources & guidance to help you easily knock this out-of-the-park!

→ DFY Case Study Copy

Get a case study written for you that will market for you—because it’s written with SEO + storytelling + social proof! Prepare for clients to find you, fall in love with you, & happily hand you their money. 💰

→ SEO Packet (research & strategy)

Get all the strategy pieces along with an explanation of what goes where. Be ready to have more of those warm-to-hot leads knocking on your digital door!

What other SEO web copy Q’s do you have?

Drop ‘em below! ⤵️

I use your questions to create the content you’re asking for.

Brittany Herzberg

SEO Consultant & Copywriter for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

How do SEO and social media marketing work together?


Introvert speaking: My own case study as a shy, heat-sensitive woman who wanted to master public speaking